Recommended-volume-setting: 5 (Richter scale)
Flying Colours is a cool, funk/rock, melodic, guitary, ummm... oh I don't
know - you download it and have a listen. I wrote it ages ago for
performance in my then band and recently refurbished it for uploading. I
think it sounds pretty damn cool. But then I would say that.
It starts off in a calm relaxing mood, soothing all those aches and pains.
If you don't like the first half, however, don't stop listening because it
suddenly ascends into a glorious guitar riff with pulsating chords
(there's probably a musical word to describe it) which will leave you
thrashing on your air-guitar (if you're strange in that way).
Please email me and tell me what you think. I don't know about other
musicians, but while I'm composing a piece, I listen to it so many
hundreds I tend to forget whether it's any good or not.
Well folks, our beloved Paula has been with us for over ten years now and
she has not improved one bit. If I think back to my first Amiga in '89 and
the kind of tinny notes she was pumping out in those days, I realise how
much Amiga musicians have improved in that time. I don't know how long
it's going to take AT (or whoever) to pull out their metaphorical finger
and bless us with our hard-earned SuperPaula (16 channel, 16-bit with
tea-making facilities etc), but I know Amiga music will still continue to
improve until that time.
Hope you enjoy this track.
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/ /_/_/ \ Tim Rogers
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