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dev/misc/EasyRexxV32.lha |
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3.2 (07.Dec.95)
Ketil Hunn
Nabbetorpveien 35B
N-1632 Gamle Fredrikstad
E-Mail: Ketil.Hunn@hiMolde.no
A small and very fast shared runtime library that allows you to
add an AREXX port and AREXX commands to your application without
the need of programming.
o Define your ARexx interface using the included GUI-based
ARexx Interface Designer. The Designer can generate code
o Completely new ARexx Interface Designer:
- Font adaptable windows
- Resizable windows
- Localization. Translations for English, Deutsch, Nederlands
and Norsk are included.
- Asynchronous on-line help
- Recordable macros
- User defined graphic interface
- More ARexx commands.
o The ARexx Interface Designer generates code for these languages:
- C/C++
- E
- Modula-2
- Oberon
o Makes the parsing of AREXX messages easier than parsing DOS
prompt arguments! Uses standard DOS templates for arguments.
o Easy to use tag-based functions.
o Send AREXX messages to any named port.
o Create ARexx stems with one function call.
o The library also includes functions which makes it very easy to
add ARexx macro ability to your application. Macros can be
created, recorded and executed directly using functions in the
o Autodoc describing all functions in the library.
o Amigaguide documentation describing programming techniques and
how to use the library.
o Complete with example sources.
o The status' of the windows will now be saved in the environment file.
Thus windows that are open when saving the environment settings will
automatically be opened the next time EasyRexx is started.
o Two corrections to the Oberon source generator.
o Several corrections to the documentation and the autodoc.
o Various bug-fixes.
OS 2.04 or higher.
ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/dev/misc/EasyRexxV30.lha (261634)
Free, as long as you follow the two guidelines below:
The license is the same for all software, regardless of what type
of software the library is used in, be it commercial, freeware,
shareware or whatever as long as you:
1) Note in the program and documentation that easyrexx.library is
copyrighted 1994, 1995 Ketil Hunn.
2) You give me a copy of each version of the software which uses
the library. There should be no cost to me.
The files may be distributed as needed. That means that for
products that use the easyrexx.library, only that file needs to
be distributed. For development purposes, the library and its
documentation should be all distributed together.
Contents of dev/misc/EasyRexxV32.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 904 2357 38.4% -lh5- 13d5 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx.info
[generic] 289 1528 18.9% -lh5- 2df0 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX.info
[generic] 138 170 81.2% -lh5- 7fc6 Oct 30 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Bottom.rexx
[generic] 229 465 49.2% -lh5- 88cb Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Bottom.rexx.info
[generic] 78 81 96.3% -lh5- 1a65 Oct 30 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/NewProject.rexx
[generic] 231 465 49.7% -lh5- bb49 Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/NewProject.rexx.info
[generic] 215 303 71.0% -lh5- 78f0 Oct 30 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Sort.rexx
[generic] 233 465 50.1% -lh5- f390 Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Sort.rexx.info
[generic] 282 532 53.0% -lh5- 74e9 Oct 30 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/ToggleSwitches.rexx
[generic] 228 465 49.0% -lh5- f45d Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/ToggleSwitches.rexx.info
[generic] 125 146 85.6% -lh5- fd11 Oct 30 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Top.rexx
[generic] 234 465 50.3% -lh5- 459c Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/AREXX/Top.rexx.info
[generic] 290 1528 19.0% -lh5- 1ad8 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs.info
[generic] 289 1528 18.9% -lh5- ff3f Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Deutsch.info
[generic] 1650 3492 47.3% -lh5- 2dda Dec 5 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Deutsch/Designer.catalog
[generic] 288 1528 18.8% -lh5- 293e Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Nederlands.info
