either DeliTracker, Teijo's Octamedplayer (Amiga)
Tejio's Octamed player, or modplugin (PC)
SoundApp (for Macintosh)
All right, everyone ... time to jump on the conga train!!!
Nombre de este composicion: "Ritmos de la Noche"
English Translation: "Night Rhythms"
Estilo: Latin piano music, with congas,
acid trance stuff, and a definite house feel.
Las Influencias: Gee, I dunno ... There's gotta be some
classic house influences in there somewhere,
but really this is like "Crooze" or "Rio"
(earlier latin stuff I did) in a dance club.
Well, I have been sitting on my butt for too long. It's been awhile since
any new releases from me (probably due to me sitting on #wisconsin these
days talking to Munchette, my friend ...) ... but I finally did finish this
It realy grooves, moves your butt ... it's funky, and shakes ... and is just
a whole lotta damn fun. I think you will definitely approve. Just write
me at my new address: bobclark@korrnet.org
Muchos gracias, creditos para: Saraba, Lindy, Colitis, Teknique, and
all #amigacafe members
Broam, Parasite, RS3, Ruiner, DJ Leroy, and
Hate ... fellow members of Unreformed
Deviants, one of my new affiliations.
Munchette, my best friend, for hugs, support,
and inspiration.
CU Amiga, for the one-line bit they wrote
about my Goanna MED ... August issue,
page 68 ... READ IT! :-)
Ethnikal - the creation of TranceG, a friend of mine from Croatia who is
actively seeking out those people who track in a style called "ethno" ...
that is, any kind of folk/ethnic music, from any region of the Earth,
blended with more modern elements, such as trance, goa, hardcore, new age,
house, or what have you.
In any event, TranceG listened to two previous releases of mine, "Goanna"
and "El Cinco De Mayo", and as of now, they are my two first releases on
the Ethnikal label. "Ritmos" will of course, be my third.
The homepage for Ethnikal (when it is finished) will be: