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dev/misc/MakeTagBase.lha |
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Short: | Make methods and tags bases 1.15 (21.06.01) |
Author: | "Przemyslaw 'SENSEI' Gruchala" sensei box43.gnet.pl |
Uploader: | Przemyslaw 'SENSEI' Gruchala <sensei box43 gnet pl> |
Type: | dev/misc |
Version: | 1.15 (21.06.01) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-07-13 |
Requires: | OS 2.0+, any CPU |
Replaces: | dev/misc/MakeTagBase.lha |
Download: | dev/misc/MakeTagBase.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/MakeTagBase.readme |
Downloads: | 667 |
This is a small utility to create method and tag bases for BOOPSI and
MUI classes, libraries and normal applications.
This software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. Under no circumstances will the authors be liable
for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages either to
hardware or software or data loss resulting from the use of MakeTagBase.
The entire risk as to the results of MakeTagBase is assumed by the user.
MakeTagBase can work in two modes:
1) Convert string to bases mode. When you want to create new bases you
should write for example:
MakeTagBase ID BLAH
and if the ID is correct you'll receive for the example above:
Converting ID "BLAH"... Base 0x16A94880 TagBase 0x96A94880
Now you can use 'Base' as a method dummy and 'TagBase' as tag base (it's
'Base' bit or TAG_USER).
2) Convert bases to string mode. It could be useful if you forgot what
string you used to create bases, or if you'd like to check MakeTagBase
or existing bases. Example of usage:
MakeTagBase BASE 0x16A94880
Converting TagBase 0x16A94880... ID "BLAH"
The template for MakeTagBase is ID,BASE=TAGBASE where ID is a four
character long string which contains upper case A-Z and 0-9 numbers. If
other characters are present or the length is incorrect, an error will
occur. BASE=TAGBASE is a base which you would like to convert to a
string. It should start with 0x or $ if it's a hexadecimal number, and
with 0-9 if it's a decimal number. In other cases an error will occur.
You can't use ID and BASE=TAGBASE at the same time!
Note that any unused bits, like bit 31, are ignored by MakeTagBase. So
MakeTagBase BASE 0x16A94880 and MakeTagBase TAGBASE 0x96A94880 will
produce the same result.
Note that you're not allowed to use f.e. "0000" as source string
because it'll be converted to 0!!!
In making bases mode the specified string is packed to a long word
number (using special packing techniques (which you can learn on
request, but I doubt that anybody will mail me for it ;) ). In making
string mode the specified long word number is unpacked to a string.
Currently "registered" bases are:
- CMDL Base 0x18B1AA80 TagBase 0x98B1AA80 for command.library.
If you're using this utility please contact me and I'll add your base
to this list, so nobody will use the same bases as you (it's important
to create unique bases f.e. when you're writing MUI subclasses. If two
or more objects use the same base, and are placed in one group, when you
use a method or set the attributes of one of these classes on a group
object, the attribute will be set only for the top object in the group
list! In other words, it wont do what you want... It's better to think
about this in the design stage, because when everyone is using your MCC
it's too late to change anything...). "Registration" is free, so just
contact me. And always download new versions of MakeTagBase when
they're released because they could contain a more recent list of
registered bases.
Anything you want, just contact me ;).
New registered bases and bugs fixes if any.
1.15 (21.06.01):
- First public version.
- Better error handling (when there's no arguments specified it's now
reporting 'required argument missing' instead of 'wrong number of
1.1 (17.06.01):
- Cleanup the source code. Better error handling (now it's using
dos.library error codes instead of custom ones).
- No stdio printf() routines any more! It's using dos.library
instead. The result is 2.5 times smaller executable file...
- Fixed BASE=TAGBASE mode (which stopped working after using
dos.library Printf() because I used %c instead of %lc ;).
- BASE=TAGBASE now accepts several types of tagbases: if it starts
with 0x or $, base is in hexadecimal format and if first character
is between 0 and 9, base is in decimal format.
- Compiled with size optimization turned on using SAS/C v6.58.
1.01 (24.08.00):
- Some fixes are made (I don't remember what exactly).
1.0 (??.08.00):
- First internal version.
Idea, testing and main programmer:
Przemyslaw 'SENSEI' Gruchala <sensei@box43.gnet.pl>
English support:
Stephen Brookes <sbrookes@tpec.freeserve.co.uk>
Contents of dev/misc/MakeTagBase.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 987 1671 59.1% -lh5- 885c Jun 17 2001 MakeTagBase.info
[generic] 3211 5228 61.4% -lh5- 8807 Jun 20 2001 MakeTagBase/Bin/MakeTagBase
[generic] 2259 4930 45.8% -lh5- e3ad Jun 21 2001 MakeTagBase/MakeTagBase.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 6457 11829 54.6% Jul 12 2001
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