[generic] 1576 3360 46.9% -lh5- 94dd Dec 5 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Nederlands/Designer.catalog
[generic] 290 1528 19.0% -lh5- b2f0 Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Norsk.info
[generic] 1592 3334 47.8% -lh5- 749f Dec 5 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Norsk/Designer.catalog
[generic] 314 545 57.6% -lh5- 2fdd Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Translators
[generic] 225 333 67.6% -lh5- 409a Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Catalogs/Translators.info
[generic] 39537 83948 47.1% -lh5- f41d Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Designer
[generic] 497 1934 25.7% -lh5- dfef Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Designer.info
[generic] 291 1528 19.0% -lh5- 3b9e Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Docs.info
[generic] 353 573 61.6% -lh5- c577 Mar 13 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/AppList.form
[generic] 227 333 68.2% -lh5- 478b Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/AppList.form.info
[generic] 13881 53801 25.8% -lh5- c76f Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Designer.guide
[generic] 224 333 67.3% -lh5- f1e2 Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Designer.guide.info
[generic] 6866 26141 26.3% -lh5- 831b Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/EasyRexx.autodoc
[generic] 225 333 67.6% -lh5- 3f78 Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/EasyRexx.autodoc.info
[generic] 1708 4435 38.5% -lh5- 8a03 Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/History
[generic] 227 333 68.2% -lh5- f9f7 Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/History.info
[generic] 296 1528 19.4% -lh5- 17eb Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Pre WB3.0.info
[generic] 14527 50999 28.5% -lh5- 729f Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Pre WB3.0/Designer.guide
[generic] 228 333 68.5% -lh5- dc5f Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Pre WB3.0/Designer.guide.info
[generic] 12098 35554 34.0% -lh5- 72bf Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Pre WB3.0/Programming.guide
[generic] 223 333 67.0% -lh5- 59fd Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Pre WB3.0/Programming.guide.info
[generic] 11608 35747 32.5% -lh5- c4db Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/PROGRAMMING.guide
[generic] 228 333 68.5% -lh5- 9819 Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Docs/Programming.guide.info
[generic] 14313 24460 58.5% -lh5- ef5d Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/easygadgets.library
[generic] 5935 9828 60.4% -lh5- 207d Nov 17 1995 EasyRexx/easyrexx.library
[generic] 67 1304 5.1% -lh5- d7b9 Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide.font
[generic] 1579 3068 51.5% -lh5- 1676 Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide/10
[generic] 1748 3240 54.0% -lh5- 1d26 Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide/11
[generic] 1842 3428 53.7% -lh5- 4e68 Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide/12
[generic] 2005 3756 53.4% -lh5- e13a Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide/13
[generic] 1409 2816 50.0% -lh5- a8de Oct 26 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/AmigaGuide/9
[generic] 69 1564 4.4% -lh5- fab2 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall.font
[generic] 1766 3460 51.0% -lh5- 5bd7 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/11
[generic] 1797 3572 50.3% -lh5- ee46 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/12
[generic] 1860 3756 49.5% -lh5- fef8 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/13
[generic] 1959 3920 50.0% -lh5- 2185 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/14
[generic] 1604 3076 52.1% -lh5- bd94 Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/8
[generic] 1637 3176 51.5% -lh5- dcbb Feb 23 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/NewRecall/9
[generic] 31 264 11.7% -lh5- ad10 May 16 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/Windows.font
[generic] 2057 4172 49.3% -lh5- 1789 May 16 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/Windows/14
[generic] 33 264 12.5% -lh5- 74f5 May 16 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/Workbench.font
