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Short:Powerfull & neat AutodocViewer v2.0 BETA 8! ('020 + OS3.5)
Author:ronnytennebekk at
Uploader:autodocviewer c2i net
Requires:68020, OS3.1 and CBM formated autodocs
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Released at KG'00

AutodocViewerLite v2.0 BETA 8
Copyright © 1994-2000 by Ronny Tennebekk

AutodocViewerLite is a very powerfull helptool for all
Amiga OS developers.

AutodocViewer is completely rewritten from the v1.x releases,
the concept is the same, but is has many new features.

Now it will scan each function for matching functions names
and symbols found in includes and it shows the autodoc in a
html kind of style. Making it possible to jump between autodocs
and includes with one mouse click.

This is a beta release, so there are still features missing...

Changes from BETA 7

 - If the user change the software enviroment for graphics, eg. from Picasso96
to CyberGfx
   AutodocViewer will not detect this, resulting in unknown screenmode which
   did not handle correct. Now AutodocViewer will fallback on default screen
when an
   unknown modeid are requested.

   Reported by cYBORGiNDUSTRY.

 - While removing all autodocs attached to one group ( selected from the menu ),
   menuitem and toolbar button "Add Autodocs..." became ghosted. This has now
been correct
   the user are now able to add autodocs to that group...

   Reported by Daniel Jedlicka.

 - Does not require v44 of bitmap.image any more, this has been reduced to v41.

   Requested by Jacek Rzeuski.

 - The images in ADV toolbar(s) did not support proportional image sizes, this
   been fixed, AutodocViewer will now use the largest image as default size, and
   center the others images within that boundary.

   Reported by cYBORGiNDUSTRY.

 - AutodocViewer did load all images regardless the usage of the toolbar, this
   now been fixed.

   Reported by cYBORGiNDUSTRY.

 - Some MuForce hits has been removed due to an missing null-pointer test,
   hits has been removed...

   Reported by cYBORGiNDUSTRY.

 - A minor optimization has been implemented in the processing of the
   data file. My 040/40 used 6 seconds and 694854 microseconds on my major
   configuration on about 800kb, the new optimized function does this in
   2 seconds and 434464 microseconds. In an more readable form, 275% faster.

   Requested by many users.

 - Simple string match search in the windows "Groups...", "Autodocs..." and
   implemented. When hiting any characters while one of these windows are
activated an
   requester will popup, containing an string gadget showing the string the user

 - Enforcer hits found an removed...
   - One removed in "Add Autodocs(s)..."
   - After AutodocViewer had exited, the an function in the AmigaROM made an
Enforcer hit,
     this was way traced back in AutodocViewer's source code... Hours of work

 - The user is now able to add keywords to the application. User with not to
fast computers
   can change the search priority for the keywords. The keyword at the top of is
first keyword
   to scanned the one at the end will be checked last.

 - The user can change the order of opening these windows :

   - Groups...
   - Autodocs...
   - Functions...
   - Viewer...
   - Chronicle...
   - Symbols...
   - Include...

   When AutodocViewer are launched, screenmode are changed and uniconifying

   Requested by Tomas Jacobsen.

Changes from BETA 6 release

 - Autodoc correction function...

 - And other things...

 - HTML documentation done, atleast 99%...

Changes from BETA 5 release

 - AutodocViewer are now able to "Find" and "Find Next" in the
   "Function" window... These function are also available in
   the "Function" window's toolbar.

 - After setting up an configuration and later on trying to
   removed it by hand. (Not using the "Project -> New" option)
   there were still some symbols which remained in memory.
   After 6 hours of debugging (with help from Tomas Jacobsen,
   Thanks tjompen) these bugs was removed.

 - BETA 5 release of AutodocViewerLite didn't contain an built-in
   language, this has now been corrected... Many people reported
   this mistake of mine, I didn't read the Amiga Style Guide
   thoroughly... Reported by Jens Troeger and Jens Langner

 - While getting an error message on startup, AutodocViewer
   didn't show the right information about the error, this
   has been corrected... Reported by Jacek Rzeuski.

 - When having an group named eg. "Amiga" and trying to create
   an group called "Amig", AutodocViewer reported that the group
   already existed... This has been corrected...

 - Closing "Chronicle Window" caused crashes, two bugs where found
   and removed...

 - AutodocViewer didn't remove any "Chronicle" items when the list
   exceeded the number specified as maximum. This has been

Updates and support at

Contents of dev/misc/advlite20b8.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3267    7870  41.5% -lh5- df4b Sep 12  1980 advlite20beta8/Catalogs/english/AutodocViewerLite.catalog
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[generic]                16294   22462  72.5% -lh5- 9d86 Nov 11  1999 advlite20beta8/images/autodocviewerlogo.iff
[generic]                  394     506  77.9% -lh5- 67e8 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/GroupUp.render
[generic]                  432     516  83.7% -lh5- abff Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/DeleteAutodoc.render
[generic]                  438     516  84.9% -lh5- 0c6a Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/NewAutodoc.render
[generic]                  426     514  82.9% -lh5- fb19 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/NewGroup.render
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[generic]                  417     514  81.1% -lh5- d17a Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/ViewerRescan.render
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[generic]                  376     510  73.7% -lh5- 9315 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/RenameGroup.render
[generic]                  416     514  80.9% -lh5- 7697 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/SortAutodoc.render
[generic]                  376     512  73.4% -lh5- 551c Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/SortGroup.render
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[generic]                  427     510  83.7% -lh5- c284 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/FunctionScanAll.render
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[generic]                  594    1260  47.1% -lh5- d039 May 16  1980 advlite20beta8/images/ViewerFindNext.render
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[generic]                  422     522  80.8% -lh5- 0af8 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/
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[generic]                  400     516  77.5% -lh5- 7fa0 Nov 27  1999 advlite20beta8/images/FunctionScanAll.Select
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[generic]                 4828   10092  47.8% -lh5- d16f Sep 12  1980 advlite20beta8/libs/autodoc.library
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[generic]                13667   13667 100.0% -lh0- f894 Jun 14  1980 advlite20beta8/Docs/snaps/vieweroptions.gif
[generic]                11530   11530 100.0% -lh0- f220 Jun 14  1980 advlite20beta8/Docs/snaps/viewerwindow.gif
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[generic]                20063   20063 100.0% -lh0- cd24 Oct 27  1999 advlite20beta8/Docs/autodocs/rtgmasterdoc.lha
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[generic]                 1320    5220  25.3% -lh5- 155d Sep 13  1980 advlite20beta8/Install
[generic]                 1843    2802  65.8% -lh5- 50d2 Sep 13  1980
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---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       132 files  273841  396011  69.1%            Oct  4  2000

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