A collection of E modules
by Martin F. Combs
The module interval is an easy way to insert
timing into a program.
The module randomize simultaneously randomizes
Rnd and returns a seed for RndQ.
The module realf provides a substitute for
RealF until Wouter corrects the problems with
RealF, if he hasn't already.
The module writef is to be used with the
various stringf options, if and only if your
version of dos.library is new enough to have
the PutStr function.
The modules stringf20 and qstringf20 replace
StringF if and only if you have a 68020 or
above chip. They are 80 bytes smaller than
their 68000 cousins, but not noticeably
different in speed.
The qstringf modules run 15 to 20 times faster
than StringF. Without the q they run 8 or 9
times faster. These speed differences apply
only to an Amiga 1200. Your machine may and
probably will produce different results.
All the varieties of stringf produce binary
strings when the %lb option is used in the
format string.
Estuff.doc has a few tips about speeding up E
programs by inserting assembly language.
Please send comments, questions, bug reports
Martin F. Combs
2989 Sundance Circle
Las Cruces, NM 88011