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Short:V1.07 - Realtime LightWave objects shower. AGA.
Author: c0manch3 at (Pawel Jackowski, Rafal Kwasny)
Uploader:c0manch3 amigascne org (Rafal Kwasny)
Download:gfx/3d/LightView1_07.lha - View contents

      ________   ________   ____ ___   _______   ________   ________
   ___\__     \__\__     \__\_  /   \__\_     \__\__     \__\__     \
   \     \     \    \     \          \    __   \    \     \          \
    \    /     /    /     /   \/     /   __   _/    /     /    ______/
    /         /    /     /    /     /   /     /    /     /    /    \ 
   /         /    /     /    /     /         /    /     /    /     /
  /    /     \    \    /    /     \         /     \    /          /

                  - m - i - m - e - t - i - c - s -      
                           LightView v1.07
                    (c) 1998-1999 Humbug Mimetics

0.What's new?

22 Jan 1999
Russian docs update.
Wait for v1.1. A major update!

3 Jan 1999
At last RTG/CGX support.
Some bugfixes and new bugs.
Preview pictures of new version of LightView (coloured surfaces!).

13 Dec 1998
This is a special X-mas release!
Now works even on unexpanded A1200!
Added some low-memory protections.
Executable is now uncrunched (due to strange behaviours on some machines).

Lots of X-mas trees as a bonus :).

-object loading (sometimes it hanged in demoversion),
-more stable now,
-loading of point-based only objects (does't show them yet but doesn't hang
-fixed problem with text formatting in status window.

25 Oct 1998.
Russian Guide translated by Vassili 'Bedazzle' Smirnov.
Russian font included. Thanx pal!


What is this? Just a simple,realtime LightWave objects shower. It started as
an idea for LW plug-in, but now you have standalone proggy. At final final
stage it crystalized as a program for fast cataloguing (sure it's not an
english word:) of your ultra-huge libraries of objects. Of course - the
program is small and simple. But it is just a start for us in utility
production.  We, "Humbug Mimetics" won't stop on this one - we plan to
develop more useful, and (hope so) more sophisticated tools.  But now you
can read only about the future of this one.


An AGA chipset, Kickstart 3.0 or above.
Libraries: Reqtools.library in the libs: directory

2 megabytes of RAM for simple objects. Reccomended at least 0.5 MB of fast
RAM to gain some speed for objects like the famous cow :), that have more
than 2000 polygons.


Light View offers:
-showing the LightWave objects,
-showing the objects in some different modes:
	-lines (solid, to be honest),
	-simple shading (FLAT),
	-Z-Shade shading,
	-Gouraud shading,
	-fake Phong shading (enviorment mapping),
-three modes of polygon flipping:
	-right faces,
	-left faces,
	-all faces (it helps with some bad converted objects),

-free scaling and rotating of the object with mouse,
-automatic animation of the object (rotation),
-nice user interface :),
-full multitasking.

The demo version has some limitations, of course. They're not that big, but
I'm sure they will be enough annoying to register:
-LightView demo can only load objects in its' own, internal format (that's
why program is distributed with some objects).


Programming (100% assembler):
  Paweî Jackowski (aka Hasid / Amnesty)

Idea, graphics, icons, technical help, docs:
  Rafaî Kwaôny (aka C0manch3 / Amnesty)


Thanx: we do not thank to no-friends :).

No, no, no - special thanks must go to Marek Pampuch, main editor of
"Magazyn Amiga" for putting LightView (and other Humbug wares) on
his marvellous cover CD.

Future of this program is mostly in yours hands - the feedback, registering
and fact of NOT seeing this program @{"registered" link "Register" 0} version in interesting places
(like Los Endos, Boondocks....).
In simple words - if you want the program to be developped, you have not
only to support it with money, but also care about its' saftey.

The registration fee is: 20 DM or 15 USD. All following upgrades are free.

If you want to register over snail-mail you'll have to add 5DM/3USD more for
disk & shipping.

 Please fill the questionnaire, and send it back to me, no matter if you
registered or not.
Attention! If you're registering then you'll HAVE TO fill the

 Orders send to:

  Rafaî Kwaôny
ul.Goleszowska 14/79
43-300 Bielsko-Biaîa

   or:  with subject set to [LightView]

Each registered user will get unique version of program.  Once again it
relies on you to not give it to other person, or place it on some FTP.  We
have demo version for this.

Contents of gfx/3d/LightView1_07.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3041    4086  74.4% -lh5- fae8 Feb  3  1998 LightView/Add-ons/IconsBrush
[generic]                43053  106024  40.6% -lh5- 666c Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Cow
[generic]                 4739   10396  45.6% -lh5- bd2b Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Delphine
[generic]                32262   76612  42.1% -lh5- c319 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/FootBones
[generic]                34756   87868  39.6% -lh5- be0d Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Galleon
[generic]                19909   41104  48.4% -lh5- 5624 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Head
[generic]                 1264    4336  29.2% -lh5- 2d28 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/HumbuG
[generic]                 5577   14752  37.8% -lh5- 78f2 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Korn
[generic]                64651  128728  50.2% -lh5- 2d6b Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Pig
[generic]                12164   32548  37.4% -lh5- 1bef Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/RayFlexx
[generic]                 1700    4864  35.0% -lh5- b7ad Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Thorus
[generic]                46656  108460  43.0% -lh5- a5c3 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/Triceratops
[generic]                16402   38128  43.0% -lh5- c4b9 Jan 14  1998 LightView/TestObjects/VWbug
[generic]                 1378    2642  52.2% -lh5- 7ae3 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Add-ons/LV.animbrush
[generic]                 2843    4318  65.8% -lh5- 517c Feb  3  1998 LightView/Add-ons/
[generic]                  659    1301  50.7% -lh5- d287 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/Ankieta_pl.txt
[generic]                 8975   21804  41.2% -lh5- 54a8 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/
[generic]                  781    1402  55.7% -lh5- 8962 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/
[generic]                11142   24868  44.8% -lh5- c19a Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/
[generic]                  781    1402  55.7% -lh5- 8962 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/
[generic]                  547    1141  47.9% -lh5- 632c Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/Questionnaire.txt
[generic]                 2281    4659  49.0% -lh5- ae26 Jan 14  1998 LightView/LightView.readme
[generic]                17918   27952  64.1% -lh5- fde8 Jan 14  1998 LightView/LookHere!/Cow.iff
[generic]                15357   22790  67.4% -lh5- 65ba Jan 14  1998 LightView/LookHere!/Orc.iff
[generic]                13122   20848  62.9% -lh5- 412c Jan 14  1998 LightView/LookHere!/Spitfire.iff
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- 707e Jan 14  1998 LightView/LightView
[generic]                 2854    4328  65.9% -lh5- 8a3d Jan 14  1998 LightView/
[generic]                73167  462304  15.8% -lh5- 6230 Jan 14  1998 LightView/LV
[generic]                10692   23536  45.4% -lh5- 23f6 Jan  7  1980 LightView/Docs/
[generic]                  781    1402  55.7% -lh5- 8962 Jan 14  1998 LightView/Docs/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        30 files  449455 1284606  35.0%            Jan 22  1999
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