$VER: DelfSF 0.3 (Sat 17-May-2003)
-reads audio files using sndfile.library
(supports AIFF, WAV, IFF-8SVX, raw PCM and other file formats)
-direct Delfina playback for best performance + quality
-free software (full source code included, of course)
-CPU 68020+
-AmigaOS V37+
-Delfina DSP board
-sndfile.library (Aminet: util/libs/sndfile.lha)
-developed on A1200 - OS3.1/68030+882@40MHz/16MBFastRAM/Delfina1200
-tested on various machines with Delfina 1200, Lite, Plus or Flipper
-reqtools.library V38+
-some audio files :)
#changes since previous release
-fixed interference with serial I/O (interrupt timing problem)
#how to use
DelfSF is a shell-only program. The following options can be used:
FILES ......... -one or more filenames.
-if omitted a reqtools file requester appears.
NOPLAY/-n ..... -don't play but just output some information.
-this works also without a Delfina board.
NOTIMER/-nt ... -suppress output of the position timer during playback.
(recommended for playing background music while you are
using other programs)
VOLUME/-vol <number> (default: 100)
-set the playback volume (in per cent, range 0...200).
-WARNING: can degrade playback quality!
if the volume is boosted (101...200) there could be
distortions caused by output clipping.
RATE/-r <number> (default: 44100)
-raw- -set the playback rate in Hz (raw files only).
BITS/-b <number> (default: 16)
-raw- -set the number of bits per sample (raw files only).
CHANNELS/-c <number> (default: 2)
-raw- -set the number of channels (raw files only).
BYTESWAP/-bs (default: false)
-raw- -set the sample format to 'little endian' (raw files only).
try this if your 16bit (CDDA) files sound like static.
note: raw files will only be played if at least one of the raw file options
(RATE, BITS, CHANNELS, BYTESWAP) is specified, in order to avoid accidental
playback of non-audio files which could be very noisy.
During playback these keys can be used:
Ctrl-F fast forward
Ctrl-E pause/continue
Ctrl-C stop current file, start next file
Ctrl-D quit program
#technical stuff
-The source code of DelfSF is split into two parts: the main part contains
all the generic stuff (file requester, sndfile.library calls, buffering)
while the Delfina-specific code is situated in a separate part.
This should make it fairly easy to write a player for other output devices
(e.g. Amiga native, sound boards, AHI), recycling the main part of DelfSF
and only replacing its Delfina part. Feel free to contact me if you have
any comments, suggestions or need some help concerning the code.
mailto: smack42@web.de
DelfSF - sndfile player for Delfina DSP
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Michael Henke
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA