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dev/e/PsiloPlayer.lha |
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PsiloPlayer is something I just whipped together once because of my
chronically low memory and a desire to listen to modules without
loading something immense like DeliTracker. It came to be rather
compact, and surprisingly bug-free, in the end. It's by no means a
serious project, so the only reason I'm bothering to distribute it at
all is for educational purposes.
If you are an Amiga-E programmer, you'll probably get something
useful out of this, either in the way of making your E programs play
music, or in using EasyGUI. What the heck, I'll just sum up what it
can do, and you decide whether you'd like some example code (or
ready-made code if you like) for that or not.
* EasyGUI interface that supports hotkeys (through a plugin)
* Implements an EasyGUI multiple-line two-column text plugin,
though mind you it's a little inflexible for other purposes...
* Plays MED/OctaMED 4/8-channel, ProTracker, PlaySID, and
JamCracker modules
* Is a commodity (wow... great...)
* Examines the module files and outputs some info about them
* Supports XPK compression and decompression (though compression
is hardcoded to use 'SQSH.100' - no requesters...)
* Well, it reads its own tooltypes and uses ASL requesters too...
Well, I hope some of you can get something useful out of that. If
nothing else, there's a JamCracker replayer module, and some code for
making your own replayers for E. There are also modules for using the
playsid.library, which I believe nobody else have ported yet? So they
may be useful.
If you're interested in playing MED modules from your own programs,
you should also take a look at the port I made of the OctaMED 6
replayer sources, which you ought to find on the AmiNet as
dev/e/MEDModules.lha. Hopefully, they work. :-)
Comments can (if they ever get around to setting up my inet account,
which they haven't yet, so finger me first!) be mailed to
Ewige Blumenkraft!
- Petter E. Stokke
Contents of dev/e/PsiloPlayer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 679 1188 57.2% -lh5- 6a9a Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer.info
[generic] 3163 5624 56.2% -lh5- aef7 Nov 20 1995 PsiloPlayer/Libs/protracker.library
[generic] 14221 34940 40.7% -lh5- bfba Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/PsiloPlayer
[generic] 825 1685 49.0% -lh5- d8ad Feb 27 1996 PsiloPlayer/PsiloPlayer.info
[generic] 1151 2181 52.8% -lh5- a808 Mar 21 1996 PsiloPlayer/PsiloPlayer.readme
[generic] 714 1728 41.3% -lh5- cb9b Mar 21 1996 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/libraries/playsidbase.e
[generic] 563 1016 55.4% -lh5- 162a Nov 23 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/libraries/playsidbase.m
[generic] 1433 3210 44.6% -lh5- 3a6f Jan 21 1980 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/libraries/xpk.m
[generic] 3594 10897 33.0% -lh5- 7875 Nov 23 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/med/mmd.e
[generic] 1371 3174 43.2% -lh5- bb1c Nov 23 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/med/mmd.m
[generic] 1347 3641 37.0% -lh5- 37f9 Nov 23 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/med/reloc.a
[generic] 392 446 87.9% -lh5- 663b Nov 23 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/med/reloc.m
[generic] 123 188 65.4% -lh5- f447 Sep 16 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/medplayer.m
[generic] 98 150 65.3% -lh5- 1f7e Sep 16 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/octaplayer.m
[generic] 171 279 61.3% -lh5- fa4d Oct 10 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/playsid.m
[generic] 48 48 100.0% -lh0- 4ea0 Nov 16 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/protracker.m
[generic] 207 447 46.3% -lh5- dc2e Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/jamcracker.e
[generic] 289 532 54.3% -lh5- 4185 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/jamcracker.m
[generic] 1400 2354 59.5% -lh5- 6c35 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/jamcracker_replay.m
[generic] 3228 12655 25.5% -lh5- 2023 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/jamcracker_replay.s
[generic] 535 1276 41.9% -lh5- 2004 Mar 21 1996 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/README
[generic] 660 1146 57.6% -lh5- 7550 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/replayer.m
[generic] 1424 3953 36.0% -lh5- 816c Mar 21 1996 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/replayer.s
[generic] 3191 5348 59.7% -lh5- 977d Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/test
[generic] 219 326 67.2% -lh5- 7e93 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/replay/test.e
[generic] 109 135 80.7% -lh5- 9f38 Mar 16 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/Modules/xpkmaster.m
[generic] 4867 20466 23.8% -lh5- de88 Nov 24 1995 PsiloPlayer/Src/PsiloPlayer.e
[generic] 263 1005 26.2% -lh5- 5682 Mar 7 1996 1 This file is leeched from
[generic] 540 1908 28.3% -lh5- 7374 Mar 17 1996 2 Boss BBS
[generic] 335 947 35.4% -lh5- 09df Mar 17 1996 3 The WHQ for aLMAGEST
[generic] 367 1133 32.4% -lh5- 5503 Mar 18 1996 4 +47 716 716 05
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 47527 124026 38.3% Mar 22 1996
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