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Short:MelodyMeddlingMetalMedley MED3.2 ROCK MOD
Author: depeters at (Doug Peters)
Uploader:depeters inst augie edu (Doug Peters)
Distribution:FREEWARE! OK: AmiNet/BBS/Disk/CD
Download:mods/med/MeMeMeMe.lha - View contents

Architecture: generic

     Original MED MOD: "Melody Meddling Metal Medly"  
                               -Copyright 1993/1994 Douglas E. Peters
Version:      1.0 - Release 2
Description:  Driving, Sometimes Spooky, Rock Music MOD
Source:  (Doug Peters)

     My freinds really liked this one, so I've decided to see if anyone
else would appreciate it.  HOPE SO!  This is it's second release.  The
first was on my Private Bulletin Board.  ;)  I didn't include MEDPlayer
to listen to it with, as so many others do that you probably have tons 
of them.  I recomend EdPlayer2, (or better) but anything that will Load 
MED MODs will do (Including MEDPlayer!).  Also, No Icon is provided.  
My Cute little MOD Name (throw-up if you care to) is to long to append
the .info for the Icon File.  Oh well, your player, I'm sure, has a

     Created with an Amiga 500 (1 MB Chip, 3.5 MB Fast) and MED 3.2
(-the excellent Music EDitor by Teijo Kinnunen).  This MED MOD is a 
RAM & Disk Space Hog, but it will fit on one Disk. If you have EDPlayer2, 
You can PowerPack It and it will take less Disk Space, and EDPlayer could
still play it.  I believe that it can be played on a 512k Chip Amiga 
with any MED Player, as long as you also have some Fast RAM, (How much I
Dunno...) but I cannot gaurantee it.  You would need 1MB Chip (Plus some 
FAST RAM) in order to Edit it.

     IFF Sound Samples were taken from PD Libraries and CleanedUp or
otherwise Modified in several Sound Sample Editors, and therefore, the
Sound Samples themselves REMAIN in the Public Domain.  You may want some
of these.

     Modifying this MOD is Encouraged, But you should make it sound
significantly Better, or Different.  I maintain my Copyright ONLY so
that *I* may continue Modifying/Improving/Changing this "Song" without 
worries of Copyright Infingement.  Therefore, the *Unaltered* AND
*Complete*  MED MOD, Titled MOD.MelodyMeddlingMetalMedly, Remains
Copyright 1993 & 1994 by Douglas E. Peters.  However, You are Hereby
Authorized to Rerelease SIGNIFICANTLY Improved, Altered, Modified,
Ammended, or Rescored Versions, of my *ORIGINAL* Music Module.
Additionally, you are also Authorized to Borrow/Steal Parts of my
*ORIGINAL* Music Module for use in your own works or as a Start.

     I maintain my copyright in order to protect myself from the
possibility that if I should re-release a new or advanced version of
this module, someone won't turn around and bite ME in the butt over
Copyright Infringement.  ;)   You ARE Authorized to do what you want
with it for play, but I insist that any rerelase of this code should 
have 25% different or new stuff in it as a guideline, and so the song 
doesn't turn into a broken record of repeated versions tweaked just a 
little  (Makes Sense, Right?).

     Please Give Credit where Credit is Due (If there's any Credit to
Give).  I LIKE seeing my name in Lights.  ;)
     I have moved on to OctaMED 5 now, and am busy trying to create a
lil' Demo for my BBS in my Spare Time away from School/Work/Art/SysOp'n,
Etc., but I will try to respond to any Mail.  I'll upload the Demo when
it's done.
              ___________                            ^
         ____/   >       \,----.__________^^^\\\. __/^\__
        /________>______//      \        /       \     - \____
                      __/                           =     ___o)
                     |      __/---\______\__     /---\__/----'       
                     /  ___/ \_   |   \_   /\__  \
                    /  /       \  |     \  )   \_ \
                    \_ \_      / /      / /      \_\__
                      \ ooo    \ooo     \ooo       \ooo

          -Doug Peters                      SysOp:
          P.O. Box 1237, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD 57197

     I also have an IFF in here that I did in DPaint.  It's a Promo for
the BBS  ;)  but I think it looks good.  It's a simple 16 color IFF
called WDBBS.LBM (The *.LBM suffix is so IBMers know how do view it,
since thier machines can't figure it out without being told how in the
Suffix ;)    The Graphic (again) is original artwork done by me and is
Copyright 1994 Douglas E. Peters - But Distribute it freely as FreeWare.
It is part of a larger Demo I'm still working on.
     I left the BBS's Addresses & #'s Off since it's currently down 
while hardware is being repaired so that I can get it up & running again.
  OK?  ;)
LATER!    -DP 

Contents of mods/med/MeMeMeMe.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  254     628  40.4% -lh5- 3d73 Dec 29  1994
[generic]                 2355    4697  50.1% -lh5- 72fe Dec 28  1994 MODs/MeMeMeMe.readme
[generic]                  295     844  35.0% -lh5- 51e0 Dec 29  1994 MODs/
[generic]               333935  452774  73.8% -lh5- 64d2 Aug 28  1992 MODs/MOD.MelodyMeddlingMetalMedley
[generic]                23777   35388  67.2% -lh5- c8a0 Dec 13  1993 MODs/WDBBS.LBM
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         5 files  360616  494331  73.0%            Dec 30  1994
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