84782 packages online
No screenshot available
Song : Get Down Make Love - NIN ---------------
Arangment by : Bedlamite, 3/95 -----------
File : nin_love.s3m ------
Format : S3M, 22 samples ---
Channels : 6 (112 patterns, it flies though) --
Time : ~4:25 -
Flavor : Heavy Industrial Techno Metal(or NIN for Short :) -
Should you -
DL this one? : Definitely and God pound you if you don't crank -
this one MAX VOL and MAX BASS!!!! :) -
Samples taken from the Sin EP. All samples are 22khz -
Get Down Make Love (c) Queen Music Ltd -
NIN version (c)1994 leaving hope/tvt music, inc.(NIN copyright) -
Can't find the following tunes? ( ^ ) -
9innails.s3m -- Non lyrical version of Heresy | -
Heresy.s3m -- Lyrical version of Heresy | -
Motpigs.s3m -- March Of The Pigs(BIG!!! +1meg) -
wishbmit.s3m -- Wish/Gave Up re-mix. ---
nin_head.s3m -- Head Like A Hole -----
nin_clsr.s3m -- Closer mix --------
e-mail me, I'll try to get them to you -------------
Let me know what ya think! e-mail:jimm@cc.wwu.edu -------------------
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
970792 893882 7.9% 28-Mar-95 00:54:14 nin_love.s3m
1920 653 65.9% 28-Mar-95 01:08:18 nin_love.txt
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
972712 894535 8.0% 29-May-95 10:11:30 2 files
Contents of mods/s3m/nin_love.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 893882 970792 92.1% -lh5- df47 Mar 28 1995 nin_love.s3m
[generic] 653 1920 34.0% -lh5- acd9 Mar 28 1995 nin_love.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 894535 972712 92.0% May 29 1995
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