.\ /______
| _______/___________ _____________/_
|______ ¬\/ __ ¬\\________ _/_____________/_
-----/______\____________\______/ ¬\\________ _/ ___________ _____
--------- -______- -------/______\______/ ¬\/ __ ¬\\\ /
.\ __/_____ -------------/______\____________\\\/
[ CORROSION ] |_______ ¬\ __ _ /_________ ___________
[ music ] |________ \\ / __ ¬\ ___ ¬\
[ section ] -------/______\\ /|___________\______/ \
-------| \/ :-----------------/______\sCf/-T!
BULLSHIT: Diz is my contribution 2 da CoRRoSioN beat-line of the crime...
Sit down... Roll it up... Light it up... Smoke it up... Roll it up...
Light it up... Smoke it up... Roll it up... Light it up...
Smoke.... It.............. Uppp..........
[still...breeding ignorance and feeding radiation] :
World Wide Web: http://www.crsn.com
File Transfer Protocol: CoRRoSioN ftp site [ftp.crsn.com]
- check out the uploads and/or pub dir!
there should be crsmusic dir. if not
look for crs_*.* filenames.
Papa2 demo ftp site [auckland.ira.uka.de]
- /incoming/papa/crs_*.*
Aminet [ftp.uni-paderborn.de]
- mods/techn/crs_*.*
check out also other aminet-sites
Electronic Mail: corrosion@matgnet.com [CoRRoSioN group mail]
domin8r@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [DoMiNAToR]
phuzzy@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [PhuZZy LoGiK]
info file credits: CoRRoSioN asc2 - Scarface; bullshit: .A., in person...