Module Name: Eighth
Description: A small synth style tune created for an intro.
================== NOTICE (need only be read ONCE =====================
Hi, this is Baroque / Freelance. I have decided to put my modules on
the internet, as it is one of the best ways possible to distribute them.
i have been creating modules for a couple of years now, with only one
or two of them being released in productions over the past years. I am
from South Africa, which also does not help the spread of productions.
But, I now have access to the most amazing network in the world, and I
can now release my creations to thousands of people ! You may like them,
you may hate them, all i ask of you is to listen, and decide for yourself.
Oh.. and please email me if you like the modules, you could say that they
are emailware 8)
seeya on the 'net