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Short:multi format sound player.
Author: lombi at (Lorence Lombardo)
Uploader:lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo)
Requires:mpega.library, sndfile.library
Download:mus/play/playOGG.lha - View contents

       _              ____   _____  _____ 
      | |            / __ \ / ____|/ ____|
 _ __ | | __ _ _   _| |  | | |  __| |  __ 
| '_ \| |/ _` | | | | |  | | | |_ | | |_ |
| |_) | | (_| | |_| | |__| | |__| | |__| |
| .__/|_|\__,_|\__, |\____/ \_____|\_____|
| |             __/ |                     
|_|            |___/                      

playOGG v140508  (C) 2005-2014  Lorence Lombardo.

A minimum of 16MB of fast RAM is recommended to use playOGG reasonably

A 68020 or greater is also required. 

AHI & "reqtools.library" recommended...!!!

What the @#$% is playOGG ?

playOGG is a sound player for OGG Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, AC3, RA, SID, SAP,
other modules and many other sound formats. Raw files having the extension
".raw" will be treated as CDR/CDDA standard. For the other supported sound
module types please refer to the "PS3Mrec", "med2xm" documentation and for
the other supported sound formats please refer to the sox documentation.
Support for Christian Buchner's ADPCM2/3 package has also been added. See
the archive "ADPCM_Package.lha" on the aminet for related interest. There is
also support for Stéphane TAVENARD's ADPCM4 format. The AAC format is also
supported. Support for Richard Koerber's 16SV format has also been added.
See the archives "SoundBox.lha" and "SoundBoxKey.lha" on the aminet for more
information about the 16SV format. There is also support for 8SVX-ADPCM2/3.
See the archive "8svx_comp.lha" on the aminet for more information about
this format. 8SVX-FDC/EDC is also supported see the archive "wavepak.lha" on
the aminet for more information about this format. AIFF and WAV files
compressed with "Shorten" are also supported. RIFX-WAVE Motorola files are
also supported and "8SVXtoXXX.lha" from the aminet is able to produce this
format. Float 32 & 64 bit file types such as AIFF and WAV are also

playOGG is also a sound player for a number of video formats. Please refer
to the "ffmpeg" documentation for the supported formats. A number of video
formats have been disabled by default, since these formats seem to be hit
and miss by the ffmpeg decoder due to these formats having a number of sub
variants. These formats may or may not cause ffmpeg to crash and are as
follows:-  AVI, ASF and MOV . To enable the playing of these formats you
need to set the "ENABLE" icon tooltype to "1". See the archive "ffmpeg.lha"
on the aminet for the complete package.

playOGG uses a dual device buffering system, which is calculated relative to 
the files specification. There is a "BUFFER_DIVIDE" icon tool type which
will allow you to change the PIPE and AUDIO buffers to your liking.
Increasing this value will actually reduce the buffer size and valid values
are between 1 and 200. There is also an AHI "UNIT" tool type. There is a
volume "BOOST" tool type for the other sound module types. Please refer to
the "PS3Mrec" documentation about this. Setting the "BOOST" tool type to
"AUTO" instead of a value will automatically provide the optimum boost value
specifically for each track. There is also a "VERBOSE" tool type if you want
to see what the player decoder in use is doing set it to "1". The
recommended output device for verbose mode is the "RAW:" device, however
this can be changed with the "VDEV" tooltype. The "BUTTON_WIDTH" and
"BUTTON_HEIGHT" tool type's allows you to set the buttons dimensions not
less than 20 and not less than 10 respectively. The window's size will be
automatically adjusted for you. Setting the "QUIT" tool type to 1 allows
playOGG to automatically quit at the end of the last track when in play.
Setting it to -1 allows playOGG to play in a continuous loop when in play.
The "PUBSCREEN" tooltype should be fairly straight forward. Setting the
"TIME" tooltype to 1 will allow the track time to be displayed in playOGG's
window title bar. Different track formats will have different levels of
time support. playOGG provides its maximum time display support for file
types such as WAV and CDR of file sizes of up to 4GB, and beyond that for
the AIFF format (bits x channels / 2 = GB max for AIFF) . Setting the "PROG"
tooltype to an integer value greater than 0 will activate the progress
indicator and will make it the height of that value. The valid range for
this tooltype is between 0 and 100. The "PROG_COL1" and "PROG_COL2"
tooltypes allows you to set the colors of the progress indicator.
If the "MMU" tooltype is set to "1" then the formats ULT, AMF, IT, GDM,
669, STM, MMD0, OKTA and FAR will be played with MikMod Utilities instead of
XMP. Setting the "PS3MREC" tooltype to "0" will divert all of "PS3Mrec"'s
formats to XMP. When the "MED2XM" tooltype is set to "1" MMD1/2/3 will be
played with the med2xm/PS3Mrec combination, otherwise it will be played
via XMP. When the "SIZEABLE" tooltype is set to "1" this adds a larger
bottom border with a size gadget to playOGG's window's, allowing re-sizing
to occur during usage. When the "SAVEONEXIT" tooltype is set to "1"
playOGG's button dimensions and the list managers window dimensions will be
saved to the tooltype's, if a change has occured upon exiting playOGG. 

