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Short:Tile-based puzzle game similar to Shisen-sho
Author: kframp at (Keith Frampton)
Uploader:lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Requires:PowerSDL library
Download:game/think/twind-mos.lha - View contents

README for Twin Distress

                               Twin Distress 1.1.0
                           (c) 2003-04 Keith Frampton
                  Licensed under the GNU General Public License

                              How to Play the Game

The object of the game is to remove all of the blocks from the screen before
the time runs out. Two blocks are removed at a time, and must be of the same
color. After completing a level, you will be rewarded with a bonus point for
every tick left on the clock. For each level thereafter, the time to complete
the the level will be shorter.

                       Shortcut Keys Used During the Game

b - change the block set
c - change the corner style of the blocks
f, F4 - toggle between full screen/window mode (can be used anywhere)
h, F1 - display the help screen
m - turn background music on/off (can be used anywhere)
n, F2 - start a new game (highscores won't be saved ending a game this way)
p, Pause, F3 - pause/unpause the game
q, Esc - quit the game
s - turn sound effects on/off (can be used anywhere)
0 - 9 - toggle the L & R colors on Insane mode (can be used anywhere)

                               Moving in the Menu

To move in the menu, you have several options besides highlighting with the
mouse and clicking the menu/option with the left mouse button.

moving up - Up arrow, TAB key or the mouse wheel
moving down - Down arrow, Shift-TAB or the mouse wheel
choosing a menu/option - Enter or middle mouse button
changing options - left or right arrow keys
exit a menu/sub-menu - Esc key or right mouse button

                                  Skill Levels

Kids - Match two blocks of the same color. Where they are doesn't matter.

Easy - The path used to connect the blocks can only be up, down, left or right
       (no moving diagonally). As well, you can't go through other blocks to
       get to the one you are looking for. The path can turn a maximum of
       three times in this skill. Examples are shown in the help in the game.
Normal - This is the standard mode of play. Same rules as Easy, except a path
         can only take two turns to get to the other block.

Hard - Same rules as Normal, except that when you choose two blocks that
       can't be removed, you will lose a point from your score & one tick of
       time from the clock. Two blocks already eliminated will also be put back
       on the screen. If no blocks have been removed yet, you will lose three
       points and three ticks on the clock. As well, if you click on a location
       where a block has been removed, and you currently have a block
       highlighted, it is considered a wrong move.

Very Hard - Same rules as Hard, except the blocks will randomize in color
            several times throughout the game.

Insane - Same rules as Very Hard, except you must now use both the left & right
         mouse buttons to remove blocks. The blocks will have an L or an R. It
         isn't necessary to match two L blocks or two R blocks. All that
         matters is that you must hit the block with the correct mouse button.

                                  Bonus Scoring

In addition to receiving a point for every tick left on the clock at the end of
a level, there are also two other ways to receive bonus scoring.

If you remove sets of the same color in a row, you will receive bonus points.
For the first two sets, you get 5 points. The third set will get you 10 points,
the fourth will be 15 points & all five sets will be 25 points. If you do the
same thing again with another set of five, the points will be the same as
above, plus an extra 10 points. The third set of five will get you 20 points &
so on. Up to 1000 points can be received for clearing the whole level this way.
Making a wrong move won't erase your bonus, but your chain will be broken.

If you don't make any wrong moves during the level, you will receive 50 points.
Do it again for the next level & you will get 60 points. It will keep
increasing by 10 points for every level & will be reset if you make a wrong
at any point in a level.

                                  Other Options

There are two unique modes of game play for the game. You can choose to have
the gravity either off or on. When two blocks are removed from the screen with
gravity on, all the blocks above them will fall into the empty spot. Blocks
won't move at all when this is turned off.

When pausing the game, you can have it minimize the game by changing it in the
Options menu.