[generic] 1946 3740 52.0% -lh5- 5652 May 16 1995 EasyRexx/Fonts/Workbench/12
[generic] 294 1528 19.2% -lh5- 69fd Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Includes.info
[generic] 293 1528 19.2% -lh5- 1b64 Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/C.info
[generic] 675 3222 20.9% -lh5- 36e2 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/C/clib/EasyRexx_protos.h
[generic] 388 1094 35.5% -lh5- 79df Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/C/fd/easyrexx_lib.fd
[generic] 1891 6078 31.1% -lh5- ce9d Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/C/libraries/EasyREXX.h
[generic] 419 1543 27.2% -lh5- 8530 Nov 17 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/C/pragmas/EasyRexx_pragmas.h
[generic] 286 1528 18.7% -lh5- f6ab Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E.info
[generic] 147 280 52.5% -lh5- 4294 Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/easyrexx.m
[generic] 1692 4823 35.1% -lh5- 246a Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/libraries/easyrexx.e
[generic] 940 1862 50.5% -lh5- e067 Nov 4 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/libraries/easyrexx.m
[generic] 484 1124 43.1% -lh5- 048b Nov 4 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/libraries/easyrexx_macros.e
[generic] 427 880 48.5% -lh5- 0d64 Nov 4 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/libraries/easyrexx_macros.m
[generic] 427 725 58.9% -lh5- d5f7 Nov 19 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/ReadMe
[generic] 223 333 67.0% -lh5- d2c1 Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/E/ReadMe.info
[generic] 292 1528 19.1% -lh5- ce9f Nov 8 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2.info
[generic] 1758 6473 27.2% -lh5- 551c Nov 3 1993 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2/Assembly3.def
[generic] 88 223 39.5% -lh5- 4394 Nov 3 1993 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2/Assembly3.mod
[generic] 1665 7019 23.7% -lh5- 1a7f Nov 5 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2/EasyREXX.def
[generic] 2963 17823 16.6% -lh5- f622 Nov 5 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2/EasyRexx.mod
[generic] 906 2351 38.5% -lh5- 426d Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Modula-2/Notes.txt
[generic] 291 1528 19.0% -lh5- 707f Nov 17 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon.info
[generic] 1040 3060 34.0% -lh5- 86ad Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/obj/EasyRexx.obj
[generic] 1042 3064 34.0% -lh5- f159 Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/obj/EasyRexx.obja
[generic] 612 974 62.8% -lh5- d5e5 Nov 11 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/ReadMe
[generic] 222 333 66.7% -lh5- 4b58 Nov 17 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/ReadMe.info
[generic] 3258 7968 40.9% -lh5- cf0d Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/sym/EasyRexx.sym
[generic] 2394 8790 27.2% -lh5- 82da Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Includes/Oberon/txt/EasyRexx.mod
[generic] 289 1528 18.9% -lh5- e8c6 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Install.info
[generic] 548 1266 43.3% -lh5- b88a Nov 6 1995 EasyRexx/Install/Deutsch.info
[generic] 544 1266 43.0% -lh5- 663e Nov 6 1995 EasyRexx/Install/English.info
[generic] 4260 21385 19.9% -lh5- 51aa Dec 7 1995 EasyRexx/Install/Install
[generic] 551 1269 43.4% -lh5- a3eb Nov 6 1995 EasyRexx/Install/Nederlands.info
[generic] 542 1264 42.9% -lh5- 9822 Nov 6 1995 EasyRexx/Install/Norsk.info
[generic] 290 1528 19.0% -lh5- 9067 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Projects.info
[generic] 235 502 46.8% -lh5- 3823 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Advanced.aid
[generic] 530 1632 32.5% -lh5- 4e77 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/AmigaCue.aid
[generic] 208 324 64.2% -lh5- f111 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/ARexx.aid
[generic] 185 338 54.7% -lh5- b485 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Attributes.aid
[generic] 193 306 63.1% -lh5- 541b Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Block.aid
[generic] 456 1316 34.7% -lh5- d630 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Common.aid
[generic] 764 2380 32.1% -lh5- 6f51 Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Designer.aid
