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CyberMan V1.1
This is a very nice puzzle. Find the way out of the labyrinth. By pushing the right blocks. The game is written by a
member of our Amiga Club the AGGF (Amiga Gebruikers Groep Friesland).
The game is written in assembler and the Amigaguide is only in dutch available. But in the game there is an English
The game is public domain. But it must be spread in one archive.
=======================Archive Contents===========================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
13306 2637 80.1% 24-Aug-94 18:52:22 Cyber.iff
26550 1857 93.0% 28-Aug-94 11:51:38 Cyber.veld
156236 65002 58.3% 10-Sep-94 22:45:10 CyberMan
1891 545 71.1% 10-Sep-94 22:45:10 CyberMan.info
41728 27364 34.4% 24-Aug-94 20:02:22 reqtools.library
1544 302 80.4% 04-Mar-95 11:34:14 cyberman.guide.info
6783 2771 59.1% 21-Jun-97 16:26:04 cyberman.guide
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
248038 100478 59.4% 21-Jun-97 16:26:30 7 files
Contents of game/think/CyberMan.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2637 13306 19.8% -lh5- 0fa1 Aug 24 1994 Cyber.iff
[generic] 1857 26550 7.0% -lh5- 293e Aug 28 1994 Cyber.veld
[generic] 65002 156236 41.6% -lh5- ee72 Sep 10 1994 CyberMan
[generic] 545 1891 28.8% -lh5- b963 Sep 10 1994 CyberMan.info
[generic] 27364 41728 65.6% -lh5- 4dbf Aug 24 1994 reqtools.library
[generic] 302 1544 19.6% -lh5- defa Mar 4 1995 cyberman.guide.info
[generic] 2771 6783 40.9% -lh5- 2053 Jun 21 1997 cyberman.guide
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 100478 248038 40.5% Jul 5 1997
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