84782 packages online
gfx/3d/skulpt_wos.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Sculpt3D clone (PPC (WarpOS) + Warp3D) |
Author: | stephane.guillard steria.fr |
Uploader: | Toxico Nimbus (ToxN CdBSSoftware net) |
Type: | gfx/3d |
Version: | alpha 28 (04 Oct 2000) |
Architecture: | ppc-warpup |
Date: | 2001-01-17 |
Download: | gfx/3d/skulpt_wos.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/3d/skulpt_wos.readme |
Downloads: | 556 |
This is the rebirth of Sculpt 3D. PPC WOS/W3D binaries.
Remark : due to the lack of support for DoMethod() in the StormC ppc library,
this release does not load textures. I have another PPC release (mixedbinary)
working fully, but it sometimes crashes. I am working on it.
New features since last upload :
* Texture mapping support
* Texture loading through datatypes (so that you can use any file format supported by
your installed datatypes)
* Almost complete lighting engine (all light & material properties support) in
addition to the simple (but fast) engine
* Light properties editing
* PPC support (will be enhanced)
* 3D rendering w/wireframe, points or none (to speed up things)
* Warp3D hinting settings dialog
* Global optimization (still much to do)
* Improved Microsoft DirectX (r) X mesh format load support
* Full palette of basic objects (cube, cone etc.)
* Almost complete Face and Material properties dialog (will be finished in next release)
* Some bits of auto texture mapping (planar, cylindrical and spherical).
Will be complete in next release.
* Working support for checked menu entries in Amiga version
* Documentation enhanced
What it does :
* full modelling
* Warp3D support for fast and real time preview
* RTG screens
* match exactly the old sculpt
* provide sources
What it doesn't:
* Ray tracing render
* Animation
* Full normal vectors support in Gouraud lighting (will be ehnanced soon)
* Font outline support in Amiga version
* Hole support when filling in Amiga version
* Texture blending / Alpha blending in Amiga version
* Splitting Intuition message handling into a 68K task to speed up GUI in PPC Amiga version
* Support of Locale (soon to be released)
* Complete documentation
Contents of gfx/3d/skulpt_wos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10039 10039 100.0% -lh0- 48a5 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/3Dclip.JPG
[generic] 7595 7595 100.0% -lh0- 5242 Oct 6 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/coordinates.jpg
[generic] 7739 7739 100.0% -lh0- 6eeb Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/face.jpg
[generic] 4267 4267 100.0% -lh0- 2132 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-grab.jpg
[generic] 3648 3648 100.0% -lh0- cce6 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-panup.jpg
[generic] 1873 1873 100.0% -lh0- bb5b Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-point.jpg
[generic] 4007 4007 100.0% -lh0- 4964 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-reverse.jpg
[generic] 3673 3673 100.0% -lh0- ae3e Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-rotate.jpg
[generic] 2055 2055 100.0% -lh0- 8b15 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-tri.jpg
[generic] 2220 2220 100.0% -lh0- 66f9 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-zoomin.jpg
[generic] 4007 4007 100.0% -lh0- e6aa Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gad-zoomout.jpg
[generic] 4067 4067 100.0% -lh0- 2d72 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/gouraud.jpg
[generic] 6085 6085 100.0% -lh0- 032d Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/right.jpg
[generic] 19375 52107 37.2% -lh5- 2f13 Oct 6 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/skulpt.htm
[generic] 14268 14268 100.0% -lh0- 1f3c Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/tiger1.JPG
[generic] 13793 13793 100.0% -lh0- ee34 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/tiger2.JPG
[generic] 6042 6042 100.0% -lh0- 4ef8 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/top.jpg
[generic] 12429 12429 100.0% -lh0- 02c3 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/top2.jpg
[generic] 8259 8259 100.0% -lh0- f185 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/top3.jpg
[generic] 7782 7782 100.0% -lh0- e786 Oct 5 2000 skulpt-ppc/Doc/top4.jpg
[generic] 71 152 46.7% -lh5- 5f0f Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_ADD_POINT.info
[generic] 69 152 45.4% -lh5- 70b8 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_CENTER.info
