If you havn't heard `Be Happy' yet then grab it now! It should be
around the same place you found this archive :) I hope you like
this tune, and as always, any critisicms, praise, money and record
contracts are always welcome :)
*NOTE* This is the OctaMED SoundStudio release of this module.
If you can't find a democopy of OctaMED Soundstudio or
OctaMED Player 7 then grab the executable or FastTracker 2
version of this song.
YEH! Finally I get a taste for more than 8 channels... AND I
_LIKE_ IT!!! But alas it's too hassly on my current (and rather
slow) setup... so a donation of an 060 4meg chip machine would be
nice. Anyone? :)
Tek speks :
Format : OctaMED Soundstudio (MMD3)
Length : 4.27 minutes
Channels : 13
Blocks : 42
Patterns : 50
Instruments : 14
Size : 430392 bytes
Greets to all those is RST, iA, and the podgy buggers in
DALNet's #AmIRC! :)
Want to contact me for any reason??? That's ANY reason! Any
reason at all, whether it be about my module, about one of yours,
about Tigger 'n' Rabbit getting it orn, or whether it really _IS_
nawww how you make porridge, then write me! At:
EMAIL : djhotcakes@hotmail.com
Or, you can mostly find me these days at DALNet's #AmIRC and #Miggy
That's it!
No, I mean it. That really _is_ it :)
D'oh, OK, look, urm, if you tell me you read this far, I'll send
you a cat :)
- Toby "Hotcakes" Zuijdveld
- RES¡STANCE designs
- djhotcakes@hotmail.com