84782 packages online
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German Jack is a Cardgame like Black Jack, but it based on 32 Cards (the
german Way to play that Game).Thats make it faster.
The new Version V 2.0 is under Construction and will get a better Grafik,
simple Cardsupport (only in IFF-Format and not in ABK-Format), more Sound
(Comments during the Game).
This Game is SHAREWARE !!!
Only 5 US-$ ! Thats realy cheap, so pay your Share please !
In April 1996 I will put a Converter, a IFF-Cardset and a new and sexy
Cardset to the Aminet. Then you can make your own Cards with a simple
Paint-Program like DPaint ore PPaint. Its really easy ! All you must be is
creativ !!! While playing you can load your Cardset with the Menupoint "Load
Cards". Thats all !
Put your Cardset into Game/Think and you don`t must pay the Share !
Write me, if you got Problems with your A500.
The Game required 2 MByte !
=============================Archiv contains================================
Original Packet Ratio Name
-------- ------ ----- ----
628 270 57.0% germanjack/cards.info
628 275 56.2% germanjack/docs.info
7189 2817 60.8% germanjack/docs/English.Guide
856 375 56.1% germanjack/docs/English.Guide.info
556468 242179 56.4% germanjack/German_Jack
289056 196804 31.9% germanjack/Jack
3077 1629 47.0% germanjack/Jack.info
628 263 58.1% germanjack/Key.info
628 270 57.0% GermanJack.info
336 195 41.9% germanjack/cards/ReadMe
856 378 55.8% germanjack/cards/ReadMe.info
11459 4811 58.0% germanjack/docs/Deutsch.Guide
856 374 56.3% germanjack/docs/Deutsch.Guide.info
-------- ------- ----- -----------------------------------
872665 450640 48.3% 13 files
Contents of game/think/GermanJack.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 270 628 43.0% -lh5- bd70 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/cards.info
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh5- f067 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/docs.info
[generic] 2817 7189 39.2% -lh5- e5fe Mar 3 1997 germanjack/docs/English.Guide
[generic] 375 856 43.8% -lh5- e914 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/docs/English.Guide.info
[generic] 242179 556468 43.5% -lh5- 013a Mar 3 1997 germanjack/German_Jack
[generic] 196804 289056 68.1% -lh5- b192 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/Jack
[generic] 1629 3077 52.9% -lh5- 8ad5 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/Jack.info
[generic] 263 628 41.9% -lh5- 1645 Mar 3 1997 germanjack/Key.info
[generic] 270 628 43.0% -lh5- 6793 Mar 3 1997 GermanJack.info
[generic] 195 336 58.0% -lh5- 0ce9 Feb 27 1996 germanjack/cards/ReadMe
[generic] 378 856 44.2% -lh5- 5872 Feb 27 1996 germanjack/cards/ReadMe.info
[generic] 4811 11459 42.0% -lh5- 0c1e Mar 3 1997 germanjack/docs/Deutsch.Guide
[generic] 374 856 43.7% -lh5- 762f Mar 3 1997 germanjack/docs/Deutsch.Guide.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 450640 872665 51.6% Mar 3 1997
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