_atari_music_cool(ym music selection by megacz@usa.com)
These are my favourite YM tunes from ATARI games and demos, especially
pay attention to 'Sid Music #1.ym' and 'Sid Music #2.ym' they sound
toughly different than the rest YM's, and needless to say they rock!
For maximum listening pleasure set UNIT 1 in AHI prefs to:
= Paula:[Fast] 14 bit mono calibrated / Frequency: 22050 / Channels: 1
and in ENV:
> setenv STSOUNDFREQ 22050
Or even higher if you got fast cpu('SmallYmPlayer' produces 16 bit samples).
Settings above are recommended for 68040/33, you may even try to set 32000 Hz,
but then your system will be very slow and gaps in the playback may appear.
You may change the default AHI UNIT by issuing this, where x=(0-3):
Read the 'README' in the 'StSoundGPL.lha' for more information.
Additionally you can export tunes to wave/aiff and/or encode them to mp3.
StSoundGPL: http://www.aminet.net/mus/play/StSoundGPL.lha
StSoundGUI: http://www.aminet.net/util/misc/StSoundGUI.lha
Tunes SRC : http://pacidemo.atarizone.com/aldn/index.html