84768 packages online
game/actio/AbuseBase-1.3.lha |
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This is our port of the PC smash hit 'Abuse' by Crack dot com.
What's new:
CD Audio Replay
Starting from 1.2, the archive is split into a base archive
(this one), and a processor specific archive Abuse0x0-1.x.lha.
Just unpack the processor archive inside the Abuse directory...
Abuse should run on a 68030, but we haven't tested it on anything less
than an 060. It should run on a 030/50. Graphics boards are supported,
as well as AGA and even ECS.
Also, you need the following files:
- RTGMaster.library, available on aminet (optional)
- ixemul.library, available on ftp.ninemoons.com, and
ixnet.library for network play (available in the ixemul
- The Abuse 2.0 data files, either the registered, or the
shareware version. The shareware files are available on
http://www.crack.com, our our website
Features include:
- Internet play, even cross-platform
- Support for all PC-Addons: There are tons of extra levels on the
- Best of all: integrated Level Editor (Fully functional)
Contents of game/actio/AbuseBase-1.3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1211 2197 55.1% -lh5- 0659 Jul 9 1998 Abuse.info
[generic] 13116 32317 40.6% -lh5- 2ecc Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Abuse.guide
[generic] 1073 1720 62.4% -lh5- b7df Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Abuse.guide.info
[generic] 235 471 49.9% -lh5- e59f Jul 9 1998 Abuse/abuse.ini
[generic] 125 316 39.6% -lh5- b221 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/cd.ini
[generic] 2292 3964 57.8% -lh5- 7107 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/cdplayer.library
[generic] 241 479 50.3% -lh5- aeec Jul 9 1998 Abuse/DeathMatch Client
[generic] 1424 6589 21.6% -lh5- 5cca Jul 9 1998 Abuse/DeathMatch Client.info
[generic] 247 491 50.3% -lh5- 8191 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Deathmatch Server
[generic] 1420 6589 21.6% -lh5- a86c Jul 9 1998 Abuse/DeathMatch Server.info
[generic] 235 471 49.9% -lh5- e50c Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Editor
[generic] 1412 6578 21.5% -lh5- f3d7 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Editor.info
[generic] 9976 18668 53.4% -lh5- 407c Jul 9 1998 Abuse/GetCDID
[generic] 63993 119476 53.6% -lh5- be7d Jul 9 1998 Abuse/gtlayout.library
[generic] 4347 36532 11.9% -lh5- fce9 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/2play1.spe
[generic] 3245 32012 10.1% -lh5- d7b6 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/2play2.spe
[generic] 4500 19772 22.8% -lh5- 6a20 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/2play3.spe
[generic] 3533 33060 10.7% -lh5- c721 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/2play4.spe
[generic] 3274 32583 10.0% -lh5- 6746 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/4play1.spe
[generic] 4195 35959 11.7% -lh5- bb87 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/4play2.spe
[generic] 4340 34107 12.7% -lh5- 5259 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/4play3.spe
[generic] 4588 36003 12.7% -lh5- 7d47 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/4play4.spe
[generic] 4540 38099 11.9% -lh5- eca4 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/8play1.spe
[generic] 5052 38140 13.2% -lh5- 2039 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/8play2.spe
[generic] 3739 34489 10.8% -lh5- 3e32 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/8play3.spe
[generic] 6323 46751 13.5% -lh5- bca5 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/netlevel/8play4.spe
[generic] 41901 105764 39.6% -lh5- a529 Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Starter
[generic] 1389 6552 21.2% -lh5- 471f Jul 9 1998 Abuse/Starter.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 28 files 191966 730149 26.3% Jul 9 1998
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