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Short:Drums: Hi Hats and Cymbals
Download:mods/inst/DrumHats.lha - View contents

Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1848    1252 32.2% 09-Jan-80 17:08:08 +808hh
   13684   10740 21.5% 09-Jan-80 17:08:12 +808OpenHH
    1040     814 21.7% 21-Jul-89 03:29:54 +909HHat1
    7346    4636 36.8% 21-Jul-89 03:16:46 +909HHopB
    9944    7075 28.8% 21-Jul-89 03:29:58 +909OpHat3
    1722    1416 17.7% 09-May-96 21:03:44 +Anotherhihat
    9756    3636 62.7% 02-Sep-92 14:02:30 +CarClap
    7560    3261 56.8% 02-Sep-92 14:03:38 +CarClap2
    4766    2592 45.6% 02-Sep-92 14:05:18 +CarClap3
    2092    1707 18.4% 13-Sep-95 15:34:26 +ClapGuy
    2086    1763 15.4% 13-Sep-95 15:34:12 +ClapHat
    3464    2801 19.1% 13-Sep-95 15:34:40 +ClearClap
    1130     750 33.6% 26-Nov-90 23:16:32 +Closedha
     854     559 34.5% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +CloseHiHatU20
    3158    2077 34.2% 02-Sep-92 14:20:30 +ConfusedClap
    2410    1890 21.5% 02-Sep-92 14:38:12 +ConfusedClap2
    4652    3322 28.5% 21-Jul-89 03:30:02 +CR78Guiro2
     576     538  6.5% 21-Jul-89 03:30:04 +CR78Hat1
    1336    1142 14.5% 21-Jul-89 03:30:10 +CR78MetBeat
    7514    5722 23.8% 21-Jul-89 03:30:14 +CR78OpHAt
    5038    3797 24.6% 12-Dec-80 12:11:28 +CuttingClap
    4002    3714  7.1% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +Discophat
    1870    1429 23.5% 02-Sep-92 13:57:36 +GlassClap
    4666    2665 42.8% 02-Sep-92 13:51:28 +GlassHiHat
    2048    1724 15.8% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +HiHat30000
    1156     909 21.3% 26-Nov-90 23:07:02 +Hihatcl
     954     787 17.5% 13-Sep-95 15:37:36 +LoveHatClosed
    5080    4125 18.7% 13-Sep-95 15:37:50 +LoveHatOpen
    8048    4131 48.6% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +Marimba
    6246    4950 20.7% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +MetalDing
    5080    4121 18.8% 13-Sep-95 15:37:58 +Metallic1
    7456    5809 22.0% 13-Sep-95 15:38:32 +Metallic2
    2624    2105 19.7% 13-Sep-95 15:38:52 +OpenHat2E3
    7758    4960 36.0% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +OpenHiHatU20
    4264    3049 28.4% 02-Sep-92 15:52:28 +PerfectClap
   13938   11743 15.7% 13-Sep-95 15:39:10 +PhasedCymbal
    4966    3878 21.9% 01-Aug-93 18:30:14 +ProteusOpHat
    4904    3611 26.3% 01-Aug-93 18:32:32 +ProteusOpHat2
    2884    1990 30.9% 01-Aug-93 18:28:40 +ProteusRim
    3262    2003 38.5% 01-Aug-93 18:35:28 +ProteusShaker
    8730    6589 24.5% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +PsstCymb
    4702    3744 20.3% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +QshhHihat
   26880   15553 42.1% 09-May-96 23:08:12 +Ride
    4764    3631 23.7% 13-Sep-95 15:39:22 +Ride1E3
    4586    3000 34.5% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +RimDimTim
    4984    3671 26.3% 13-Sep-95 15:44:30 +Scratchy909Ope
    5254    3755 28.5% 13-Sep-95 15:44:48 +ShakerLoop
    2300    1680 26.9% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +SynKlik
    8276    6110 26.1% 13-Sep-95 15:45:30 +Tambourine
    3962    2695 31.9% 02-Sep-92 13:56:14 +Tamby
   10044    8588 14.4% 09-May-96 23:08:24 +Thecymba
    1448    1327  8.3% 09-May-96 21:03:46 +TinkHiHat
    6972    6353  8.8% 02-Sep-92 13:54:00 +TzzzOPHat
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  276084  195889 29.0% 10-May-96 02:26:28   53 files

Contents of mods/inst/DrumHats.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1252    1848  67.7% -lh5- 15ab Jan  9  1980 DrumHats/808hh
[generic]                10740   13684  78.5% -lh5- cc13 Jan  9  1980 DrumHats/808OpenHH
[generic]                  814    1040  78.3% -lh5- 1371 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/909HHat1
[generic]                 4636    7346  63.1% -lh5- 5067 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/909HHopB
[generic]                 7075    9944  71.1% -lh5- bfa3 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/909OpHat3
[generic]                 1416    1722  82.2% -lh5- 687e May  9  1996 DrumHats/Anotherhihat
[generic]                 3636    9756  37.3% -lh5- 64cd Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/CarClap
[generic]                 3261    7560  43.1% -lh5- be5f Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/CarClap2
[generic]                 2592    4766  54.4% -lh5- 4916 Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/CarClap3
[generic]                 1707    2092  81.6% -lh5- 147e Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/ClapGuy
