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Short:Top view car race, scroll, 1-2 players
Download:game/race/LastLap.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    2858     121 95.7% 02-Sep-92 13:01:38 +BlackPalette
   27384    9591 64.9% 02-Sep-92 12:32:28 +Car.Shapes
   13556    8331 38.5% 02-Sep-92 12:32:30 +GameOver
   17950    8114 54.7% 02-Sep-92 12:34:44 +LastlapLogo
   14892    3924 73.6% 02-Sep-92 13:11:10 +MenuBackGround
   19076    2216 88.3% 02-Sep-92 12:44:00 +MenuBlocks.Shapes
    6292    2000 68.2% 02-Sep-92 13:02:26 +RaceResults
   11766    2108 82.0% 02-Sep-92 12:31:02 +SeasonRace
    9672    3079 68.1% 02-Sep-92 12:33:52 +SeasonResults
    4014    2376 40.8% 02-Sep-92 12:28:08 +Shareware
   18536    8998 51.4% 02-Sep-92 14:01:30 +SublimeSoftwareLogo
   31852   12837 59.6% 02-Sep-92 12:48:24 +Tracks.Shapes
  146308   41785 71.4% 02-Sep-92 12:32:00 +Lastlap
    7104    2505 64.7% 02-Sep-92 12:52:54 +Lastlap.doc
     837     422 49.5% 02-Sep-92 12:23:18
     987     296 70.0% 02-Sep-92 12:24:08
    2112    1748 17.2% 02-Sep-92 12:35:38 +GameCrunch
    3264    2934 10.1% 02-Sep-92 12:30:40 +GameFastlap
    5662    5085 10.1% 02-Sep-92 12:33:32 +GameLap
    2274     808 64.4% 02-Sep-92 12:26:22 +GameMotorHigh
    1904    1049 44.9% 02-Sep-92 12:26:14 +GameMotorLow
    3630    2316 36.1% 02-Sep-92 12:35:58 +GameSkid
    3308    2915 11.8% 02-Sep-92 12:32:52 +GameTurbo
    5536    4466 19.3% 02-Sep-92 14:53:24 +GameXplos
    4310    3778 12.3% 02-Sep-92 12:31:38 +Larry.Lastlap
    2778    2331 16.0% 02-Sep-92 12:31:56 +Larry.One
    3658    3146 13.9% 02-Sep-92 12:32:08 +Larry.Race
    2798    2515 10.1% 02-Sep-92 12:32:18 +Larry.Three
    2410    2170  9.9% 02-Sep-92 12:32:24 +Larry.Two
   17502   12433 28.9% 02-Sep-92 12:38:54 +LoopTune
     950     889  6.4% 02-Sep-92 13:21:52 +MenuMove
    4164    4039  3.0% 02-Sep-92 13:06:24 +MenuSelect
   28256   26587  5.9% 02-Sep-92 12:27:18 +RaceLoop
  104032   74562 28.3% 02-Sep-92 12:45:02 +Titletune
     704     263 62.6% 02-Sep-92 12:26:58 +#1.Blocks
   30752    2353 92.3% 02-Sep-92 12:31:36 +#1.DetectionShapes
   61472   19233 68.7% 02-Sep-92 12:28:22 +#1.Shapes
     726     297 59.0% 02-Sep-92 12:27:14 +#2.Blocks
   30752    2742 91.0% 02-Sep-92 12:27:50 +#2.DetectionShapes
   61472   15353 75.0% 02-Sep-92 12:28:36 +#2.Shapes
    2721     280 89.7% 02-Sep-92 13:22:36 +1.Control
    5135    1673 67.4% 02-Sep-92 14:59:00 +1.Map
    2721     308 88.6% 02-Sep-92 12:53:06 +10.Control
    5135    1210 76.4% 02-Sep-92 12:49:16
    2721     302 88.9% 02-Sep-92 12:28:38 +2.Control
    5135    1382 73.0% 02-Sep-92 14:14:20 +2.Map
    2721     452 83.3% 02-Sep-92 12:34:56 +3.Control
    5135    1564 69.5% 02-Sep-92 12:53:12 +3.Map
    2721     376 86.1% 02-Sep-92 12:39:42 +4.Control
    5135    1210 76.4% 02-Sep-92 14:56:52 +4.Map
    2721     252 90.7% 02-Sep-92 12:43:10 +5.Control
    5135    1232 76.0% 02-Sep-92 13:28:58 +5.Map
    2721     264 90.2% 02-Sep-92 12:26:50 +6.Control
    5135    1093 78.7% 02-Sep-92 12:29:10 +6.Map
    2721     327 87.9% 02-Sep-92 12:38:52 +7.Control
    5135    1102 78.5% 02-Sep-92 13:18:02 +7.Map
    2721     326 88.0% 02-Sep-92 12:48:46 +8.Control
    5135    1041 79.7% 02-Sep-92 12:35:24 +8.Map
    2721     349 87.1% 02-Sep-92 12:56:08 +9.Control
    5135    1209 76.4% 02-Sep-92 12:42:26 +9.Map
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  796070  318667 59.9% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   60 files

Contents of game/race/LastLap.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  121    2858   4.2% -lh5- d414 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/BlackPalette
[generic]                 9591   27384  35.0% -lh5- 967d Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/Car.Shapes
[generic]                 8331   13556  61.5% -lh5- 454e Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/GameOver
[generic]                 8114   17950  45.2% -lh5- cf88 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/LastlapLogo
[generic]                 3924   14892  26.3% -lh5- ba46 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/MenuBackGround
[generic]                 2216   19076  11.6% -lh5- dcf7 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/MenuBlocks.Shapes
[generic]                 2000    6292  31.8% -lh5- 7086 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/RaceResults
[generic]                 2108   11766  17.9% -lh5- 9f5b Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/SeasonRace
[generic]                 3079    9672  31.8% -lh5- 6b05 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/SeasonResults
[generic]                 2376    4014  59.2% -lh5- b44b Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/Shareware
[generic]                 8998   18536  48.5% -lh5- ee63 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/SublimeSoftwareLogo
[generic]                12837   31852  40.3% -lh5- 53e0 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Graphics/Tracks.Shapes
[generic]                41785  146308  28.6% -lh5- 89f8 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Lastlap
[generic]                 2505    7104  35.3% -lh5- 03e1 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Lastlap.doc
[generic]                  422     837  50.4% -lh5- f835 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/
[generic]                  296     987  30.0% -lh5- 5c27 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/
