********* THIS IS VERSION 1.9 ( 11/8/94 ) A NEW UPDATE TO VERSION
1.87, 1.85, 1.7 1.6
FreeForm Demo version 1.9
Real time Inverse Kinematics have been added with this version.
If you are interested in distributing this product, all dealer inquiries
are welcome.
No liability from the use or misuse of this program is expressed
or implied. All products mentioned are the trade marks of their
respective companies and have no affiliation with FreeForm at
this time.
All code of the program is the property of Fori Owurowa and may not
be used in whole or in part for any other purposes.
**************************** IMPORTANT **********************************
You need the Helvetica11 font in your fonts drawer. If you do not have it
already, I have included it on the disk.
You need to add an assign statement to your user_startup drawer in
the system S directory, telling what directory FreeForm is located in, on
your hard drive. After adding this line, you must re-boot for it
to take affect.
Assign FreeForm: work:graphics/3D
If you have 3.0 operating system or greater, you must set the path name
for where MULTIVIEW is located on your machine, in order to access the
online help. Change the last line in the configfile, that says amigaguide
to your path name. You may also have to move the ff.guide file to the
same directory as MULTIVIEW.
If you have Aladdin4d, you can run FreeForm from with Aladdin by
copying the line below to a file called FreeForm; and moving that file
to your tools directory in Aladdin.
stack 30000 run >NIL: FreeForm:FreeForm03040
If you run FreeForm from Tool Manager or the like. Set a stack size of 30,000.
Look at the "WHATS NEW" button in the help system. Amigaguide file.
FreeForm 3D Bspline modeler brings truly affordable, super-
fast Bspline modeling to your current 3D program rivaling
that of high end workstations. FreeForm can output to
Lightwave, Aladdin4D, Real3D2, Imagine, Caligari and RenderMan.
FreeForm has real-time object and point editing in all
views; and a real-time, 3D space, through the camera
perspective view. In addition to the standard 3D tools, FreeForm
has tension adjustment to Bsplines(giving NURB like control),
deformations, rail extrusion, morph extrusion, cross sectional
skinning, automatic Bones creation, real-time Bones manipulation,
an easy keyframe animator and on-line help. FreeForm even gives
users of other Bspline programs a faster, easier to use Bspline environment,
and the fastest grayscale preview, true curve rendering;
FreeForm 1.9 is $80, requires at least a 68020 with a
FPU, and 1.2 megs of Ram.
Usable demo of V1.9 on Aminet ftp in gfx/3D
, on the Lightwave ftp tomahawk.welch.jhu.edu pub/LW/utils
and on Compuserve. Cash, check or money order to:
Fori Owurowa
1873-75 Cropsey Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11214
718-996-1842 12 noon to 7pm Eastern