Teijo's Octamedplayer (Windows 95)
NOTE: This module uses Synthsounds, so it will NOT (i repeat, NOT)
play as intended, with Modplugin for MS-DOS, or SoundApp for
Macintosh. Sorry, folks ...
Another excursion, into the life of our hero, Agent 303 ...
Name of this composition: "Space Flight"
Style: Very spacey, very pacey goa-trance
Influences: Hell if I know. I sorta make this up as I go
along, ya know.
Another chapter from the technopera by the Unreformed Deviants, entitled
"Secret Agent 303". In this act, our hero, the secret agent, is on board
a space shuttle, heading for the evil Dr. Badd's space station, when he is
suddenly kidnapped and held prisoner. Exciting stuff ...
This is, I think, one of my BEST goa tracks. It makes full and liberal use
of Octamed synthsounds, one of Octamed's best (and I think, often
overlooked) features. The whole piece has a really ambient and out of this
world feel, backed with a pumping kick + bass rhythm.
This time, thanks go to: Saraba, Lindy, Colitis, all the usual culprits
of undernet #amigacafe
Broam, Parasite, RS3, Shade, Ruiner, Hate, and
DJ Leroy, my fellow Unreformed Deviants
Munchette, my #wisconsin friend, for support.
Radius, for providing the excellent
synthsounds. They absolutely rule!
Spaced out??? Mail me: bobclark@korrnet.org
Surf me: http://members.tripod.com/~Dr_Who_9
To see the WHOLE saga of Secret Agent 303, surf to the Unreformed Deviants'
homepage, at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/4331. The opera
itself has several acts (two of which are mine) ... the other act I
contributed, "Death Ray", is also on aminet as bc-death.lha ...