84782 packages online
dev/e/ced_e_scripts.lha |
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Change in Wouter's Ecompile.rexx. You can run SrcGen from CED
and automatically save's it as the same name - gui + e.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
ie (filename.gui becomes filename.e)
And auto number advance if any changes are made at time of compiling.
ie ( filename.1.e becomes filename.2.e ect)
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
4090 1461 64.2% 01-Apr-95 18:50:04 Ced_E_Scripts.guide
894 293 67.7% 01-Apr-95 18:50:14 Ced_E_Scripts.guide.info
833 473 43.2% 01-Apr-95 18:50:20 Ecompile.ced
930 504 45.8% 01-Apr-95 18:50:29 SrcGen.ced
804 82 89.8% 01-Apr-95 18:50:35 rexxcommands
2273 557 75.4% 01-Apr-95 18:50:42 Ced_E_Scripts.info
1873 898 52.0% 01-Apr-95 18:50:50 Ecompile_&_save.ced
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
11697 4268 62.4% 01-Apr-95 18:51:02 7 files
Contents of dev/e/ced_e_scripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1461 4090 35.7% -lh5- 1116 Apr 1 1995 ced_e_scripts/Ced_E_Scripts.guide
[generic] 293 894 32.8% -lh5- b096 Apr 1 1995 ced_e_scripts/Ced_E_Scripts.guide.info
[generic] 473 833 56.8% -lh5- cd8a Apr 1 1995 ced_e_scripts/s/cedscripts/Ecompile.ced
[generic] 504 930 54.2% -lh5- 3a23 Apr 1 1995 ced_e_scripts/s/cedscripts/SrcGen.ced
[generic] 82 804 10.2% -lh5- 03da Mar 30 1995 ced_e_scripts/s/RexxCommands
[generic] 557 2273 24.5% -lh5- 8963 Apr 1 1995 Ced_E_Scripts.info
[generic] 898 1873 47.9% -lh5- 5444 Mar 30 1995 ced_e_scripts/s/cedscripts/Ecompile_&_save.ced
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 4268 11697 36.5% Apr 1 1995
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