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Short:YM2149 soundchip emulator Musics Data #5
Author: pomarede at (Nicolas Pomarede)
Uploader:pomarede isty-info uvsq fr (Nicolas Pomarede)
Download:mus/play/MYST_Data_5.lha - View contents

Description :

  These are some music files in YMST format for MYST, the YM2149 soundchip
  emulator for Atari ST. These tunes can be played with EaglePlayer or
  DeliTracker on Amiga, or directly played on Atari ST.
  To listen to them and for more informations, you should get the
  MYST_Main_v??.lha archive, which contains all the docs and binaries.

Content :

  MYST_Data_5 contains tunes from the following people :

	- David Whittaker (84)
	- Tony Williams (5)
	- Mark Wilson (2)

  Total : 91 tunes, 600 460 bytes.

Quick installation :

  Copy all the YM.* files in your usual music directory and just use
  EP or DT to play them (after installing MYST_Main).

History :

  - /01/98 : first public release on the net.

Contact address :

  e-mail : (Nicolas Pomarede)
    In case this address doesn't work anymore, you should still find me
    in Amiga newsgroups, or somewhere on the Net.


Contents of mus/play/MYST_Data_5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4786    8472  56.5% -lh5- 1217 Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.AllPointsBulletin
[generic]                 4133    6680  61.9% -lh5- 8905 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Archipelagos
[generic]                 3085    4968  62.1% -lh5- bea9 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.ArmyMoves
[generic]                 2343    3432  68.3% -lh5- f9d5 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BackToTheFuture
[generic]                 5224    8296  63.0% -lh5- f541 Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BackToTheFutureII
[generic]                 4045    6296  64.2% -lh5- a9f3 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BadCompany
[generic]                 2324    3648  63.7% -lh5- d9d2 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BeverlyHillsCop
[generic]                 2792    4464  62.5% -lh5- ec55 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BeyondIcePalace
[generic]                 2303    3652  63.1% -lh5- 1457 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BMXSimulator
[generic]                 5707   11196  51.0% -lh5- 2804 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.BuffaloBill
[generic]                 5721    9460  60.5% -lh5- cf69 Sep 27  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.ChipsChallenge
[generic]                 4649    8524  54.5% -lh5- 99e2 Jun 30  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.ChronoQuest
[generic]                 5154    9288  55.5% -lh5- c921 Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.CloudKingdom
[generic]                 3608    5796  62.2% -lh5- 1723 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.CosmicPirate
[generic]                 4850    9048  53.6% -lh5- 89d7 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Crossbow
[generic]                 4241    6716  63.1% -lh5- 975c May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Custodian
[generic]                 3878    6188  62.7% -lh5- 3fc3 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.DanDares
[generic]                 4137    7984  51.8% -lh5- 2d88 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.DaysOfThunder
[generic]                 3192    4748  67.2% -lh5- 61b3 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.DefenderOfTheCrown
[generic]                 4043    6744  59.9% -lh5- 3502 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.DogsOfWar
[generic]                 4206    6484  64.9% -lh5- a448 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.EmpireStrikesBack
[generic]                 2823    4268  66.1% -lh5- e8d0 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.EnduroRacer
[generic]                 4233    6600  64.1% -lh5- 3231 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.EyesOfHorus
[generic]                 4025    6176  65.2% -lh5- 5352 Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.FireAndBrimstone
[generic]                 3539    5828  60.7% -lh5- a357 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Garfield
[generic]                 3948    6168  64.0% -lh5- 6b2e Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GazzaII
[generic]                 3408    5292  64.4% -lh5- 493d May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_GameOver
[generic]                 3738    5892  63.4% -lh5- acd2 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Intro
[generic]                 4515    8180  55.2% -lh5- efeb May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Level1
[generic]                 4400    8044  54.7% -lh5- c757 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Level2
[generic]                 4379    8028  54.5% -lh5- 5c78 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Level3
[generic]                 4468    8152  54.8% -lh5- dae2 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Level4
[generic]                 4304    7852  54.8% -lh5- f8ce May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Level5
[generic]                 4416    8132  54.3% -lh5- a330 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Map
[generic]                 3448    5432  63.5% -lh5- e019 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldAztecs_Menu
[generic]                 5316    9840  54.0% -lh5- e332 Aug 19  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldenAxe
[generic]                 2275    3836  59.3% -lh5- 37e7 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GoldRunnerII
[generic]                 2947    4420  66.7% -lh5- 8464 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.GrimBlood
[generic]                 3073    4916  62.5% -lh5- b49b Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.HunterKiller
[generic]                 5162    9676  53.3% -lh5- 3ec4 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.IronLord
[generic]                 4291    7804  55.0% -lh5- 1afa Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Jaws