When the MULTI_SC68 tooltype is set to "1" this enables the SC68 multi track
selector for sc68 files which contain multiple tracks. If the "ALL" button
is clicked all tracks will be played. If the close gadget is clicked then
the default track will be played. The default track will be shown in the
selectors window title bar. When the MULTI_SC68 tooltype set to "0" only the
default track is played. When setting the MULTI_SC68 tooltype to "2" this
will play all of the tracks within a multi track sc68 file without bringing
up the multi track selector.

The MULTI_AHX tooltype has the same behaviour as the MULTI_SC68 tooltype,
but for AHX files which contain multiple tracks. The default track will
always be zero for AHX files.

The xPack library will be utilised if available. StoneCracker, Imploder,
PowerPacker and CrunchMania crunchers are also supported.
XFD will also be utilized if available for other crunch types.

XAD will also be utilized if available for the following single packed
archivers and packers:- LHA, LZX, ZIP, 7zip, Shrink, BZIP, GZIP and
compress. See "arcsing.lha" on the aminet for related interest.
All other XAD type files are also supported, but the files mentioned have
slightly better support.

playOGG can be launched from the WorkBench or CLI. If no parameters are
given from CLI, playOGG will behave the same as if launched from the

CLI usage is as follows:-

 playOGG <file/pattern> -v -o -r -s -d -q -l -t -n -b -f -ve -vn -oN -uN

  -v = Verbose
  -o = Verbose off
  -r = recursively scan sub directories.
  -s = sort wild card files alphabetically.
  -d = dont quit automatically at end of last track when in play.
  -q = quit automatically at end of last track when in play.
  -l = loop's the playlist.
  -t = time display on.
  -n = no time display.
  -b = sets batch conversion mode. `playOGG -b help' for more info.
  -f = file/dir/pattern
  -1 = mono's output to all & is 16 bit max.
  -0 = switches mono off.
 -ve = verbose encoder from CLI.
 -vn = version number.
 -o1 = output to `AUDIO:' device.
 -o2 = output to `ahi.device'.
 -o3 = output to `audio.device'.
 -o4 = output to `AUD:' device.
 -o5 = output to `AUD:' device, mono & 1 channel only.
 -uN = `AUDIO:' and `ahi.device' unit, `N' can be between 0 and 3.

 eg. playOGG -v -r -s music/#?.ogg music2/#?.mp3

 File outputs to a given <file_name>. One input file only. :-

  -a = AIFF
  -w = WAV
  -2 = ADPCM2
  -3 = ADPCM3
  -m = MAESTRO
 -sa = SUN-AU
 -s1 = SUN-AU-ALAW, 16bit
 -s2 = SUN-AU-ULAW, 16bit
 -s3 = SUN-AU-G721, 16bit mono
 -s4 = SUN-AU-G723, 16bit mono
 -da = DEC-AU
 -d1 = DEC-AU-ALAW, 16bit
 -d2 = DEC-AU-ULAW, 16bit
 -d3 = DEC-AU-G721, 16bit mono
 -d4 = DEC-AU-G723, 16bit mono
 -m3 = MP3
 -m4 = MP4
 -ac = AAC
 -og = OGG
 -fc = FLAC
 -sv = 8SVX
 -vc = VOC
 -ma = MAUD (via SOX 16bit max)
 -cd = CDR
 -a4 = ADPCM4
 -a3 = AC3
 -m2 = MP2
 -rm = Real Media
 -w1 = WAVPACK, lossless compression.
 -w2 = WAVPACK, lots of compression.
 -w3 = RIFF-WAVE-IMA-ADPCM, 16 bit
 -w4 = RIFF-WAVE-ALAW, 16 bit
 -w5 = RIFF-WAVE-ULAW, 16 bit
 -w6 = RIFF-WAVE-GSM-6.10, 16 bit mono
 -if = IFF-SV
 -82 = 8SVX-ADPCM2
 -83 = 8SVX-ADPCM3
 -8f = 8SVX-FDC
 -8e = 8SVX-EDC
 -md = IFF-MAUD
 -l2 = LLADPCM2
 -l3 = LLADPCM3
 -b1 = BONK, lossless compression.
 -b2 = BONK, lots of compression.
 -p1 = Paris Motorola, 16bit
 -p2 = Paris Intel, 16bit
 -op = OGG Opus

