84782 packages online
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Short: | Misc Octamed modules form Andreas Schuermann |
Author: | aschueamiga t-online.de (Andreas Schürmann) |
Uploader: | aschueamiga t-online de (Andreas Schürmann) |
Type: | mods/med |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1999-11-05 |
Download: | mods/med/MyMusi2.lha - View contents | Readme: | mods/med/MyMusi2.readme |
Downloads: | 353 |
Some OctaMed Songs from me !
(Package 2 of 2)
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
56118 39599 29.4% 02-Oct-99 18:14:00 grillparty.octa
512 333 34.9% 02-Oct-99 18:52:00 grillparty.octa.info
145458 95761 34.1% 02-Oct-99 18:15:32 Last_dream.octa
512 334 34.7% 02-Oct-99 18:52:00 Last_dream.octa.info
147974 96054 35.0% 02-Oct-99 18:18:34 MondayNightCheckMenMix.octa
125188 77599 38.0% 02-Oct-99 18:25:10 nature_HEM.octa
512 336 34.3% 02-Oct-99 18:52:00 nature_HEM.octa.info
157352 106984 32.0% 02-Oct-99 18:21:24 power_of_night.octa
512 337 34.1% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 power_of_night.octa.info
99080 69055 30.3% 02-Oct-99 18:26:58 psyco_head.octa
512 336 34.3% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 psyco_head.octa.info
122754 80301 34.5% 02-Oct-99 18:30:46 realtime_clubmix.octa
512 336 34.3% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 realtime_clubmix.octa.info
57912 38299 33.8% 02-Oct-99 17:58:18 right_side.octa
512 336 34.3% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 right_side.octa.info
44932 31888 29.0% 02-Oct-99 18:32:16 short_schnuki_mix.octa
512 334 34.7% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 short_schnuki_mix.octa.info
72250 47734 33.9% 02-Oct-99 17:36:18 snüf.octa
512 336 34.3% 02-Oct-99 18:52:02 snüf.octa.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1033626 686292 33.6% 09-Oct-99 19:49:56 19 files
Contents of mods/med/MyMusi2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 39599 56118 70.6% -lh5- 717e Oct 2 1999 grillparty.octa
[generic] 333 512 65.0% -lh5- 0291 Oct 2 1999 grillparty.octa.info
[generic] 95761 145458 65.8% -lh5- ed22 Oct 2 1999 Last_dream.octa
[generic] 334 512 65.2% -lh5- be93 Oct 2 1999 Last_dream.octa.info
[generic] 96054 147974 64.9% -lh5- 2775 Oct 2 1999 MondayNightCheckMenMix.octa
[generic] 77599 125188 62.0% -lh5- e24b Oct 2 1999 nature_HEM.octa
[generic] 336 512 65.6% -lh5- 1321 Oct 2 1999 nature_HEM.octa.info
[generic] 106984 157352 68.0% -lh5- 7424 Oct 2 1999 power_of_night.octa
[generic] 337 512 65.8% -lh5- 2e05 Oct 2 1999 power_of_night.octa.info
[generic] 69055 99080 69.7% -lh5- e955 Oct 2 1999 psyco_head.octa
[generic] 336 512 65.6% -lh5- 8dfb Oct 2 1999 psyco_head.octa.info
[generic] 80301 122754 65.4% -lh5- d2a4 Oct 2 1999 realtime_clubmix.octa
[generic] 336 512 65.6% -lh5- 544d Oct 2 1999 realtime_clubmix.octa.info
[generic] 38299 57912 66.1% -lh5- b270 Oct 2 1999 right_side.octa
[generic] 336 512 65.6% -lh5- 6e96 Oct 2 1999 right_side.octa.info
[generic] 31888 44932 71.0% -lh5- 35df Oct 2 1999 short_schnuki_mix.octa
[generic] 334 512 65.2% -lh5- 21fb Oct 2 1999 short_schnuki_mix.octa.info
[generic] 47734 72250 66.1% -lh5- 2419 Oct 2 1999 snüf.octa
[generic] 336 512 65.6% -lh5- f04c Oct 2 1999 snüf.octa.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 686292 1033626 66.4% Nov 4 1999
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