[generic]                 4129    6488  63.6% -lh5- daf2 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.JupiterMasterDrive
[generic]                 2051    5176  39.6% -lh5- e4b4 Aug 17  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Knightmare
[generic]                 2123    3288  64.6% -lh5- a8ff May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.LeatherNeck
[generic]                 3780    5828  64.9% -lh5- 14f6 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.LicenceToKill
[generic]                 4055    7636  53.1% -lh5- 48ed May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Menace
[generic]                 2519    3700  68.1% -lh5- db43 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Millenium2_2
[generic]                 3669    5784  63.4% -lh5- 23fa Aug 29  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.MrHeli
[generic]                 1783    3108  57.4% -lh5- 76c5 Jun 21  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.NinjaMission
[generic]                 3435    5300  64.8% -lh5- 139b Sep 27  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.NitroBoostChallenge
[generic]                 4162    7676  54.2% -lh5- 6628 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Obliterator
[generic]                 3042    4680  65.0% -lh5- 5a08 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Pandora
[generic]                 4578    8820  51.9% -lh5- f61d May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Platoon
[generic]                 3755    7316  51.3% -lh5- d62d May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Quadralien
[generic]                 2583    3860  66.9% -lh5- 391e May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Rampage
[generic]                 3641    5732  63.5% -lh5- dbcb Aug 22  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.RealGhostBusters
[generic]                 2737    4848  56.5% -lh5- 339a May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Renagade
[generic]                 2640    3936  67.1% -lh5- 0691 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.ReturnToGenesis
[generic]                 3136    4944  63.4% -lh5- 069a Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.RoadBlaster
[generic]                 2284    3652  62.5% -lh5- 2804 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SideWinder
[generic]                 3894    6116  63.7% -lh5- 44f6 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SkateBall
[generic]                 4623    8240  56.1% -lh5- 322e Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Snoopy
[generic]                 3965    6188  64.1% -lh5- 6e6b Sep 14  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SnowStrike
[generic]                 3994    6740  59.3% -lh5- 731f May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SpeedBall
[generic]                 3483    5556  62.7% -lh5- 2844 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SpittingImage
[generic]                 4323    7756  55.7% -lh5- 6973 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.SportingTriangles
[generic]                 4077    6588  61.9% -lh5- ce57 Sep 20  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.StarBlaze
[generic]                 3589    6268  57.3% -lh5- 1c9d May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Starray
[generic]                 2416    3836  63.0% -lh5- 0c2f May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.StarTrek
[generic]                 2343    3468  67.6% -lh5- 0f51 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.StarWars
[generic]                 3790    7428  51.0% -lh5- 75e7 Sep  3  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.StormTrooper
[generic]                 3441    5356  64.2% -lh5- 2353 Sep  7  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Supremacy
[generic]                 2714    4080  66.5% -lh5- fec9 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Tetris
[generic]                 5081    9256  54.9% -lh5- 3b73 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.TotalRecall
[generic]                 2921    4876  59.9% -lh5- af39 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Verminator
[generic]                 3920    6184  63.4% -lh5- ecdc Sep 27  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.VoodooNightmare
[generic]                 4451    7544  59.0% -lh5- 6b5d May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.WeirdDreams
[generic]                 7520   12904  58.3% -lh5- 5384 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.WonderBoy
[generic]                 4755    8576  55.4% -lh5- 44b0 Sep 27  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.WorldClassRugby
[generic]                 5991   10760  55.7% -lh5- a091 May 31  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.WrathOfTheDemon
[generic]                 4655    8352  55.7% -lh5- 5016 Sep 27  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Wreckers
[generic]                 2759    4136  66.7% -lh5- 9968 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Xenon
[generic]                 4634    9148  50.7% -lh5- 2950 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Xenon2
[generic]                 4925    9040  54.5% -lh5- ceb5 May 18  1997 YM2149/Whittaker/YM.Zombi
[generic]                 3034    5852  51.8% -lh5- 7598 May 18  1997 YM2149/Williams/YM.BloodMoney
[generic]                 2539    4440  57.2% -lh5- 26ce Oct 24  1997 YM2149/Williams/YM.Narc
[generic]                 3640    7432  49.0% -lh5- f1f7 May 18  1997 YM2149/Williams/YM.NinjaWarriors
[generic]                 3152    5680  55.5% -lh5- 37e9 May 18  1997 YM2149/Williams/YM.Nitro
[generic]                 8095   15080  53.7% -lh5- 692a Oct 24  1997 YM2149/Williams/YM.Pang
[generic]                 4653    8280  56.2% -lh5- 075f Aug 24  1997 YM2149/Wilson/YM.BonanzaBrothers
[generic]                 3645    6908  52.8% -lh5- 1cfc Aug 24  1997 YM2149/Wilson/YM.CrystalDizzy
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        91 files  350253  600460  58.3%            Jan 30  1998
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