 eg. playOGG Rockers.mp3 -a Rockers.aiff

Saving to file:-

Saving to file is only possible through CLI and requires the
"sndfile.library" and/or the appropriate encoder. 
When saving to file most of the lower buttons become inactive and there is
is a limited rexx command set available. Only one input file at a time is
supported when saving to file, unless you use the "-b" parameter. For multi
file support I recommend configuring playOGG with your directory utility. I
personally have the following lines in my DiskMaster configuration:-

AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO AIFF, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -a %d%n.aiff
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO WAV, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w %d%n.wav
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO WAV_IMA, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w3 %d%n_ima.wav
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO WAV_AL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w4 %d%n_al.wav
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO WAV_UL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w5 %d%n_ul.wav
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO WAV_GSM, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w6 %d%n_gsm.wav
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO ADPCM2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -2 %d%n.adpcm2
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO ADPCM3, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -3 %d%n.adpcm3
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO SUN, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -sa %d%n.sun
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO SUN_AL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -s1 %d%n_al.sun
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO SUN_UL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -s2 %d%n_ul.sun
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO SUN_g721, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -s3 %d%n_g721.sun
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO SUN_g723, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -s4 %d%n_g723.sun
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO DEC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -da %d%n.dec
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO DEC_AL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -d1 %d%n_al.dec
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO DEC_UL, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -d2 %d%n_ul.dec
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO DEC_g721, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -d3 %d%n_g721.dec
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO DEC_g723, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -d4 %d%n_g723.dec
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO MP3, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -m3 %d%n.mp3
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO MP4, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -m4 %d%n.mp4
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO OGG, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -og %d%n.ogg
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO AAC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -ac %d%n.aac
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO FLAC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -fc %d%n.flac
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO 8SVX, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -sv %d%n.8svx
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO VOC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -vc %d%n.voc
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO MAUD, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -ma %d%n.maud
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO CDR, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -cd %d%n.cdr
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO ADPCM4, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -a4 %d%n.adpcm4
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO AC3, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -a3 %d%n.ac3
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO MP2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -m2 %d%n.mp2
AddMenu SND1, playOGG TO RM, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -rm %d%n.rm

AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO WPK1, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w1 %d%n.wpk
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO WPK2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -w2 %d%n.wpk
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO IFF-SV, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -if
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO 8SVX-A2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -82 %d%n_a2.8svx
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO 8SVX-A3, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -83 %d%n_a3.8svx
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO 8SVX-FDC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -8F %d%n_fdc.8svx
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO 8SVX-EDC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -8E %d%n_edc.8svx
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO IFF-MAUD, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -md %d%n.maud
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO LLADPCM2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -l2 %d%n.l2
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO LLADPCM3, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -l3 %d%n.l3
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO LLADPCM4-FDC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -l4 %d%n.l4
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO LLADPCM5-EDC, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -l5 %d%n.l5
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO MAESTRO, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -m %d%n.maestro
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO PAF, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -p1 %d%n.paf
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO FAP, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -p2 %d%n.fap
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO Bonk1, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -b1 %d%n.bonk
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO Bonk2, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -b2 %d%n.bonk
AddMenu SND2, playOGG TO Opus, extern stack 500000 \sys:sound/playOGG %s -op %d%n.opus

The output file specification will be the same as the input specification
for the PCM file types and 32bit integer for floats.

When outputing to file via an encoder playOGG will convert data to the
requirements of the encoder if necessary.

When encoding CPU demands can be quite high so you can now pause this
process with the "Pause" button, peform another task in between and resume
encoding by pressing the "Play" button. 

playOGG's buttons should be fairly straight forward to anyone who is
familiar with a tape deck or CD player but I will describe them anyway.

