By Hugo Hoekstra & Michiel Pelt of
Great Effects Development
Kang Fu is an arcade platform game in which you play Klont the Kangaroo.
You have to find your lost baby kangaroos (joey's) who are spread through
the levels. Of course there are enemies, animals and objects who do not
like you that much, and try to block your way and make your quest harder.
The levels are not plain areas, they are real mazes with hidden galleries
and invisible platforms. You do not only have to find the exit,
some entrances are blocked with keys and you need the right combination
of keys to open them, so a little puzzling is also involved!
At the end of each level, you are confronted with a huge (really HUGE)
What is really exceptional about Kang Fu is that we have tried (and
succeeded !) in making it the best platform game for the 'new' generation
of Amiga's, the AGA machines. The technical specifications are really
outstanding, we managed to get up to 1000 colors on screen, in HIGHRES, and
DUAL PLAYFIELD ! Of course a game has to be smooth so we made it FULLFRAME
8 WAY SCROLLING and it is FULLFRAME on all Amiga's, not only the A4000's
but also the 2MB 1200 or CD32. And this is not just in a tiny window, the
screenmode is 640 * 280 !! Maybe you think: the Kangaroo or the enemies (or
most of it) are really small then. This is also not true, the moving
objects in the game are really big so no need for a magnifying glass here !
Are you curious already ? You don't believe it ? Well play the demo now and
make up your own mind.
The demo is a SMALL level because a big level would get (guessed it?) to BIG
to download. It is already a 6 MB LHA file!
Kang Fu is (C) 1994-96 by GREat Effects Development Den Haag, Holland.
This demo may be freely distributed but only in it's original form.
Some features are not included in this demo.
Audio tracks are not included in this demo.
Visit out website at www.greed.nl
Great Effect Development (development team)
/\LTER INTERSERVICE (distributor)