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Short:Huge Upgrade to RUEDA1.3 !!
Uploader:gwj2565 risky wcslc edu
Download:game/misc/Rueda13e.lha - View contents

                |  __        __  _    __     _    __           |
                | |__) |  | |__ | \  |__|     |   __) ENHANCED |
                | |  \ |__| |__ |__\ |  |  v  | o __)          |
      __________|                                              |_________
     /                        __   ___  ___  ______                      \
     \                       /  ) /    /  /   /   /  /                   /
      \                     /__/ /__  /__/   /   /__/                   /
       \                   /__) /____/  /___/  ____/                   /
        \                                                             /
         \                 s  o  f  t  w  o  r  k  s                 /
          \             _______________________________             /
           \___________/                               \___________/ 
                       \         README FILE           /

The best wheel of fortune game out for the wonderful Amiga computer..  and
it is FREE!!  This version is my free contribution to the Amiga community,
and here are the glorious new features I have added for the ENHANCED
version of 1.3 (1.3e) :

· keyboard support!  no more mouse-to-keyboard-to-mouse-to-keyboard, etc.
· complete mouse support!  you can now click on a letter to choose it!
· major graphic face lifts.. almost all screens have been enhanced
· timer now works!  and i decided to give 30 seconds for those of you who
  can't type as fast as the programmer!  timer will give you 30 seconds on
  any computer, regardless of speed
· added 'letters used' display
· made puzzles an external txt file--see EDITING PUZZLES.TXT for editing
· added about 50 puzzles to the list, and took out old crap ones !;>
· fixed graphical wheel spinning problems (glitch on bottom)
· changed prize graphics, made a _little_ more attractive
· fixed ! ? ' - , characters for puzzles - had problems displaying them
· fixed 'mouse disappearing' problem at Play Again? prompt
· got rid of the 'i love bankrupt' problem.. made wheel spinning a little
  more 'random'
· many many other general bug fixes and algorithm enhancements (but the code
  is STILL a complete mess :)

 ______________________/                               \__________________  
                       \         EMAIL ADDRESS         /

Look for other Beaty Softworks releases on the Net... like:

                        ---->  SIMPLICITY v1  <----

Which is a cool icon collection, much different than all the
takes a different approach:  rather than make highly detailed, big .info's,
it uses a very simple and small design to save space and make using the WB
for people who don't need complicated graphics quicker.

                        ---->    DIAMONTES!   <----

This is my shareware version of Crystal Quest (classic game for the Mac)
for the Amiga!  I am in the final stages of producing this, and it has
some great graphics and animation.. but I am about to sell my 1200 for
financial reasons.  Hopefully I will work something out to keep this
great computer and finish Rueda 1.4 and Diamontes, but no promises!

Contact me at:  (don't know how long this account
                          will still be up, probably only
    -or-                  until June of '94 or so)

 Nathan Beaty 
 622 NE 11th             (permanant address, I'm always on the road but
 Newport, OR 97365        I'll check with this address often)

 - Nathan Beaty (skur)


Contents of game/misc/Rueda13e.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  268     628  42.7% -lh5- 4880 Oct 27  1992
[generic]                 9198   15152  60.7% -lh5- 5355 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/final.abk
[generic]                10767   17902  60.1% -lh5- d306 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/letters.abk
[generic]                13615   33396  40.8% -lh5- 4644 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/music1.abk
[generic]                10032   24134  41.6% -lh5- 6705 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/music2.abk
[generic]                 1007    2780  36.2% -lh5- 12fc Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/players.abk
[generic]                 2912    6098  47.8% -lh5- 416a Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/prizepick.abk
[generic]                 2115    5171  40.9% -lh5- 7442 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/puzzles.txt
[generic]                 6795   10774  63.1% -lh5- cf3b Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/rueda.abk
[generic]                 6767   11410  59.3% -lh5- a93a Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/title.abk
[generic]                 1811    6914  26.2% -lh5- eebc Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/top.abk
[generic]                   89     171  52.0% -lh5- e1ed Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/top.txt
[generic]                18074   26726  67.6% -lh5- 90ad Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/wlz.abk
[generic]                 1552    4564  34.0% -lh5- 8235 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/DATA/won.abk
[generic]                 6358   23284  27.3% -lh5- 1b63 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/PROMO.iff
[generic]                  407    1383  29.4% -lh5- bc76 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/QUICKSTART.txt
[generic]                 4285   10849  39.5% -lh5- ed49 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/README.txt
[generic]                  264     358  73.7% -lh5- 8a5f Oct 27  1992 Rueda/
[generic]                81891  136132  60.2% -lh5- 712e Oct 27  1992 Rueda/RUEDA!
[generic]                 1520    4042  37.6% -lh5- ab01 Oct 27  1992 Rueda/RUEDA!.info
[generic]                   70    3002   2.3% -lh5- 7b9e Sep 13  1993 zzz-endfile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        21 files  179797  344870  52.1%            May 25  1994
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