Note: this version corrects some minor bugs in previus releases (v1.0).
Also, this version is a special edition for OS2.x users. The main
difference is the @wordwrap keyword plus some lines with more that
250 chars. Now, this version is tested under A500 with OS2.0 and
it works.
Note2: If you own an Amiga with OS3.x , please get the archive
"IMLfaq11guide.lha" instead this.
| Imagine Mailing List |
| Compiled By |
| Gabriele Scibilia |
| Michael B. Comet |
| Steve Mund |
| Mark Oldfield |
| Dave Wickard |
This is the Frequently Asked Questions posting for the Imagine
Mailing list. This posting is sent every so often to answer general
questions that users of the 3D rendering software, Imagine by Impulse
Inc. may have. It is aimed toward all users, especially newcomers to
the program.
If You find any errors or have answers to other frequently asked
questions that You would like to have included in this posting, please
send e-mail to: imlfaq@email.eag.unisysgsg.com (FAQ List).
- Gabriele S.
- Hypertext Conversions by Ernesto Poveda. (amigaguide & html)
Last Update : April 8, 1996 Monday
Issue Number : 11
What's New : Section 1, No 1. Updated HTML home pages list,
updated BBSes list, updated
magazines list, general re-editing,
updated FTP site informations
Section 1, No 3. What was IML?
Section 1, No 4. What's the new Imagine Mailing List?
Section 2, No 42. Springs, spirals and coils
Section 2, No 43. Modeling tips
Section 2, No 44. Starting project
Section 2, No 45. Phong shading
Section 2, No 46. Lights
Section 2, No 47. Lights
Section 8, No 33. Asteroids
Section 8, No 34. Alien