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dev/misc/Localizer1.38.lha |
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Changes since the last public release on Aminet:
Version 1.32beta (public beta)
· fixed a couple of bugs in the function scanner;
· changed the shortcut key for the search function, due to conflict with
another key;
· changed 'string' in 'pattern' in the search window;
· now checks when no text is in the pattern string gadget;
· now the scan function reports an error when it can't find anything in
the source files.
Version 1.33beta (public beta)
· now uses the NList classes by Gilles Masson.
Version 1.34beta (public beta)
· opening of the cd and ct edit windows is now faster;
· now uses TextEditor class by Allan Odgaard for editing strings;
· you can now change the active entry in both the cd and ct edit windows with
the left Amiga + cursor up/down keys.
Version 1.35beta (public beta)
· fixed a couple of lame bugs in the cd window which could cause enforcer hits
and general slow down while editing;
· now uses the BetterString class by Allan Odgaard instead of the old plain
string gadget;
· now you can't make the min lenght of the string bigger than max lenght or
viceversa any more;
· now you can add, delete, copy and drag sort entries in the edit cd window;
· when generating the catalog file, it asks if you want to skip empty entries
in the ct file. This is useful to test partially translated ct files,
because you won't get empty text for the untraslated entries, but the
default strings.
Version 1.36
· the ID string gadget is now wider;
· avoids merging .newcd and .cd files or .cd and .ct files when not necessary;
· added installer script.
Version 1.37
· the author string gadget is bigger, 120 characters;
· the preview window in both the cd and ct windows is updated automatically when
you edit the text;
· sped up opening of both the cd and ct windows;
· performed various code optimizations and cleanups.
Version 1.38
· fixed an evil bug in the ct loading code, which could corrupt the ID numbers;
· changed the shortcut keys in the cd and ct windows;
· added 2 new shortcut keys which perform the same action of the next and prev
· now the cd and ct gadgets in the main window will always be ghosted when no
newcd or cd file is available, thus avoiding possible dead locks fi they are
pressed and no file exists.
Localizer has been created to help both programmers and translators.
Here is a brief list of what Localizer can do:
· scans source files, extracts locale IDs and builds a .cd file;
· merges old and new .cd and .ct files and hilights differences for fast editing;
· builds C source files to handle locale stuff;
· search engine;
· powerful preview window;
· can add comments to each .cd ID, useful for translators;
· builds .catalog files;
· fast load/save of projects;
· bubble help for each gadget;
· quickly moves among new/changed entries for fast update of .cd and .ct files;
· and even more...
Localizer needs: 68020+, AmigaOS 3.0+, MUI 3.8+
For up to date informations go to http://intui.home.ml.org
Contents of dev/misc/Localizer1.38.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 867 1248 69.5% -lh5- 892b Mar 15 1998 Localizer.info
[generic] 618 2691 23.0% -lh5- 0342 Dec 16 1997 Localizer/Install
[generic] 1117 1648 67.8% -lh5- c6ef Mar 15 1998 Localizer/Install.info
[generic] 29536 70248 42.0% -lh5- 00ab Mar 13 1998 Localizer/Localizer
[generic] 8707 27943 31.2% -lh5- 59eb Mar 13 1998 Localizer/Localizer.guide
[generic] 913 1638 55.7% -lh5- 47bc Mar 15 1998 Localizer/Localizer.guide.info
[generic] 929 1680 55.3% -lh5- e722 Mar 15 1998 Localizer/Localizer.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 15 1998 Localizer/Projects/
[generic] 9655 19748 48.9% -lh5- f5aa Nov 19 1997 Localizer/libs/BetterString.mcc
[generic] 2869 6580 43.6% -lh5- 3627 Nov 19 1997 Localizer/libs/BetterString.mcp
[generic] 2312 4584 50.4% -lh5- 60b6 Jul 15 1997 Localizer/libs/NFloattext.mcc
[generic] 61614 119940 51.4% -lh5- 6791 Dec 15 1997 Localizer/libs/NList.mcc
[generic] 3291 6904 47.7% -lh5- 5955 Jul 15 1997 Localizer/libs/NListview.mcc
[generic] 6943 19272 36.0% -lh5- c856 Jul 15 1997 Localizer/libs/NListviews.mcp
[generic] 32534 69648 46.7% -lh5- a95a Nov 18 1997 Localizer/libs/TextEditor.mcc
[generic] 13951 32476 43.0% -lh5- b952 Nov 18 1997 Localizer/libs/TextEditor.mcp
[generic] 2133 3764 56.7% -lh5- b8a1 Feb 20 1998 localizer/libs/HotkeyString.mcc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 177989 390012 45.6% Mar 17 1998
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