 << = Previous track
 >> = Next track
 ][ = Pause
 FF = Fast forwards the current track.
  > = Play
 [] = Stop
  ^ = Eject current track from playlist.
 /\ = Eject entire playlist and open the file requestor.
 #? = Insert files to the current playlist with the file requestor.
  S = Save's an editable play list.
  G = Go to a specific track number.
 GT = Go to a specified time position on the current track.
  Q = ON/OFF/LOOP toggle for auto quit mode. A "q" in the right hand side of
      the window's title indicates that it is on. Auto quit will take effect
      at the end of the last track when in play. A "l" in the right hand
      side of the window's title indicates that the playlist will loop.
  V = ON/OFF toggle for verbose mode. A "v" in the right hand side of the
      window's title indicates that it is on. The change wont take effect
      during the current tracks play.
 LM = Opens playOGG's list manager.
  i = Opens playOGG's info window.
  ? = Program info.

playOGG's list manager is fairly straight forward to use. A single click on
a particular track will indicate the tracks position. A second click will
cause playOGG to go to that particular track. There are also tooltype's to
change the list manager's dimensions.

playOGG has a fairly comprehensive AREXX support. Please refer to
"playOGG_rexx.txt" for more information about this.

playOGG also requires that the files "flac", "speexdec", "shorten" and
"sox" are in the same path, which have been included in this archive.
The complete packages of these files can be found in the archives
"flac.lha", "speex-1.0.3.lha", "shorten-3.6.0.lha", from
"" and "sox-12.16-bin.lha" from
the aminet. You may even wish to replace these files with others which have
been compiled specifically for your amiga system.

NB: 1. SID, MSX and PMD modules are played in a continuous loop until
       there is a user response.

    2. If there is a sound format which you would like to be added to
       playOGG and you know of a decoder which you think is suitable
       suggestions are always welcome.

    3. For best results on WinUAE make sure "cycle exact CPU and blitter" is
       switched off and make sure you have the latest AHI driver installed,
       which should be located in the "Amiga Programs" directory of your
       WinUAE directory.

    4. "oggdec" is not working properly with "ixemul.library 49.17", I use
       version "48.0 (07/14/1998)" from the aminet. Hopefully this problem
       will be fixed with a non ixemul version of "oggdec" or an updated

    5. Do not use the DMX-Storm versions of "Shorten" as they are not
       functioning correctly and will cause problems with playOGG.

    6. 24bit samples such as AIFF's and WAV's will be written as 32bit
       samples to the AHI device so there is no loss of sound quality.

    7. Float 64bit file types will be written as 32bit to the AHI device.

    8. It is not necessary to have a "playOGG" directory. I personally have
       the "playOGG" executable and associated files in the root of my
       "SYS:SOUND" directory.

    9. The priority input above the tooltype's should be not used and left
       set at zero.

playOGG works fine on my Amithlon/WinUAE system but I would be interested in
getting feedback from people with other amiga systems on how good or bad
playOGG works. 

The following Aminet software is recommended to complement playOGG's usage:-
"CDDA-FileSystem.lha", "ProcessManager.lha", "ARCHandler2_0c.lha" and

See "" for the latest AHI beta.

Also see "mpega_libmad.lha" from the aminet for an alternative mpega library

CYA...!!!  :)

Feeling bored ?  :)
Why not check out this URL ?

