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TTT Version 1.9
TTT -- a game of three dimensional tic tac toe -- you against Amiga.
TTT is public domain and may be freely distributed.
Start TTT by clicking its icon, or from CLI type `RUN TTT'.
TTT is played on a cube with four levels. Each level has 16 squares
arranged as 4 by 4. The cube is displayed in perspective. The object
of the game is to get four marks in a row before the computer does.
Winning marks may be in ANY straight line, e.g., left-to-right,
up-and-down, front-to-back, diagonally across a level or diagonally
across the cube.
To move, point to a square and click the left mouse button.
Your move will be marked in blue. The computer will respond by flashing
its move in white. You and the computer alternate moves until someone
wins. The computer will highlight the winning row. You may then start
a new game or quit.
TTT has three menus:
New Game N
Computer Move C
Quit Q
"How to Play"
"Author Information"
New Game - start a new game.
Computer Move - tell the computer to move now.
Quit - exit the game.
Instructions - an abbreviated set of instructions.
About - who made TTT.
All of the items on the "Actions" menu have keyboard shortcuts: you
can Quit by holding down the right-Amiga key and pressing "Q", etc.
Selecting the "Instructions" or "About" menu has no effect other to
display the information.
TTT was compiled with SAS/C v6.51. It has been tested with Enforcer
and Mungwall on Release 2.1. It should work with any release, 1.0
and later, on any Amiga.
TTT may be installed in any drawer by dragging its icon there. It
requires no third-party libraries, etc.
Ron Charlton
9002 Balcor Circle
Knoxville, TN 37923 USA
Phone: (615)694-0800
Internet: charlton@cs.utk.edu
Internet: charltoncr@ornl.gov
Contents of game/think/3dTTT-1.9.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 269 628 42.8% -lh5- 9427 Nov 5 1994 3dTTT.info
[generic] 9813 16280 60.3% -lh5- 6570 Nov 5 1994 3dTTT/TTT
[generic] 1391 2855 48.7% -lh5- 36ac Nov 5 1994 3dTTT/TTT.doc
[generic] 180 351 51.3% -lh5- 8c4a Nov 5 1994 3dTTT/TTT.doc.info
[generic] 160 938 17.1% -lh5- 7b4e Nov 5 1994 3dTTT/TTT.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 11813 21052 56.1% Nov 29 1994
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