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Short:A framework for AmigaOS and friends
Author:Olivier Laviale
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Download:dev/gui/Feelin_os4.lha - View contents

	After an Intuition comes a Feelin.

-- FEELIN -------------------------------------------------------------------

	Feelin is an open-source object-oriented framework for the  AmigaOS  and
	its  friends (AROS, MOS and AOS4). It provides a core API available as a
	shared library, and an extensible  system  of  classes  mainly  used  to
	create and maintain applications. Feelin is made of an intuitive concept
	of classes and objects familiar to Amiga developers as well as  its  own
	concepts  such as shared objects, Dynamic IDs, XML Applications, an open
	and dynamic preference system, a crash  free  invokation  mecanism,  its
	very own memmory managements system, a message logging system...

	My goad, creating Feelin, was to offer a free, easy to use,  modern  and
	secure  object-oriented  framework  that  can  evolves on its own and be
	available to all of our scattered community.

-- HISTORY -- since 20060207 -----------------------------------------------

	Although this new release is a MAJOR update, it's still very far from my
	goals.  A  huge set of features was added, mainly related to styles, but
	unfortunately I had to disable the preference system and some classes in
	order to push a release.


		This version introduce  Atoms,  which  associate  a  unique  numeric
		representation  to  a string, making string comparison child play. I
		was previously using a Hash tables for this purpose, this method  is
		far more better.


		The preferences were already stored in CSS files since last release,
		but it was a "stupid" implementation. This updated one is still very
		limited,  since  it  doesn't  support  selectors,  but   it   finaly
		introduces pseudo classes and *real* inheritence.

		Previsouly inheritence was granted because classes attributes  where
		overriting  one  another,  which is stupid and *very* limited. Now a
		'style-cache' is created based on an object's  true  class  and  its
		inheritence.  The  'style-cache'  has  the  same  properties  as the
		previous 'associated data' technique: the style of an object  'type'
		if  decoded  only  once and shared *a lot*. For example, if you have
		1000 buttons in a window, their style is decoded  once  then  cached
		and shared with the 999 others.

		More over, there is now a *clear* distinction between attributes and
		style   properties.   For   example,   there   is   no   longer  any
		"FA_Area_Background" attribute, but a "background" property.

		Most attributes have  been  replaced  with  their  CSS  conterparts:
		"background", "border", "padding", "min-width", "max-height"... This
		version also introduce the "margin" property, which can now be  used
		to add invisible space around objects.

		Obviously as in HTML you can use multiple classes  as  style  class:
		"button confirm warn".


		Because of the new 'styles'  support,  the  Area  class  has  to  be
		rewritten.  It  is  now  a  subclass  of the Element class. Its sole
		purpose is  to  handle  low  level  graphics  such  as  backgrounds,
		palettes,  fonds...  All  'event' implementation has been moved into
		the new Widget class.


		CSS definitions where alreay used  to  define  colors,  but  it  was
		limited  to hex values (#FF00FF), HTML keywords (aqua, black...) and
		Feelin keywords (shine, fill). With this update  colors  definitions
		are complete since the functionnal rgb() is now available !


		Image specifications where defined using XML format, which was  nice
		at  the time, but I realize it was stupid and to much of a job ! Now
		images are simply defined as CSS does, with some extentions.

		Obviously you can create solid background using the  "red"  keyword,
		but  you  can  create a two color gradient using "red blue", a three
		color gradient using "red green blue", and an 'aqua style'  gradient
		using  four  colors.  Additionally  you  can define the angle of the
		gradient: "red blue 45°".

		Brushes are currently disabled, but you can  use  pictures  instead,
		and  it's as simple as this: "url(logo.png") ! CSS 'positionning' is
		completely handled as well as 'repeat'. I've  exented  specification
		which the 'multiple' keyword, which can be used to split an image in
		four states: normal, touch, focus and ghost. Finaly,  you  can  also
		'tint' a transparent image by simple adding a color specification if
		the declaration: "url(logo.png) red".