Contents of mus/play/playOGG.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 1366    1694  80.6% -lh5- b866 Apr 16 12:18
[unknown]                21903   22060  99.3% -lh5- 62fe Mar 12  2012 playOGG/acmtool
[unknown]                  564    1037  54.4% -lh5- 411c Mar 14  2012 playOGG/acm_68k.readme
[unknown]                21660   21888  99.0% -lh5- ebb5 Feb 10 21:43 playOGG/ADPCM_enc
[unknown]                 1138    2332  48.8% -lh5- bc9e Feb 10 21:41 playOGG/ADPCM_enc.readme
[unknown]               224664  224664 100.0% -lh0- 4932 Feb 15  2013 playOGG/adplay
[unknown]                  933    1821  51.2% -lh5- 5c70 Feb 15  2013 playOGG/adplay_68k.readme
[unknown]                  912    1957  46.6% -lh5- cf61 Mar  8  2013 playOGG/afsp_68k.readme
[unknown]                  533     966  55.2% -lh5- bfff Dec  7  2009 playOGG/Agenda.txt
[unknown]                10897   11056  98.6% -lh5- 7178 Jul  3  2007 playOGG/aifc2wav
[unknown]                  325     515  63.1% -lh5- dc3c Jul  3  2007 playOGG/aifc2wav_5.doc
[unknown]                16611   16752  99.2% -lh5- 1fd1 Jan  2  1980 playOGG/alac
[unknown]                  557    1014  54.9% -lh5- ba11 Jan  3  1980 playOGG/alac.txt
[unknown]                  379     703  53.9% -lh5- 90db Feb 21  2011 playOGG/amr-os3.readme
[unknown]                62132   62132 100.0% -lh0- a299 Jan 21  2011 playOGG/amrnb-decoder
[unknown]                44820   44820 100.0% -lh0- 9856 Feb 21  2011 playOGG/amrwb-decoder
[unknown]                48840   48840 100.0% -lh0- 866d Nov 14  2013 playOGG/asapconv
[unknown]                 1238    2958  41.9% -lh5- b837 Nov 14  2013 playOGG/asapconv.readme
[unknown]                15023   15184  98.9% -lh5- 0612 Nov 13  2005 playOGG/audioconvert
[unknown]                  447     819  54.6% -lh5- c9a5 Nov 17  2005 playOGG/audioconvert.doc
[unknown]                14273   14440  98.8% -lh5- 1a63 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/aw2m
[unknown]                  681    1199  56.8% -lh5- 5284 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/aw2m.readme
[unknown]                15642   15772  99.2% -lh5- 3d99 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/aw2sv
[unknown]                  765    1358  56.3% -lh5- 78a7 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/aw2sv.readme
[unknown]                14649   14776  99.1% -lh5- 60e1 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/awm2m
[unknown]                  478     817  58.5% -lh5- f9e2 Oct 14  2013 playOGG/awm2m.readme
[unknown]               130336  130336 100.0% -lh0- 518b Apr  5  2011 playOGG/ay2wav
[unknown]                 3344    3344 100.0% -lh0- 4586 Apr  9  2011 playOGG/ay2wav.txt
[unknown]                66384   66384 100.0% -lh0- 2230 Dec 28  2008 playOGG/bonk
[unknown]                  671    1174  57.2% -lh5- bb80 Sep  1  2011 playOGG/bonk_68k.readme
[unknown]                12542   12708  98.7% -lh5- 8074 Apr  7  2012 playOGG/bonk_enc
[unknown]                  621    1109  56.0% -lh5- 1aee Apr  7  2012 playOGG/bonk_enc.readme
[unknown]                 7051    7176  98.3% -lh5- 9359 Apr  7  2012 playOGG/bonk_enc_control
[unknown]                56844   56844 100.0% -lh0- 0972 Mar  8  2013 playOGG/CopyAudio
[unknown]                17098   17248  99.1% -lh5- 2422 Jun 20  2008 playOGG/demac
[unknown]                  412     707  58.3% -lh5- d11d Jun 20  2008 playOGG/demac_68k.readme
[unknown]                  543    1499  36.2% -lh5- 0fbd Oct 29  2011 playOGG/dumb.readme
[unknown]                77931   83140  93.7% -lh5- f582 Oct 29  2011 playOGG/dumbout
[unknown]                  223     228  97.8% -lh5- b310 Oct 11  2004 playOGG/extras/AmithlonBugFix
[unknown]                  195     342  57.0% -lh5- 5550 Nov 30  2010 playOGG/extras/Baer_start
[unknown]                  254     481  52.8% -lh5- b98e Jun  4  2006 playOGG/extras/
[unknown]                 3393    3395  99.9% -lh5- 5386 Jul 21  2009 playOGG/extras/DOpus_PO_config.png
[unknown]                 1372    3408  40.3% -lh5- 1519 Apr  3  2009 playOGG/extras/Makefile.hvl_2007
[unknown]                  316     646  48.9% -lh5- e4dc Nov  7  2012 playOGG/extras/po_test
[unknown]                  355     730  48.6% -lh5- e094 Jun  1  2009 playOGG/extras/start_qrt
[unknown]                  349     701  49.8% -lh5- 847d Oct  4  2011 playOGG/extras/start_raw
[unknown]               336372  336372 100.0% -lh0- 3267 Jul 18  2009 playOGG/faac
[unknown]                 1446    3319  43.6% -lh5- f438 Jul 19  2009 playOGG/faac_68k.readme
[unknown]               189332  189332 100.0% -lh0- 11ed Feb 19  2013 playOGG/faad
[unknown]                 1800    3750  48.0% -lh5- 4ef9 Feb 19  2013 playOGG/faad2.readme
[unknown]               450660  450660 100.0% -lh0- 778c May  6  2005 playOGG/ffmpeg
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[unknown]                  140     194  72.2% -lh5- b42b Apr  8  2010 playOGG/NoFPU/PO_NoFPU.txt
