84783 packages online
dev/misc/gms_sound.lha |
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Short: | Complete source to GMS sound module. |
Author: | pmanias ihug.co.nz (Paul Manias) |
Uploader: | pmanias ihug co nz (Paul Manias) |
Type: | dev/misc |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-10-28 |
Replaces: | dev/misc/gms_sound.lha |
Download: | dev/misc/gms_sound.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/gms_sound.readme |
Downloads: | 686 |
This is the complete C source code for compiling the sound module
in the Games Master System (NB: you must have installed the GMS
developer and user archives first).
Before downloading, make sure that you have read and accept the
following terms and conditions:
This source code is made available on the condition that it is only used
to further enhance the Games Master System. IT IS NOT DISTRIBUTED FOR THE
USE IN OTHER PRODUCTS. Developers may edit and re-release this source
code only in the form of its GMS module. Use of this code outside of the
module is not permitted under any circumstances.
This source code stays the copyright of DreamWorld Productions regardless
of what changes or additions are made to it by 3rd parties. A joint
copyright can be granted if the 3rd party wishes to retain some ownership
of said modifications.
In exchange for our distribution of this source code, we also ask you to
distribute the source when releasing a modified version of this module.
This is not compulsory if any additions are sensitive to 3rd party
copyrights, or if it would damage any commercial product(s).
The source has been tested for compiling with SAS/C and DiceC. You
will also require an assembler program such as Phxass.
Contents of dev/misc/gms_sound.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 670 1265 53.0% -lh5- 498f Oct 19 1998 compile_sound.txt
[generic] 1209 2368 51.1% -lh5- 819e Oct 10 1998 Sound/asmsound.o
[generic] 4940 22328 22.1% -lh5- 5592 Oct 10 1998 Sound/asmsound.s
[generic] 137 250 54.8% -lh5- 09b8 Jul 19 1998 Sound/compile.dcc
[generic] 34 34 100.0% -lh0- 6844 Jul 19 1998 Sound/compile.sas
[generic] 487 1499 32.5% -lh5- ca66 Sep 19 1998 Sound/defs.h
[generic] 1058 2838 37.3% -lh5- 1b0b Sep 17 1998 Sound/LIB_Memory.c
[generic] 117 142 82.4% -lh5- dd8d Oct 19 1998 Sound/link.scr
[generic] 148 200 74.0% -lh5- 455a Jul 18 1998 Sound/SCOPTIONS
[generic] 318 1232 25.8% -lh5- 6e15 Jul 18 1998 Sound/SND_CopyStructure.c
[generic] 1386 3188 43.5% -lh5- b728 Jul 18 1998 Sound/snd_data.c
[generic] 655 1040 63.0% -lh5- 3768 Jul 19 1998 Sound/snd_data.o
[generic] 1314 4040 32.5% -lh5- 0098 Sep 19 1998 Sound/SND_Init.c
[generic] 220 435 50.6% -lh5- a45c Jul 18 1998 Sound/SND_Misc.c
[generic] 3553 10322 34.4% -lh5- 65be Oct 6 1998 Sound/sound.c
[generic] 82 97 84.5% -lh5- 3fbd Oct 9 1997 Sound/sound.lnk
[generic] 3649 6372 57.3% -lh5- 22d7 Oct 4 1998 Sound/sound.o
[generic] 502 1031 48.7% -lh5- ed8f Jul 18 1998 distribution.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 20479 58681 34.9% Oct 28 1998
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