Contents of dev/gui/Feelin_os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3370    7647  44.1% -lh5- 4aca Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Alpha
[generic]                 5542   14449  38.4% -lh5- 062c Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Class1
[generic]                 5120   12677  40.4% -lh5- d0c0 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Class2
[generic]                 5767   14430  40.0% -lh5- 72fc Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/ColorCube
[generic]                 5511   14317  38.5% -lh5- b4c5 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/CrazyGauges
[generic]                 3427    8224  41.7% -lh5- cb30 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Dialog
[generic]                 4437   10693  41.5% -lh5- 9a71 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/DnD
[generic]                 4109   10025  41.0% -lh5- c24c Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/fonts
[generic]                 4142   10025  41.3% -lh5- 149b Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/FWidgetPublic
[generic]                 4374   10670  41.0% -lh5- 4c17 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Gradient
[generic]                 6641   18641  35.6% -lh5- 623d Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Lines
[generic]                 4944   12164  40.6% -lh5- c3fa Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Listview
[generic]                 5844   13463  43.4% -lh5- 102f Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/SignalHandler
[generic]                 4763   13228  36.0% -lh5- 4305 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Strings
[generic]                 3276    7496  43.7% -lh5- 877c Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/Thread
[generic]                27450   69095  39.7% -lh5- ba48 Nov  5 17:14 Feelin/demos/XMLApplication
[generic]                28337   68519  41.4% -lh5- 6cd3 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/feelin.library
[generic]                15031   36399  41.3% -lh5- f2a8 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Application.fc
[generic]                 5428   11185  48.5% -lh5- f0e7 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/AppServer.fc
[generic]                15229   33199  45.9% -lh5- 0cab Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Area.fc
[generic]                 6446   13317  48.4% -lh5- 5c44 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Balance.fc
[generic]                 4663    9949  46.9% -lh5- 4623 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Bar.fc
[generic]                10731   22615  47.5% -lh5- 0c06 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/BitMap.fc
[generic]                22284   60696  36.7% -lh5- 4f38 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Border.fc
[generic]                75515  157084  48.1% -lh5- 963e Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/CorePNG.fc
[generic]                 6179   13437  46.0% -lh5- 5a32 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/CSSDocument.fc
[generic]                 7223   15465  46.7% -lh5- 072b Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Decorator-Flatty.fc
[generic]                 1736    3852  45.1% -lh5- d558 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Decorator.fc
[generic]                 4276    9276  46.1% -lh5- 4783 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Dialog.fc
[generic]                10136   22937  44.2% -lh5- e6bb Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Display.fc
[generic]                 6102   14000  43.6% -lh5- 2d35 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Document.fc
[generic]                 3502    7625  45.9% -lh5- 35cf Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/DOSNotify.fc
[generic]                 4376    9721  45.0% -lh5- 6ffb Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Element.fc
[generic]                 4854   10799  44.9% -lh5- 16ad Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Family.fc
[generic]                 5980   16267  36.8% -lh5- 0527 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Gauge.fc
[generic]                11482   26175  43.9% -lh5- e8bf Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Group.fc
[generic]                 4431    9633  46.0% -lh5- 5886 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Image.fc
[generic]                16185   36548  44.3% -lh5- e224 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/ImageDisplay.fc
[generic]                 2434    5354  45.5% -lh5- 6c37 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Item.fc
[generic]                 4304    9224  46.7% -lh5- 6d6f Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Numeric.fc
[generic]                10357   24149  42.9% -lh5- c830 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Page.fc
[generic]                 3862    8388  46.0% -lh5- 0ade Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/PDRDocument.fc
[generic]                 4675    9710  48.1% -lh5- cc16 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Picture.fc
[generic]                 8798   20404  43.1% -lh5- aff7 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Preference.fc
[generic]                 7314   16348  44.7% -lh5- e3f6 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Prop.fc
[generic]                 5193   11224  46.3% -lh5- 6a65 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Radio.fc
[generic]                 8744   19661  44.5% -lh5- 7ff4 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Render.fc
[generic]                 3335    7079  47.1% -lh5- 0ba2 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Scale.fc
[generic]                 6377   14706  43.4% -lh5- 89b3 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Scrollbar.fc
[generic]                 8113   17420  46.6% -lh5- c3ea Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Slider.fc
[generic]                13104   29190  44.9% -lh5- da0e Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/String.fc
[generic]                 5773   11971  48.2% -lh5- f206 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Text.fc
[generic]                14041   29735  47.2% -lh5- 3a6e Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/TextDisplay.fc
[generic]                 4274    9243  46.2% -lh5- 9169 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Thread.fc
[generic]                 9732   21553  45.2% -lh5- 39d8 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Widget.fc
[generic]                13456   30857  43.6% -lh5- efbb Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/Window.fc
[generic]                10537   22636  46.5% -lh5- 139c Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/WinServer.fc
[generic]                 5636   12309  45.8% -lh5- 3c06 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/XMLApplication.fc
[generic]                 9375   20933  44.8% -lh5- e0c7 Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/XMLDocument.fc
[generic]                 6421   14154  45.4% -lh5- 47fe Nov  5 17:16 Feelin/libs/Feelin/XMLObject.fc
[generic]                 2871    5799  49.5% -lh5- f707 Nov  5 17:15 Feelin/Prefs
[generic]                11850   26882  44.1% -lh5- f826 Nov  5 17:15 Feelin/Setup
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        62 files  549419 1254871  43.8%            Dec 10 16:36
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