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[unknown]                  182     256  71.1% -lh5- 1bd8 Jun 21  2009 playOGG/samples/098.dat
[unknown]                  190     256  74.2% -lh5- cdea Jun 21  2009 playOGG/samples/099.dat
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[unknown]                 2202    4806  45.8% -lh5- 87a6 Jun 21  2009 playOGG/samples/101.dat
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[unknown]                 3194    7998  39.9% -lh5- 2b98 Jun 21  2009 playOGG/samples/108.dat
[unknown]                  953    1778  53.6% -lh5- 9a49 Jun 21  2009 playOGG/samples/109.dat
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[unknown]                  131     223  58.7% -lh5- 6957 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/AUTHORS
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[unknown]                 1299    2934  44.3% -lh5- d0e0 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/armalyte.bin
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[unknown]                 4004    7152  56.0% -lh5- 0b1f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/big.bin
[unknown]                 1869    4002  46.7% -lh5- 5aae Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/blipblop.bin
[unknown]                 1297    2192  59.2% -lh5- 2dca Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/blipp079.bin
[unknown]                 1832    2870  63.8% -lh5- 0926 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/bs22.bin
[unknown]                 2159    4702  45.9% -lh5- 6fc1 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/cabal.bin
[unknown]                 2212   12109  18.3% -lh5- 1422 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/chipmon2.bin
[unknown]                 1700    2628  64.7% -lh5- 6a6e Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/cosotfmx.bin
[unknown]                 2590    6250  41.4% -lh5- 927f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/crapman1.bin
[unknown]                 3070    7198  42.7% -lh5- 958d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/crapman2.bin
[unknown]                 1272    2298  55.4% -lh5- e63a Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/deltamusic1.bin
[unknown]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- 6525 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/deltamusic2.bin
[unknown]                 1905    2658  71.7% -lh5- 3fd6 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/digitfmx.bin
[unknown]                 4015    5936  67.6% -lh5- 36bd Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/dmu.bin
[unknown]                   90      90 100.0% -lh0- 6c7d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/dwaga.bin
[unknown]                 4607   21066  21.9% -lh5- 5ebe Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/dyter07.bin
[unknown]                 1957    4878  40.1% -lh5- 5211 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/elf.bin
[unknown]                 1954    6034  32.4% -lh5- 7e9d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/fc13_14.bin
[unknown]                 2866    5998  47.8% -lh5- 92c2 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/fireice.bin
[unknown]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- 329e Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/fred.bin
[unknown]                 4219    8874  47.5% -lh5- 1b7f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/gemx.bin
[unknown]                 4162   12306  33.8% -lh5- a985 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/harlequin.bin
[unknown]                 3556   36194   9.8% -lh5- b42e Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/hippel-coso_note.deli.bin
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[unknown]                 1782    4651  38.3% -lh5- 9ea3 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/huelsbeck.bin
[unknown]                 2230    4834  46.1% -lh5- e0b4 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/huntforredoct.bin
[unknown]                 2827    6666  42.4% -lh5- 5c13 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/ivanhoe.bin
[unknown]                 1126    1782  63.2% -lh5- 181f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/jamcrackerpro.bin
[unknown]                 1842    3054  60.3% -lh5- b99d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/lastninja3.bin
[unknown]                 2291    4698  48.8% -lh5- 2a76 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/lastninjaiii.bin
[unknown]                 1884    3738  50.4% -lh5- bffa Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/lcd.bin
[unknown]                 2940    4218  69.7% -lh5- 7d9b Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/lx_mmme.bin
[unknown]                 1370    1954  70.1% -lh5- 7fab Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/mcoder.bin
[unknown]                 2038    3714  54.9% -lh5- 62f5 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/megatizer.bin
