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B.C. Productions revisits the deserts of the old, old west ...
Name of this composition: "Ghost Town in the Sky"
Style: Melodic techno/trance, with old west flavourings.
Influences: A lot of the western film music of Ennio
Morricone ("The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly") ...
The track "Children" by Robert Miles (well, the
bass bits, anyway) ... some New Order influences
are apparent in some of the lead guitar bits,
This song is probably one of my best. I've been in a dry spell as of late,
but this melody had been swimming around in my head for a long time. You
could say, it's a sort of sequel to "Acid Rangers", a previous old-west
techno thing I did. It has some neat guitar riffs I lifted off of a very
old module called "Eternal Love" (I forget who did it, sorry) ... a neat
whistling hybrid sound I created nyself, and the more familiar kick - 303
bass stylings present in a lot of Robert Miles' music.
The music loops were created using Jarno Panaanen's PS3MREC, and Protracker.
In this fashion, I have achieved a very believable illusion of multichannel
polyphony, in just 4 channels! It was a headache to do, but I hope you like
the results. The bass+hi hat sounds were also PS3MREC'ed. :)
Much obliged, pardners: Saraba, Colitis, #amigacafe undernet, for moral
support ...
^ Lindy, Gte, #amigachat undernet, for same ...
___---~~~/-| \~~~---___ RS3 and Irq909 of Noaff ...
/~_| \
/~-_| \ Moonlady, a very sweet lady in Maryland, for
/~~-_| \ encouragement and hugs ...
Jarno Panaanen and the PS3MREC program, which has
B.C. Productions 1998 proven to be VERY valuable to me.
Thanks in advance to CU Amiga, for (hopefully) including this tune on the
next CUCD, and (even more hopefully?) perhaps making it the audio track of
the month? Well I can dream, can't I ...
Hey pardner, let's chat ...
Write me a little note at:
Or mosey on down to my new website:
(now PC-ZIP friendly!!!)