By default, the menu system & screen changes will have a fading effect. If you
don't like the option or it doesn't work, it can be turned off in the Options

                                  Tips & Notes

For Hard, Very Hard and Insane; if you highlight a block and realize that a
move can't be made; you can un-highlight the block and you will not be
penalized in any way.

It is possible to have a game that can't be finished.

Even though there is plenty of time in the beginning levels to complete it, you
are better off trying to finish it as quickly as possible to obtain a higher
score with the bonus points.

If you have any ideas for new features for the game, let me know & I'll see if
it can be added. Several new ideas came from players like you. You'll be given
credit for ideas implemented on the last page of the help screen.

Contents of game/think/twind-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- 0490 Jan  5  2004 twind-1.1.0/AUTHORS
[generic]                 2169    6121  35.4% -lh5- f229 Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Jan  5  2004 twind-1.1.0/COPYING
[generic]                  399     657  60.7% -lh5- eded Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/CREDITS
[generic]                  420    1597  26.3% -lh5- bc64 Dec  9  2002 twind-1.1.0/graphics/background.png
[generic]                  556     589  94.4% -lh5- 4f29 Apr 30  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/beveled.png
[generic]                  246     246 100.0% -lh0- 0a9f Feb 21  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/black_l.png
[generic]                  284     284 100.0% -lh0- 32b9 Feb 21  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/black_r.png
[generic]                 1025    1113  92.1% -lh5- 87d4 Jan 29  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/bricks.png
[generic]                18957   18974  99.9% -lh5- 3389 Feb 25  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/brushed_metal.png
[generic]                11043   11043 100.0% -lh0- ccd6 Jul 22  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/circles.png
[generic]                 6878    6909  99.6% -lh5- 567d Nov  8  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/freeserif_green_20.png
[generic]                 8293    8330  99.6% -lh5- 0953 Nov  8  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/freeserif_green_24.png
[generic]                 7387    7421  99.5% -lh5- dd88 Nov  8  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/freeserif_white_20.png
[generic]                 8695    8753  99.3% -lh5- 6128 Nov  8  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/freeserif_white_24.png
[generic]                  202     202 100.0% -lh0- deca Feb 11  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/highlight1.png
[generic]                  202     202 100.0% -lh0- 6ee3 Feb 11  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/highlight2.png
[generic]                  193     193 100.0% -lh0- 51c3 Feb 11  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/highlight3.png
[generic]                  201     201 100.0% -lh0- 18c3 Feb 11  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/highlight4.png
[generic]                  168     168 100.0% -lh0- 97a5 Feb 19  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/left_mouse_highlight.png
[generic]                  290     310  93.5% -lh5- bb0d Nov 23  2002 twind-1.1.0/graphics/path_blocks.png
[generic]                 1567    1864  84.1% -lh5- 5012 Jul 22  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/pyramids.png
[generic]                  206     206 100.0% -lh0- ef5a Feb 19  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/right_mouse_highlight.png
[generic]                18630   18630 100.0% -lh0- 272e Apr 29  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/snake_skin.png
[generic]                  215     231  93.1% -lh5- 7a51 Feb  4  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/timer_empty.png
[generic]                  218     234  93.2% -lh5- 90c0 Feb  4  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/timer_empty_white.png
[generic]                  234     248  94.4% -lh5- 8839 Feb  4  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/timer_full.png
[generic]                  232     247  93.9% -lh5- ab30 Feb  4  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/timer_full_white.png
[generic]                30076   30076 100.0% -lh0- 5e6d Apr 27  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/title_big.png
