Instructions for WORLD! <c> R.M.Packer 1992
World! is a fairly simple game, for 2 to 8 players, depending on how big you
want the map. You can't really go very wrong in it, as I have tried to ensure
ease of use in the form of pull-down-menus and a nice little input window.
This version was made especially for Cu Amiga and has the load and save
options disabled. If you would like the full game, my address can be found at
the end of this text.
The basic idea of the game is to build armies, forts and mines in order to
produce money and get stong enough to kill your opponent. Here's a very quick
rundown of events...
Forts cost loads to build, and use a lot of your resources, depending on the
type of land you are building them on. They cannot attack anything, but have
a high defence value. Forts are like lives, once you lose all of your forts
you are DEAD. They can also be disabled if you do not own any surrounding
territory. If all your forts are disabled, you are also DEAD. You start the
game with 1 fort.
Suprisingly enough, mines are used to get various minerals out of the ground.
Minerals are needed for most things to do with building. Initially, you have
no mines, but instead have a stockpile of various minerals. It is then up to
you to build mines to replenish your stocks. Be warned!! If you do not mine
the more essential minerals first, you may find yourself too low on stock to
build various items! Mines cannot attack either, and have a medium defence
Sometimes refered to as 'Mechs' in the game, as 1 mech makes up an army! You
start the game with 1 mech, placed next to you home fort. These are the only
things that you can use to attack. Mech's start off slow, defenceless and
really bad at killing things, but with a little improvement, they start to
have a kicking bass line and kill things very well.
Territories are used to get more money and minerals. Here's a quick tables of
information on all the terrain types...
Type | Mineral | Base Defence Value | Movement Hinderance
Plain | Granite | 0 | 1
Woods | Carbon | 2 | 3
Water | Gold | 1 | 8
Hills | Iron or Copper | 3 | 5
Sand | Silicon | 1 | 4
Swamp | Silver | 1 | 6
Right, that about covers that bit. Now comes a brief description of what the
various menus do:
New - Initialse a new game!
Load - Disbaled in the evaluation copy, otherwise it loads a saved game.
Save - Disbaled in the evaluation copy, otherwise it saves the game!
Quit - Finish playing (why???)
About - About.
Move Army - Move an army! Click on one of your armies on the map, and you
will then be prompted 'Which Direction?', to which you should
enter a compass direction (n,e,s,w,ne,nw,se,sw).
(North being towards the top of the screen).
Attack - Attack the enemy! Click on one of your armies on the map, and
you will then be prompted to click on what you want to attack.
Build Fort - Build a fort. You can only build forts next to one of your
mechanoids. Again, just click on where you want the fort to be
Build Mine - Same as build fort.
Make Weapon - Here you can make a better weapon for use on one of your
mechanoid armies. Again, you are prompted for various bits of
information, such as the power you would like and the range
wanted. Weapons need various minerals and cash to build.
Build Mech - You can only build armies next to one of your forts, in
territory that you own. Mechs are fairly cheap to build, and
use small amounts of resources.
Equip Mech - Give one of the weapons you have built to one of your mech's.
Improve - Improve either one of your forts, mines, armies or a bit of
territory. Just click on what you want to improve, and you will
then be prompted... Note - When improving things, various
attributes will increase, including the amount of hits the item
can take. To bring its current hit points to maximum, you must
'repair' the item (covered next).
Repair - Repair damage to your mines, forts, armies or territory. Again,
just click on what you want to repair.
End Turn - Finish your turn, and pass onto the next player!
Player - Gives information on the current player.
Objects - A quick run-down of what everything is on the map.
Mechs - Click on a mech, and get his details!
Map - Click on a map location, and get a detailed description.
Map Size - Change the size of the map.
Coverage - Set up the terrain distribution. You will be prompted for 6
different percentages...
Players - How many people want to play the game? One this has been chosen,
the initialise menu will be disabled and the game will start...
ColourSwap - Don't like your player's colours?
Well, you can change them here.
World! (Test Version) was completed on 1/8/92 (At 3am to be precise!!).
If you have any suggestions on improvements, find any bugs or simply want to
show your appreciation in the form of a fiver or so, you can contact me at:
41 Dorset Road
East Sussex
TN40 1SG
Anyone sending more than 3 pounds (or 2 quid and a disk) will recieve:
A full, registered version.
A comprehensive manual.
An update of the game, when it is completed.