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-- mOD dETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------->8
Tune : Chippy Dream
Genre : Chip prelude tune
? : Simple chip tune, samples by Mr.Yo
Patterns: 5
Finished: 13th Feb 1994 - 19:05
Released: 13th Feb 1994 - 19:05
Notes : Sad short chippy tune dedicated to my great friend Stun
-- mR.YO's qBISM bBS ------------------------------------------------------->8
. .
: mODEM . . bSD wHQ! (Y) .
. 33.6k : . _________ _______ _____ .
: : : ___\ | /__|__| /_____\ | : sYSOP: Mr.Yo
: O4O-12mB : : | ___ | | |____ | | .
: pOWER! . : | | _|_ __| | | | | | : 2nDsYSOP: StUN
: : . |_____\_|_____|__|______|__|_|_| :
1.3 gIGZ : : . . .
: sTORAGE! : :...... ............ .......... .....: : ++39-(O)2-78O832 .
:.... .....: ... ........ ......:
[ nOTE: a O6O aND a 4.3 gB hD wILL bE aVAILABLE iN a vERY sHORT tIME ]
-- cONTACT mR.YO ----------------------------------------------------------->8
2O129 mILANO - iTALY
tEL (hOME): ++39-2-798O35
tEL (hOME): ++39-2-76OO7886
tEL (wORK): ++39-2-294O4989
fAX (wORK): ++39-2-294O4311
bBS (qBISM): ++39-2-78O832
e-mAIL : <audiorefcomm2000.it>
iRC : #cybernet
iRC : #amigaita
-- tHE eND ----------------------------------------------------------------->8
Contents of mods/mryo/chpdream.lha PERMSSN UID GID PACKED SIZE RATIO CRC STAMP NAME
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1280 6732 19.0% -lh5- 11fc Apr 3 1994 CHPDREAM.MOD
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 1 file 1280 6732 19.0% Nov 27 1996
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