[generic]                14817   14817 100.0% -lh0- c382 Apr 27  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/title_small.png
[generic]                  395     395 100.0% -lh0- e32b Mar 28  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/twind.png
[generic]                  211     211 100.0% -lh0- 165a Jul 18  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/volume_bar.png
[generic]                  154     154 100.0% -lh0- 8973 Jul 18  2003 twind-1.1.0/graphics/volume_slider.png
[generic]                  249     249 100.0% -lh0- fd02 Feb 21  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/white_l.png
[generic]                  291     291 100.0% -lh0- 3073 Feb 21  2004 twind-1.1.0/graphics/white_r.png
[generic]                   34      41  82.9% -lh5- 8ce3 Oct 29 22:21 twind-1.1.0/home/.twind.opts
[generic]                  929    1957  47.5% -lh5- 3679 Jul 15  2004 twind-1.1.0/INSTALL
[generic]                  684    1697  40.3% -lh5- 59e3 Jul  4  2004 twind-1.1.0/Makefile
[generic]                  668    1647  40.6% -lh5- 0037 Oct 29 22:01 twind-1.1.0/Makefile.morphos
[generic]              1122121 1122121 100.0% -lh0- 0952 Nov 27  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/0-0.ogg
[generic]               672632  672632 100.0% -lh0- 30c2 Nov 27  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/0-1.ogg
[generic]                70803   70803 100.0% -lh0- ecfd Jul 11  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/1-1.ogg
[generic]                27769   29385  94.5% -lh5- 76b4 Jul 13  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/1-2.ogg
[generic]                31875   33508  95.1% -lh5- 2ab9 Jul 13  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/2-1.ogg
[generic]                24835   26473  93.8% -lh5- 3dfb Jul 13  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/2-2.ogg
[generic]               134080  134080 100.0% -lh0- d476 Jul 11  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/3-1.ogg
[generic]                82702   82702 100.0% -lh0- 8942 Jul 11  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/3-2.ogg
[generic]                51805   53973  96.0% -lh5- 0ab6 Jul 13  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/4-1.ogg
[generic]                26328   27914  94.3% -lh5- a4c5 Jul 11  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/4-2.ogg
[generic]               129999  129999 100.0% -lh0- 1ece Jul  9  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/5-1.ogg
[generic]                99779   99779 100.0% -lh0- 266e Jul 14  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/5-2.ogg
[generic]               137183  137183 100.0% -lh0- 64c4 Jul 13  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/6-1.ogg
[generic]                86188   86188 100.0% -lh0- 701c Jul 11  2003 twind-1.1.0/music/6-2.ogg
[generic]                 1199    2504  47.9% -lh5- 96e0 Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/NEWS
[generic]                 2204    5391  40.9% -lh5- 224a Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/README
[generic]                  498     908  54.8% -lh5- e25e Nov 23  2000 twind-1.1.0/sound/apply_bonus.wav
[generic]                 4488   12012  37.4% -lh5- cf5b Feb 20  2002 twind-1.1.0/sound/eliminate_blocks.wav
[generic]                 3363    6770  49.7% -lh5- 4b89 Nov 23  2000 twind-1.1.0/sound/keyboard_click.wav
[generic]                  753    4908  15.3% -lh5- 00eb Nov 23  2000 twind-1.1.0/sound/menu_option.wav
[generic]                 4460   10330  43.2% -lh5- 5418 Jul 15  2003 twind-1.1.0/sound/option_choice.wav
[generic]                 3473    8428  41.2% -lh5- a42a Nov 23  2000 twind-1.1.0/sound/wrong_move.wav
[generic]                  238     369  64.5% -lh5- 8fb6 Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/TODO
[generic]               103378  309740  33.4% -lh5- 79e7 Oct 29 22:01 twind-1.1.0/twind
[generic]                 2369    5708  41.5% -lh5- 2c32 Oct 29 22:26 twind-1.1.0/twind-mos.readme
[generic]                 7161    7298  98.1% -lh5- fb01 Apr 29  2005 twind-1.1.0/
[generic]                38663  185721  20.8% -lh5- c771 Jul 16  2004 twind-1.1.0/twind.c
[generic]                   57    1579   3.6% -lh5- 18b1 Oct 29 22:21 twind-1.1.0/twind.hscr
[generic]                 5162    5162 100.0% -lh0- acca Apr 20  2005 twind-1.1.0/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        68 files 3020043 3438114  87.8%            Oct 30 15:56
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