84782 packages online
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Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
5728 3899 31.9% 13-Sep-95 16:10:52 +ElectricPianoC
7214 6381 11.5% 13-Sep-95 16:11:12 +Etheral1
7634 6463 15.3% 13-Sep-95 16:11:36 +Etheral2
5886 4757 19.1% 31-Aug-93 15:55:08 +PianoNote1
5572 4181 24.9% 31-Aug-93 15:55:12 +PianoNote2
7142 5451 23.6% 31-Aug-93 15:55:20 +PianoNote3
7808 6352 18.6% 31-Aug-93 15:55:26 +PianoNote4
5310 4266 19.6% 31-Aug-93 15:55:30 +PianoNote5
9948 7650 23.1% 09-May-96 23:08:12 +Ringpian
7648 6017 21.3% 09-May-96 23:08:22 +Teapiano
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
69890 55417 20.7% 10-May-96 02:27:38 10 files
Contents of mods/inst/Piano.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3899 5728 68.1% -lh5- 09e7 Sep 13 1995 Piano/ElectricPianoC
[generic] 6381 7214 88.5% -lh5- ae00 Sep 13 1995 Piano/Etheral1
[generic] 6463 7634 84.7% -lh5- 3f2c Sep 13 1995 Piano/Etheral2
[generic] 4757 5886 80.8% -lh5- aa1c Aug 31 1993 Piano/PianoNote1
[generic] 4181 5572 75.0% -lh5- c376 Aug 31 1993 Piano/PianoNote2
[generic] 5451 7142 76.3% -lh5- 0589 Aug 31 1993 Piano/PianoNote3
[generic] 6352 7808 81.4% -lh5- 43d0 Aug 31 1993 Piano/PianoNote4
[generic] 4266 5310 80.3% -lh5- c2b1 Aug 31 1993 Piano/PianoNote5
[generic] 7650 9948 76.9% -lh5- 8120 May 9 1996 Piano/Ringpian
[generic] 6017 7648 78.7% -lh5- 0612 May 9 1996 Piano/Teapiano
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 55417 69890 79.3% Mar 2 1996
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