[generic] 73 152 48.0% -lh5- fb2d Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_GO_DOWN.info
[generic] 72 152 47.4% -lh5- 0cae Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_GO_LEFT.info
[generic] 73 152 48.0% -lh5- aeb6 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_GO_RIGHT.info
[generic] 75 152 49.3% -lh5- 6550 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_GO_UP.info
[generic] 74 152 48.7% -lh5- d1d2 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_GRABBER.info
[generic] 76 152 50.0% -lh5- 8a62 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_MAKE_TRIANGLE.info
[generic] 75 152 49.3% -lh5- 1093 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_REVERSE.info
[generic] 76 152 50.0% -lh5- 796f Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_ROTATE_CLOCK.info
[generic] 75 152 49.3% -lh5- c8d7 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_ROTATE_TRIGO.info
[generic] 75 152 49.3% -lh5- 96d5 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_ZOOM_IN.info
[generic] 73 152 48.0% -lh5- bd62 Jul 8 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/BTN_ZOOM_OUT.info
[generic] 11704 11704 100.0% -lh0- 3c92 Jun 28 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/LOGO.JPG
[generic] 5501 23268 23.6% -lh5- 72d0 Oct 4 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/sampler.res
[generic] 10 10 100.0% -lh0- 1721 Oct 2 2000 skulpt-ppc/Gfx/w3d.hints
[generic] 6185 16602 37.3% -lh5- ccdc May 11 1989 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/Amiga.scene
[generic] 455244 1764746 25.8% -lh5- 1fd7 Sep 15 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/bigship.x
[generic] 11963 30544 39.2% -lh5- 0ca4 Dec 12 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/Boing.scene
[generic] 42882 124617 34.4% -lh5- c090 Mar 17 1999 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/car.x
[generic] 21068 70361 29.9% -lh5- fe15 Sep 15 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/cherry.x
[generic] 6044 18056 33.5% -lh5- 49a1 Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/clock.scene
[generic] 7652 26872 28.5% -lh5- 05a6 Sep 15 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/dolphin.x
[generic] 6723 20884 32.2% -lh5- 12e6 Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/dream_house.scene
[generic] 30154 91716 32.9% -lh5- 8ad7 Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/eclate.scene
[generic] 18152 57244 31.7% -lh5- f469 Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/ensemble1.scene
[generic] 9899 43034 23.0% -lh5- 2d2b Mar 30 1999 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/heli.x
[generic] 37894 102272 37.1% -lh5- 2fcf Aug 28 1989 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/Janal.2.g.scene
[generic] 68829 511354 13.5% -lh5- 29b7 Sep 14 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/multi_new.x
[generic] 18363 57304 32.0% -lh5- 007f Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/pignon-piston.scene
[generic] 9852 31992 30.8% -lh5- 35da Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/Pignon.scene
[generic] 7538 25564 29.5% -lh5- 1d4e Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/piston.scene
[generic] 8915 23236 38.4% -lh5- 242c Dec 12 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/Pomme.scene
[generic] 66122 312358 21.2% -lh5- cabd Sep 15 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/teapot.x
[generic] 13889 51327 27.1% -lh5- f7c9 Mar 17 1999 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/tiger.x
[generic] 14623 97965 14.9% -lh5- 7a73 Oct 2 2000 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/tri.x
[generic] 7805 23500 33.2% -lh5- b659 Jan 1 1980 skulpt-ppc/Scenes/UHU.scene
[generic] 117019 436380 26.8% -lh5- 0ae5 Oct 6 2000 skulpt-ppc/sKulpt-PPC
[generic] 667 12344 5.4% -lh5- 8334 Aug 7 1997 skulpt-ppc/Textures/CAISSE64.bmp
[generic] 6738 12344 54.6% -lh5- c97b Sep 26 1997 skulpt-ppc/Textures/CAISSETNT.bmp
[generic] 355 3128 11.3% -lh5- 490c Aug 5 1997 skulpt-ppc/Textures/PIN2.bmp
[generic] 5283 12344 42.8% -lh5- 6120 Aug 8 1997 skulpt-ppc/Textures/ROUE.bmp
[generic] 30892 66616 46.4% -lh5- 860a Sep 14 2000 skulpt-ppc/Textures/tiger.bmp
[generic] 785 3128 25.1% -lh5- eb0c Sep 29 1997 skulpt-ppc/Textures/VOLANT.bmp
[generic] 5033 49167 10.2% -lh5- 35fd Aug 17 1998 skulpt-ppc/Textures/wall.ppm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 65 files 1197963 4309912 27.8% Jan 17 2001
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