=/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/=
Another Protracker-module from
__________ ___________ _____. ___________ _______¡_____
___ __ /__ _____ \_ |______ __ /____ | /_____
/ \_ \ / / | / ____/ / ||
/______\ \________/__________/___________/______|__________
\_____\ ! pnt^apt
of Apathy ^ Massive
=/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/= =/=
01 . by rolex/apathy 09528 CHIP
02 this is the smaller 01278 CHIP
03 version of my compo- 12692 CHIP
04 module from tg96 .. 01264 CHIP
05 "lillebror ser deg" 01270 CHIP
06 ... this one was 00226 CHIP
07 originally made in 03486 CHIP
08 jan'96, but hasent 03616 CHIP
09 been released until 02932 CHIP
10 now.. (3-6-96) ... 01216 CHIP
11 musical greets to: 11610 CHIP
12 raze, cope, yebo, 07278 CHIP
13 tracky, coma, curt 06708 CHIP
14 cool, sdna, substance 02926 CHIP
15 + all other contacts. 00000 ----
16 ... . . .... . ... 00996 CHIP
17 for module swap: 01472 CHIP
18 thomas vaags 01734 CHIP
19 hulda garborgs gt. 33 02020 CHIP
20 2300 hamar 00000 ----
21 norway 00000 ----
22 ... .. .... . .... 00000 ----
23 life is a pain 00000 ----
24 without my amplifier 00000 ----
25 ... so if anyone 00000 ----
26 wants to give me one 00000 ----
27 , please use the addy 00000 ----
28 ... 2 gig hd's will 00000 ----
29 also be accepted.. 00000 ----
30 ............. .. .. 00000 ----
31 (c) rolex/apt jan'96 00000 ----
Check the Apathy homepage at http://home.sn.no/~svgustav/apathy.htm