File name: Dedication1.lha
Requirements: Amiga O/S 2 or above, 1Mb RAM, 2 FLOPPY DISK DRIVES!
A Tribute to Rob Baxter 1957-1996 (RIP)
By Hugh Gammon - July 1996
of The Desktop Music Workshop
By now most of you will know of the death of 'ROB BAXTER' early in
1996. In fact this was over 1 year ago now.. This tribute to Rob Baxter
(2 disk set), produced by Hugh Gammon, has now been archived in LHA
format and uploaded to AMINET for those interested in possessing this..
Simply unarchive each LHA file to a blank Amiga formatted DD Floppy
disk.. The first disk is required for booting.. Other requirements are
that you have 2 disk drives for the set to boot properly.. Apart from
that hope you enjoy the music..
Some words by HUGH GAMMON
With myself we founded "THE DESKTOP MUSIC WORKSHOP" (DWM) after his
suggestion that we pool our various talents together on the Amiga
platform. As there was only two of us arranging Classical music under
this name, you can imagine how I felt when I heard the sad news of his
death. Rob was more than just a team mate with the DMW, he was a great
friend and my inspiration throughout the last 5 to 6 years.
He introduced me to what could be done on the AMIGA using just the
Amiga "sound chip", and after that I never looked back.. It was
after Rob had released several disks into the PD scene, and I had
just released "Mozart's Four Horn Concertos" that we decided to form
the DMW.
His death has left a very big gap in my life, and I cannot quite come
to terms with the fact, that he has departed.. If there is any
consolation at all, it is that Rob has left behind a very many fans
of his music, and also the thought that the music he arranged and
scored will still live on..
Rob made so many friends through his music, that they would be too
numerous to mention here, but I'm sure they all miss him as much as
I do.. There is one thing that I can do, that he would have wanted, and
that is to carry on with my Classical music, and still keep the DMW
With this in mind I have started "The William Tell Overture" and
hope to release it by the end of the year, my style of arranging
was very different from Rob's although we used the same Musical tools
I shall continue to use the same format as before under the name of:-
My thanks go to all the people that supported Rob's music and a
special thanks to Kevan Craft for allowing me to make this small
dedication originally on MIDICraft (DISK) Magazine issue #10.
I have produced a 2 disk set containing "MORNING" and "JESU", which
Rob had asked me to do about 2 years ago, but I never released
them into the Public Domain until now... These are now available on
AMINET as two x LHA archives Dedication1.lha and Dedication2.lha, both
files include readme files..
So I thought this would be the appropriate time to include them on
a double disk set which I've produced as a special dedication to Rob
Baxter, as a Thank you to Rob for all the help he gave me..
Also on this disk set is the last piece of music Rob arranged on
the Amiga, which has never been previously released and comprises of
a single piece, the "1st movement of Bach's Violin Concerto in E"..
This has been included on the dedication disk set in memory of Rob..
If anyone would like actual copie of this 2 disk set dedication to
Rob Baxter, then you can write to me at the address below but please
include 2 x Blank disks and enough costs to cover the Postage and
Packing... Or you can Email me if your on the Internet.. Thanks..
Hugh (The Welsh Mozart)
Hugh Gammon
77 Llewellyn St
SA15 1BD
Tel: +44 (01554) 770181
Findonet: 2:259/66.9
Listing of archive Dedication1.lha
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
928 519 44.0% 06-Jul-96 16:04:32
13184 1809 86.2% 06-Jul-96 15:52:10 Instruments/instrs
20692 18004 12.9% 06-Jul-96 15:52:26 load.pp
22476 20763 7.6% 06-Jul-96 15:52:30 menu.pp
16524 4578 72.2% 06-Jul-96 15:52:24 Scores/Eallegro.smus
4148 1547 62.7% 06-Jul-96 15:52:22 Scores/jesu.smus
6942 2370 65.8% 06-Jul-96 15:52:20 Scores/morning.smus
59776 27344 54.2% 06-Jul-96 15:52:46 ToRob
1694 278 83.5% 06-Jul-96 16:04:32
4944 2487 49.6% 30-Mar-97 16:25:40 Dedication1.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
151308 79699 47.3% 30-Mar-97 16:26:56 10 files