[generic] 172 256 67.2% -lh5- 6870 Nov 22 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Doc.aid
[generic] 340 776 43.8% -lh5- 7f32 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/GUI.aid
[generic] 189 272 69.5% -lh5- d6a3 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Internal.aid
[generic] 292 634 46.1% -lh5- 1fc6 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Minimum.aid
[generic] 224 446 50.2% -lh5- 8250 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Project.aid
[generic] 537 1260 42.6% -lh5- 34c2 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Recall.aid
[generic] 236 478 49.4% -lh5- b6ff Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Requesters.aid
[generic] 210 410 51.2% -lh5- b639 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Search&Replace.aid
[generic] 1235 4442 27.8% -lh5- 5894 Nov 11 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/SnoopDos.aid
[generic] 284 556 51.1% -lh5- 48d3 Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Telecom.aid
[generic] 272 514 52.9% -lh5- c42e Oct 27 1995 EasyRexx/Projects/Test-programs.aid
[generic] 1456 2608 55.8% -lh5- e0cd May 3 1995 EasyRexx/screennotify.library
[generic] 295 1528 19.3% -lh5- e7ef Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Source.info
[generic] 1734 5503 31.5% -lh5- 68a2 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ C/AShell.c
[generic] 1938 6231 31.1% -lh5- 640c Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ C/Funcs.c
[generic] 1752 5267 33.3% -lh5- b478 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ C/IDs.c
[generic] 1372 4695 29.2% -lh5- 351f Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ E/AShell.e
[generic] 1772 5971 29.7% -lh5- ec70 Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ E/Funcs.e
[generic] 1353 4278 31.6% -lh5- bc25 Nov 9 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ E/IDs.e
[generic] 2336 9588 24.4% -lh5- 8f18 Nov 5 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/AShell.mod2
[generic] 2511 11191 22.4% -lh5- 4325 Nov 4 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/Funcs.mod2
[generic] 1990 8440 23.6% -lh5- e858 Nov 30 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/Ids.mod2
[generic] 322 761 42.3% -lh5- f681 Jul 25 1993 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/Assertions0.def
[generic] 1063 3583 29.7% -lh5- c705 Jul 25 1993 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/Assertions0.mod
[generic] 576 1509 38.2% -lh5- a7d8 Jul 25 1993 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/STR0.DEF
[generic] 982 2449 40.1% -lh5- 8448 Jul 25 1993 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/Str0.mod
[generic] 702 2160 32.5% -lh5- d317 Sep 16 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/STR1.DEF
[generic] 2253 8202 27.5% -lh5- 85ba Sep 16 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/Str1.mod
[generic] 326 2602 12.5% -lh5- 53f4 Mar 3 1994 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/tagsutils.def
[generic] 863 6851 12.6% -lh5- 5ed6 Mar 3 1994 EasyRexx/Source/ Modula-2/support/TagsUtils.mod
[generic] 1790 6942 25.8% -lh5- 30d6 Nov 14 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Oberon/AShell.mod
[generic] 2170 8062 26.9% -lh5- 7a14 Nov 15 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Oberon/Funcs.mod
[generic] 1770 6497 27.2% -lh5- 3199 Nov 14 1995 EasyRexx/Source/ Oberon/IDs.mod
[generic] 5815 21588 26.9% -lh5- 9179 Nov 12 1995 EasyRexx/Source/Designer_AREXX.c
[generic] 546 1375 39.7% -lh5- 22b2 Oct 18 1995 EasyRexx/Source/Designer_AREXX.h
[generic] 297 1528 19.4% -lh5- a910 Dec 3 1995 EasyRexx/Test.info
[generic] 6146 9632 63.8% -lh5- b8ed Nov 10 1995 EasyRexx/Test/AShell
[generic] 146 465 31.4% -lh5- c8a8 Mar 13 1995 EasyRexx/Test/AShell.info
[generic] 6278 9832 63.9% -lh5- fb53 Nov 10 1995 EasyRexx/Test/Funcs
[generic] 457 1539 29.7% -lh5- 5414 Mar 13 1995 EasyRexx/Test/Funcs.info
[generic] 6216 9708 64.0% -lh5- 9cf4 Nov 10 1995 EasyRexx/Test/IDs
[generic] 458 1539 29.8% -lh5- 2258 Mar 13 1995 EasyRexx/Test/IDs.info
[generic] 553 990 55.9% -lh5- dea7 Nov 1 1995 EasyRexx/Test/test.rexx
[generic] 229 465 49.2% -lh5- 216e Mar 13 1995 EasyRexx/Test/test.rexx.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 143 files 253771 713610 35.6% Dec 9 1995
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