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Short:ARexx driven 8SVX player (+source)
Author: dck at (D. Keletsekis)
Uploader:dck hol gr (D Keletsekis)
Requires:WB 2+
Download:mus/play/gcsound.lha - View contents

   >>>>> GCSound - 8SVX sample player

   GCSound is a 8SVX sample player which can be controlled
   from Gui4Cli (v3.6+) or from an ARexx program.

   You just run it, without any arguments (at the moment) and
   it will load itself, create a public message port named 
   "gcsound" (note the lower case) and sit around waiting for 
   Gui4Cli or ARexx messages.

   Many samples can be loaded and played at will. If the sample
   size is over 64k, it will be played directly from the hard
   drive. You can have as many samples as you want loaded (note
   that they will consume *chip* memory - maximum 64k each) and 
   play up to 4 of them simuiltaneously.

   These are the commands it will understand :

   *       LOAD    <SampleFile> <Alias>

   Will load the sample into memory. <SampleFile> must be the
   full path and file name of the sample, and <Alias> is a name
   you give to it with which you can refer to it in other
   commands. This could be the plain file name for example.
   If the sample is over 64k, only the first 64k will be loaded.
   The rest will be read from disk when needed.

   Address "gcsound"
   'Load DH0:samples/mysample mysample'

   *       PLAY    <alias> [<times/0> <volume> <speed/-1>]

   This command will start to play an already loaded sample.
   <Alias> is the name you gave to the sample. 

   You may also give the <times> you want it played (note 0 means 
   - play forever), the <volume> (1-64) and the speed (125 - 1000
   or -1 for default speed). If you don't give these, the sample 
   will be played forever, at it's default volume and speed.

   *       UNLOAD  <alias/"">

   Will unload a loaded sample, freeing it's memory. If it's
   playing, it will be aborted. If you do not give a sample name
   then *all* samples will be aborted and unloaded.

   *       STOP    <alias/"">

   Will stop the given sample, if it's playing. Again, if you do
   not give a sample name *all* samples currently playing will be 

   *       SOUND   <SampleFile> [<times/0> <volume> <speed/-1>]

   This is like the Load and Play commands combined. It will
   load the given <SampleFile> (full path), play it and when
   finished, unload it.

   *       VOLUME  <alias> <1-64>

   With this you can change the volume of a loaded sample. 
   This can also be done while the sample is being played.

   *       SPEED   <alias> <125-1000>

   Changes the speed of a loaded sample (while playing or not).

   *       TIMES   <alias> <times/0>

   Changes the times that a loaded sample will be played. 
   Currently, this only works for large samples (i.e. the
   ones being played directly from the hard drive)
   Note that 0 means forever.

   *       QUIT

   Will abort all samples playing, unload everything and

   *       INFO    <alias>

   This command will return 2 numbers : the volume and the
   speed of the given sample. From Gui4Cli, this can be accessed
   through the $$Call.ret or $$RexxRet internal variables
   depending on whether you used Call or SendRexx.

   If sent from an actual ARexx program, they will be stored
   in arexx's RESULT variable.


   Behaviour :

   GCSound uses a user count system so that it may be accessed
   by many outside programs. When you start up the program, it
   will check if it's already running (i.e. if the gcsound port
   exists) and if it is it will send it a message to increase 
   the users counter.

   When you send it a quit command, it will decrease the users 
   counter and will *not* quit until all other programs using it 
   it have also told it to quit.

   This means that for each time you run the program you must
   also send a respective quit command. You may get it stranded 
   sometimes by running it too many times.. - just send it quit 
   commands until you get a "host environment not found" error..
   Note :
   GCSound only plays mono samples at the moment. Stereo may
   be added later..


   Author	D. Keletsekis 
   Status	FreeWare
   Date		October 98

Contents of mus/play/gcsound.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- fb0c Oct 21  1998
[generic]                 3786    5888  64.3% -lh5- 8329 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/GCSound
[generic]                 1873    4577  40.9% -lh5- d553 Oct 21  1998 GCSound/GCSound.readme
[generic]                  207     840  24.6% -lh5- 5de6 Oct 21  1998 GCSound/
[generic]                35941   51748  69.5% -lh5- 9246 Oct 21  1998 GCSound/HowDoIDoIt.8svx
[generic]                 1994    7047  28.3% -lh5- 8618 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/docommands.h
[generic]                 5338   15248  35.0% -lh5- 57c2 Oct 21  1998 GCSound/source/GCSound.c
[generic]                  376    1227  30.6% -lh5- d433 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/GCSound_protos.h
[generic]                 1779    6070  29.3% -lh5- 3008 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/iff.h
[generic]                  751    1947  38.6% -lh5- d359 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/readargs.h
[generic]                   85     120  70.8% -lh5- 6a40 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                 1471    4717  31.2% -lh5- be72 Oct 20  1998 GCSound/source/sound.h
[generic]                  551     968  56.9% -lh5- f9bd Oct 21  1998 GCSound/test.rexx
[generic]                  853    1742  49.0% -lh5- 74ce Oct 21  1998 GCSound/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files   55277  102767  53.8%            Oct 21  1998
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