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This is a small script that allows to create TransferAnims for Voyager/IBrowse
from a number of single pictures.
Just copy the script into ArtEffect:rexx/
Create a number of pictures of equal size that will be the frames of your
You MUST name these files in the following fashion: <filename>.xxxx
Where xxxx can be anything between 0000 and 9999 and <filename> can be any
AmigaDOS-legal file name.
Then run the script from the shell or directly from ArtEffect.
The script allows you to choose any range of pictures (e.g. 0023 to 0049) but
of course all of these must exist.
The script will then assemble the animation and give you the choice of saving
it immediately.
I have taken all steps possible to intercept every kind of likely error (like
gaps in numbering, non-existant files, etc.) and the script is heavily
commented, so it should be really easy to use and understand.
The usage of the script is also explained in the comment block at its beginning,
so you can delete this .readme if you want to.
V1.0 - Very first release
V1.1 - Hopefully fixed the bug that the frames weren't plotted at all under
certain circumstances. (I think that was more due to an ArtEffect bug
than anything else)
Put IFF-ILBM into quotes so that ARexx does not interpret this as an
arithmetic operations (IFF minus ILBM).
For this reason, saving the animation did not work in V1.0
Contents of gfx/arteff/MakeVanim.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 873 1707 51.1% -lh5- 21c6 Sep 2 1997 MakeVanim.readme
[generic] 2289 5823 39.3% -lh5- 9258 Sep 15 1997 VAnim.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 2 files 3162 7530 42.0% Oct 1 1997
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