Here is my new song called "Magic Matrix 2"
This part 2 of Magic Matrix is a special Mod
for all how send me EMails and Snailmails! :-D
These songs I uploaded last time:
#16 "Cyborg - Last Part 3" [aminet/mods/pro/CyborgPart3.lha]
#20 "Alien Rebellion" [aminet/mods/pro/AlienRebellion.lha]
#21 "7thGeneration" [aminet/mods/pro/7thGeneration.lha]
#22 "Multiple Perception" [aminet/mods/pro/MultiplePercep.lha]
#23 "Warp Vibrations" [aminet/mods/pro/WarpVibrations.lha]
#24 "Individual Vision" [aminet/mods/pro/IndVision.lha]
#25 "Magic Matrix" [aminet/mods/pro/MagicMatrix.lha]
#26 "Nature In Motion" [aminet/mods/pro/NatureInMotion.lha]
#27 "Outside World" [aminet/mods/pro/OutsideWorld.lha]
#28 "Magic Matrix 2" [aminet/mods/pro/MagicMatrix2.lha]
If you like my Music or want to enjoy more of my songs
please send me an E-Mail! :-)
More comming soon!