[generic]                 1763    2086  84.5% -lh5- 6b66 Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/ClapHat
[generic]                 2801    3464  80.9% -lh5- c1ea Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/ClearClap
[generic]                  750    1130  66.4% -lh5- 530e Nov 26  1990 DrumHats/Closedha
[generic]                  559     854  65.5% -lh5- 8571 May  9  1996 DrumHats/CloseHiHatU20
[generic]                 2077    3158  65.8% -lh5- fbcf Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/ConfusedClap
[generic]                 1890    2410  78.4% -lh5- 5748 Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/ConfusedClap2
[generic]                 3322    4652  71.4% -lh5- 6d1f Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/CR78Guiro2
[generic]                  538     576  93.4% -lh5- 71e3 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/CR78Hat1
[generic]                 1142    1336  85.5% -lh5- 8252 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/CR78MetBeat
[generic]                 5722    7514  76.2% -lh5- 3169 Jul 21  1989 DrumHats/CR78OpHAt
[generic]                 3797    5038  75.4% -lh5- 2884 Dec 12  1980 DrumHats/CuttingClap
[generic]                 3714    4002  92.8% -lh5- 71f1 May  9  1996 DrumHats/Discophat
[generic]                 1429    1870  76.4% -lh5- 3032 Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/GlassClap
[generic]                 2665    4666  57.1% -lh5- 5e67 Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/GlassHiHat
[generic]                 1724    2048  84.2% -lh5- 4590 May  9  1996 DrumHats/HiHat30000
[generic]                  909    1156  78.6% -lh5- cc34 Nov 26  1990 DrumHats/Hihatcl
[generic]                  787     954  82.5% -lh5- 52a9 Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/LoveHatClosed
[generic]                 4125    5080  81.2% -lh5- efe3 Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/LoveHatOpen
[generic]                 4131    8048  51.3% -lh5- e835 May  9  1996 DrumHats/Marimba
[generic]                 4950    6246  79.3% -lh5- 61c5 May  9  1996 DrumHats/MetalDing
[generic]                 4121    5080  81.1% -lh5- 6dfc Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/Metallic1
[generic]                 5809    7456  77.9% -lh5- 133a Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/Metallic2
[generic]                 2105    2624  80.2% -lh5- 18fe Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/OpenHat2E3
[generic]                 4960    7758  63.9% -lh5- 7a1f May  9  1996 DrumHats/OpenHiHatU20
[generic]                 3049    4264  71.5% -lh5- f28e Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/PerfectClap
[generic]                11743   13938  84.3% -lh5- d9c2 Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/PhasedCymbal
[generic]                 3878    4966  78.1% -lh5- 7d74 Aug  1  1993 DrumHats/ProteusOpHat
[generic]                 3611    4904  73.6% -lh5- d5ee Aug  1  1993 DrumHats/ProteusOpHat2
[generic]                 1990    2884  69.0% -lh5- 9349 Aug  1  1993 DrumHats/ProteusRim
[generic]                 2003    3262  61.4% -lh5- 45fb Aug  1  1993 DrumHats/ProteusShaker
[generic]                 6589    8730  75.5% -lh5- fe92 May  9  1996 DrumHats/PsstCymb
[generic]                 3744    4702  79.6% -lh5- a3a3 May  9  1996 DrumHats/QshhHihat
[generic]                15553   26880  57.9% -lh5- d387 May  9  1996 DrumHats/Ride
[generic]                 3631    4764  76.2% -lh5- c1ae Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/Ride1E3
[generic]                 3000    4586  65.4% -lh5- 0d15 May  9  1996 DrumHats/RimDimTim
[generic]                 3671    4984  73.7% -lh5- 790a Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/Scratchy909Ope
[generic]                 3755    5254  71.5% -lh5- 3cbb Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/ShakerLoop
[generic]                 1680    2300  73.0% -lh5- a9c6 May  9  1996 DrumHats/SynKlik
[generic]                 6110    8276  73.8% -lh5- 4910 Sep 13  1995 DrumHats/Tambourine
[generic]                 2695    3962  68.0% -lh5- ff71 Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/Tamby
[generic]                 8588   10044  85.5% -lh5- 4a93 May  9  1996 DrumHats/Thecymba
[generic]                 1327    1448  91.6% -lh5- 142f May  9  1996 DrumHats/TinkHiHat
[generic]                 6353    6972  91.1% -lh5- ffee Sep  2  1992 DrumHats/TzzzOPHat
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        53 files  195889  276084  71.0%            Mar  2  1996
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