[unknown]                 1838    3838  47.9% -lh5- fd53 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/metrocross.bin
[unknown]                 3623   26937  13.4% -lh5- e126 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/midi.bin
[unknown]                 1807    2796  64.6% -lh5- e66e Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/mmme.bin
[unknown]                 3098    4706  65.8% -lh5- a3f8 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/mmmesid.bin
[unknown]                   70      70 100.0% -lh0- 23bc Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/mon.bin
[unknown]                 2706   34770   7.8% -lh5- 9c40 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/mon_old.deli.bin
[unknown]                 1614    2454  65.8% -lh5- d707 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/musmon1.bin
[unknown]                 2684    4756  56.4% -lh5- 6f39 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/musmon2.bin
[unknown]                 2378    3762  63.2% -lh5- 6e6d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/ninjaremix.bin
[unknown]                 2449    3836  63.8% -lh5- cfe1 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/ninjatfmx.bin
[unknown]                 5375   13078  41.1% -lh5- 69c2 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/nobuddiesland.bin
[unknown]                  110     110 100.0% -lh0- a78c Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/none.bin
[unknown]                  110     110 100.0% -lh0- a78c Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/note.bin
[unknown]                  112     112 100.0% -lh0- 722f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/note2.bin
[unknown]                 2488    5246  47.4% -lh5- ecd9 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/page.bin
[unknown]                  211     268  78.7% -lh5- d081 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/psg1.bin
[unknown]                 2968    5832  50.9% -lh5- e436 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/psgtrackerv2.bin
[unknown]                 2019    5322  37.9% -lh5- adf6 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/puma.bin
[unknown]                 2035    6796  29.9% -lh5- bb17 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/puma2.bin
[unknown]                 3119   18448  16.9% -lh5- 2bc5 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/quartet.bin
[unknown]                 2248   13512  16.6% -lh5- adb1 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/quartet_mindbomb.bin
[unknown]                 2917    6222  46.9% -lh5- 44ae Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/realms.bin
[unknown]                 1572   32586   4.8% -lh5- 36de Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/robhubbard.deli.bin
[unknown]                 1728    3670  47.1% -lh5- b030 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/rollingronny.bin
[unknown]                 5091    9414  54.1% -lh5- 84f3 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/shadowdancer.bin
[unknown]                  244     312  78.2% -lh5- 170f Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/sidmon1.bin
[unknown]                 1662    2685  61.9% -lh5- e177 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/sidmon2.bin
[unknown]                 4145    8972  46.2% -lh5- f1af Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/sidsound.bin
[unknown]                  401     424  94.6% -lh5- b904 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/sndh_ice.bin
[unknown]                 3592   10642  33.8% -lh5- ddb7 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/spacecrusade.bin
[unknown]                 3536    8698  40.7% -lh5- e277 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/spacegun.bin
[unknown]                 4302    9136  47.1% -lh5- 2092 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/ssd1.bin
[unknown]                 2141    4186  51.1% -lh5- 9d00 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/stos.bin
[unknown]                  767    1998  38.4% -lh5- 354d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/synthiv.bin
[unknown]                 2066    3532  58.5% -lh5- eced Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tao_digi.bin
[unknown]                 1900    3572  53.2% -lh5- 92e2 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tao_hubbard.bin
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[unknown]                 3474    7794  44.6% -lh5- a48e Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tao_ms25.bin
[unknown]                 3619    8632  41.9% -lh5- a949 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tao_ms27.bin
[unknown]                 7641  109746   7.0% -lh5- 38c8 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tao_tsd.bin
[unknown]                 3880   43818   8.9% -lh5- 6782 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tcbtracker.bin
