TDDDInfo is a small utility that enables you to examine Imagine 3.0
objects without having to use Imagine.
TDDDInfo requires AmigaDOS Release 2.
The entire object is loaded into memory, so memory requirements are
dependant on the object size.
If TDDDinfo is run without parameters, then an ASL reqester will prompt you
for the object file.
VERBOSE switches on the printing of the number of points, edges and faces per
TDDDInfo will list the following:
Object name
Bright object
Type of object
CSG sphere, ground or axis based.
Type of light source
Shadow casting, round, rectangular, parallel, point.
Colour, Reflectivity, Transparency and Specularity
0 - 255 in red, green and blue
Dithering, Hardness, Shininess and Roughness
0 - 255
Index of refraction
Unfortunately, TDDDInfo can only report IOR as an integer number. This is the
fault of the compiler.
Bounding box, quickedges or none.
On or off.
On or off.
Textures applied
Brushmaps applied
Image Type
Colour, reflectivity, filter, altitude or reflection.
Full Scale Value
0 - 9999 (any value over 255 is unusual)
Maximum Sequence
0 - 9999.
The amount of sub-objects, points, edges and faces in the main object file.
TDDDInfo software and documentation are copyright © 1994 by Tony Jones. All
rights reserved.
2:254/ (not my account, so use with care :)
The author is not responsible for any loss of data, damage(s) to software
or hardware that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this
program. The author reserves the right to make changes to the software or
documentation without notice.
This program is freeware, this means that you can copy it freely as long as
you don't ask any more money for it than a nominal fee for copying. If you
want to distribute this program you must keep this document with it.
None of the files of the TDDDInfo package may be modified or left out
without permission of the author. Crunching or archiving is allowed only if
none of the TDDDInfo files get modified by it.
Special permission is hereby granted to include TDDDInfo in Public-Domain
collections such as Fred Fish's Amiga Library.