[generic]                 1748    2112  82.8% -lh5- 4e92 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameCrunch
[generic]                 2934    3264  89.9% -lh5- 79da Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameFastlap
[generic]                 5085    5662  89.8% -lh5- 8aa6 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameLap
[generic]                  808    2274  35.5% -lh5- f8ac Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameMotorHigh
[generic]                 1049    1904  55.1% -lh5- 7a72 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameMotorLow
[generic]                 2316    3630  63.8% -lh5- 2dfd Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameSkid
[generic]                 2915    3308  88.1% -lh5- c4f9 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameTurbo
[generic]                 4466    5536  80.7% -lh5- af1e Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/GameXplos
[generic]                 3778    4310  87.7% -lh5- 9285 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Larry.Lastlap
[generic]                 2331    2778  83.9% -lh5- acda Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Larry.One
[generic]                 3146    3658  86.0% -lh5- effc Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Larry.Race
[generic]                 2515    2798  89.9% -lh5- 175e Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Larry.Three
[generic]                 2170    2410  90.0% -lh5- 831c Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Larry.Two
[generic]                12433   17502  71.0% -lh5- 6fcf Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/LoopTune
[generic]                  889     950  93.6% -lh5- 786d Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/MenuMove
[generic]                 4039    4164  97.0% -lh5- 2afa Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/MenuSelect
[generic]                26587   28256  94.1% -lh5- 133a Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/RaceLoop
[generic]                74562  104032  71.7% -lh5- 989b Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Sound/Titletune
[generic]                  263     704  37.4% -lh5- 7e96 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#1.Blocks
[generic]                 2353   30752   7.7% -lh5- 3d46 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#1.DetectionShapes
[generic]                19233   61472  31.3% -lh5- 6438 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#1.Shapes
[generic]                  297     726  40.9% -lh5- d5a6 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#2.Blocks
[generic]                 2742   30752   8.9% -lh5- 5ca9 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#2.DetectionShapes
[generic]                15353   61472  25.0% -lh5- 8b4e Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/#2.Shapes
[generic]                  280    2721  10.3% -lh5- 4264 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/1.Control
[generic]                 1673    5135  32.6% -lh5- a6c8 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/1.Map
[generic]                  308    2721  11.3% -lh5- 5493 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/10.Control
[generic]                 1210    5135  23.6% -lh5- 0019 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/
[generic]                  302    2721  11.1% -lh5- e6b8 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/2.Control
[generic]                 1382    5135  26.9% -lh5- 7591 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/2.Map
[generic]                  452    2721  16.6% -lh5- ef38 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/3.Control
[generic]                 1564    5135  30.5% -lh5- 009f Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/3.Map
[generic]                  376    2721  13.8% -lh5- 8025 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/4.Control
[generic]                 1210    5135  23.6% -lh5- 7d64 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/4.Map
[generic]                  252    2721   9.3% -lh5- 78d3 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/5.Control
[generic]                 1232    5135  24.0% -lh5- 5b00 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/5.Map
[generic]                  264    2721   9.7% -lh5- a8c1 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/6.Control
[generic]                 1093    5135  21.3% -lh5- 40c3 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/6.Map
[generic]                  327    2721  12.0% -lh5- f42b Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/7.Control
[generic]                 1102    5135  21.5% -lh5- b771 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/7.Map
[generic]                  326    2721  12.0% -lh5- ae70 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/8.Control
[generic]                 1041    5135  20.3% -lh5- 83ab Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/8.Map
[generic]                  349    2721  12.8% -lh5- 34d2 Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/9.Control
[generic]                 1209    5135  23.5% -lh5- 893a Sep  2  1992 LastLap/Tracks/9.Map
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files  318667  796070  40.0%            Sep  2  1995
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