[unknown]                 2223    4808  46.2% -lh5- 8583 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/test.bin
[unknown]                 1662    2514  66.1% -lh5- c1b3 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tfmx.bin
[unknown]                 1607    2594  62.0% -lh5- d82c Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tfmx_aga.bin
[unknown]                 1656    2530  65.5% -lh5- c2fc Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tfmx_old.bin
[unknown]                 3628    7074  51.3% -lh5- e79c Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tfmx_st.bin
[unknown]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- 6393 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/timerc.bin
[unknown]                 2383    5046  47.2% -lh5- 3a8d Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/toki.bin
[unknown]                 1628    2404  67.7% -lh5- ffd0 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/tsd1.bin
[unknown]                 3576   10582  33.8% -lh5- 985b Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/utopia.bin
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[unknown]                 3531   10450  33.8% -lh5- e919 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/Replay/zonewarrior.bin
[unknown]                  720    1372  52.5% -lh5- 47f4 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/sc68.1
[unknown]                 8470   24208  35.0% -lh5- 3b94 Jul  8  2007 playOGG/sc68_dir/sc68.doc
[unknown]                44464   44464 100.0% -lh0- 4494 Feb  9  2013 playOGG/sexypsf
[unknown]                  780    1391  56.1% -lh5- 860f Feb  9  2013 playOGG/sexypsf_68k.readme
[unknown]                35160   35160 100.0% -lh0- 7dea Jan 29  2007 playOGG/shorten
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[unknown]                  887    1582  56.1% -lh5- 528e Apr 20  2005 playOGG/sidplay.txt
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[unknown]                 1407    2734  51.5% -lh5- e72e Jan 11  1998 playOGG/Snd2Mid.readme
[unknown]                61264   61264 100.0% -lh0- 26de May 15  2005 playOGG/sox
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[unknown]                  366     610  60.0% -lh5- a2e4 Nov  3  2007 playOGG/speex.txt
[unknown]                54668   54668 100.0% -lh0- 92ea Nov  3  2007 playOGG/speexdec
[unknown]                 1041    1476  70.5% -lh5- 29a3 Jul 19  2007 playOGG/stderr
[unknown]                  199     290  68.6% -lh5- 8792 Feb 15  2012 playOGG/stderr.txt
[unknown]                 1382    4556  30.3% -lh5- 0c7d Feb  6  1980 playOGG/test_tunes/AHX.R.O.T.R
[unknown]                 5874   10572  55.6% -lh5- c161 Oct  7  2001 playOGG/test_tunes/APB.ay
[unknown]                 1506    6127  24.6% -lh5- a910 Sep 19  2000 playOGG/test_tunes/cavatina.mid
[unknown]                 3900    9929  39.3% -lh5- 8af1 Nov 15  2013 playOGG/test_tunes/saps/
[unknown]                 1795    3644  49.3% -lh5- bdff Mar 20  2003 playOGG/test_tunes/saps/
[unknown]                 3268    5502  59.4% -lh5- 64c2 Nov 11  2007 playOGG/test_tunes/saps/
[unknown]                 9270   17535  52.9% -lh5- 60cb Dec 27  2005 playOGG/test_tunes/saps/
[unknown]                 2039    4060  50.2% -lh5- 0851 Mar 20  2003 playOGG/test_tunes/saps/
[unknown]                 3114   35456   8.8% -lh5- f46e Sep 23  2003 playOGG/test_tunes/Treat (EIL2 Compo 2001).sc68
[unknown]               211968  211968 100.0% -lh0- a669 Mar 27  2011 playOGG/timidity
[unknown]                  912    2705  33.7% -lh5- 3709 Mar 28  2011 playOGG/timidity.cfg
[unknown]                 2768    8518  32.5% -lh5- 940e Mar 28  2011 playOGG/timidity.cfg2
[unknown]                 7982   24631  32.4% -lh5- 3ef2 Mar 28  2011 playOGG/timidity.txt
[unknown]                16933   17048  99.3% -lh5- a61a Dec 27  2007 playOGG/ttaenc
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[unknown]               130928  130928 100.0% -lh0- e8a3 Jun 12  2010 playOGG/wavpack
[unknown]                 1071    2022  53.0% -lh5- fd77 Nov  9  2012 playOGG/wavpack_68k.readme
[unknown]                17095   54236  31.5% -lh5- e7e5 May  8 17:04 playOGG/Whats_new.txt
[unknown]                 1849    2787  66.3% -lh5- 3a58 Apr 16 12:18 playOGG/
[unknown]               127008  127008 100.0% -lh0- 1bb4 Jun 12  2010 playOGG/wvunpack
[unknown]                 1760    4357  40.4% -lh5- f090 Dec  1  2009 playOGG/wvunpack.1
[unknown]               186212  186212 100.0% -lh0- 2738 Jul  4  2009 playOGG/xmp
[unknown]                 4371    9146  47.8% -lh5- 2b33 Jul  4  2009 playOGG/xmp.README
[unknown]                66124   66124 100.0% -lh0- ee51 Feb  8  2013 playOGG/Ym2ar
[unknown]                  716    1290  55.5% -lh5- a6ab Feb  8  2013 playOGG/Ym2ar.readme
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 Total       429 files 6129964 7260831  84.4%            May  8 21:53
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