available display modes: environment mapping, texture mapping, light shading,
fake phong shading, z-buffer shading, dots only
screenmode requester (m)
custom environment/texture map requester (t)
triple buffering on intuition screen
automatic centering and scaling
Using the demo version may result in loading a letter "D" instead of the
desired object. This is a limitation in the demo version only.
In case of a WarpOS "PowerPC Alignment exception..." set the environment
variable envarc:PowerPC/EnAlignExc to 0 (by for example "setenv
envarc:powerpc/EnAlignExc 0"). A reset is recommended after the modification.
For CGX, P96 users:
After launching the program choose a screenmode with the m key. If the
built-in c2p is running you can switch to the system c2p by pressing the key
c. Always choose 8 bit screen modes.
Available commands:
LMB, Esc, q, x: exit program
p: enable displaying object dots
b: alternate display updates: clear, fade out, blurred fade,
blur+fade+offset (fire effect)
f: fps display toggle
r: stop rotation of the object
R: reset all variables
l: lightsource rotation toggle (for light and fake phong shading)
c: switching between internal c2p and graphics.library/WriteChunkyPixels().
For the latter a graphic card or BlazeWCP.lha (util/boot) from aminet
(AGA users) is strongly recommended.
m: screenmode requester
t: custom texture requester
d: display single/two sided poligons toggle
i: flip poligon normals in single sided poligon display
s: store variables (ENV:LWToy.vars)
S: store variables (ENV:LWToy.vars, ENVARC:LWToy.vars)
w: read variables (ENV:LWToy.vars)
W: read variables (ENVARC:LWToy.vars)
0: reset gamma
4,5,6: increase gamma RGB values
1,2,3: decrease gamma RGB values
crsr up: increase light intensity of dots
crsr down: decrease light intensity of dots
crsr left: rotate left
crsr right: rotate right
RMB: switching display modes: environment mapping, texture mapping,
light shading, fake phong shading, z buffer shading, dots only
Further technical details:
The viewer handles only convex poligons of 3 or more points, and poligons
which has all their points on the same plane.
The program utilizes both processors of the PowerUP boards paralelly: the PPC
performs all the 3D calculations and additional operations on the chunky buffer,
while the 68K performs the WriteChunkyPixels() calls (or performing internal c2p)
system administration tasks, like screen and window handling, input
devices (keyboard and mouse), and file I/O.
The following aminet program is strongly recommended when you decide to turn
off the internal c2p routine:
BlazeWCP (util/boot) 28K ULTRA FAST 32bit c2p patch for OS chunky fun
Details of the LWToy_envmap.chunky file: it's a RAW 256x256 8 bit chunky
image used for the environment mapping, "reflecting" on the objects surface,
or mapped onto the poligons in texture mapping mode. It has a 256 level gray
palette. (not included)
If you are interested in a registered version of LWToy then you can contact
me at the following address:
lwtoy@freemail.hu (you can send bugreports & ideas here as well)
or Ray^TRY on #amigahu (ircnet)
Ray of Therapy