84782 packages online
dev/e/FR-All.lha |
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Short: | Wildcards for commands + Listing utility V1.4 *now freeware* |
Author: | fredinou bigfoot.com (FR) |
Uploader: | |
Type: | dev/e |
Version: | 1.4 registered |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-06-26 |
Requires: | kickstart 2.0+ |
Replaces: | util/dir/All.lha |
Download: | dev/e/FR-All.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/e/FR-All.readme |
Downloads: | 657 |
All 1.4 (28.9.97) © Frédéric Rodrigues
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
What it is
Command option
CTRL-C break handling
All and AddBuffers
What you have on the registered version
Legal stuff
How to reach me ?
Go into the Overview
Have you ever dreamed :
- to do (like PC's): 1> rename *.bak *.tmp (with your AmigaDos Rename) ?
- to execute commands on files you choose in just one command ?
- to select files whose size is beetween a range ?
- to view the type of the files you list ?
- to execute a particular command on particular files (ex: 1> showiff * type
- to give the ability to all your commands to handle wildcards and multiple
arguments ?
What it is
All is a Listing utility like AmigaDos List command (better than the last).
All is also a ForEach utility like unix for (better too).
All exists in two versions : freeware and shareware (just 5 boxes).
All <files> [COM] [command string] [SIZEMIN] [number] [SIZEMAX] [number]
[DATEMIN] [datemin] [DATEMAX] [datemax] [TYPEPATTERN] [type of files] [DO]
(see : 1> All ?)
FILES/M - an infinite number of files and wildcards (when omitted, it's the
current directory)
ex: #?.doc #?.?ak myfile this.#? th[a-z]t #?[a|b|c|%]d
COM=COMMAND/K - give the command string with the % parts you want to apply
on some files; works also as a switch : if you don't specify it you will
access to the list function else the execute function
ex: com "rename %a %pfile%e"
SIZEMIN/N/K - give the minimum size the files must have
SIZEMAX/N/K - give the maximum size the files must have
DATEMIN/K - give the minimum date the files must be
DATEMAX/K - give the maximum date the files must be
TYPE=TYPEPATTERN/N/K - give the type pattern the files must be (very
usefull : with this you can choose the types of files)
ex: type 8SVX|ILBM|ANIM, type XPK#?
DO/S - execute the command string (see COMMAND)
ALL/S - recursive mode on directories
TYPESFILE/K - the file of types for different display
Command options
It's the most important part. (It's like the List lcommand of AmigaDOS)
% parts:
- %a - the filename with path (ex: ram:env/sys/input.prefs)
- %f - only the filename (ex: input.prefs)
- %v - the volume (ex: ram)
- %p - only the path (ex: env/sys)
- %m - the main part (ex: input)
- %e - the extension part (ex: .prefs)
- %d - the date
- %t - the time
- %s - the size
- %b - the number of blocks
- %c - the comment
- %r - the protection
- %y - the type of the file
- %k - the key
- %% - the "%" character
Examples of usage :
1> All RAM:env/#? COMMAND "Copy %a DF0:tmp/%p%m.tmp*nDelete %a"
Copy RAM:env/All.prefs DF0:tmp/env/All.tmp
Delete RAM:env/All.prefs
Copy RAM:env/xData.prefs DF0:tmp/env/xData.tmp
Delete RAM:env/xData.prefs
1> All RAM:#? COM "Delete %a" DO
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
RAM:All.doc Deleted
RAM:All.e Deleted
RAM:All.prefs Deleted
RAM:AllAddType Deleted
RAM:AllAddType.e Deleted
RAM:AllGetType.e Deleted
RAM:AllMakePrefs Deleted
1> All RAM: ALL
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
RAM:type.8SVX 8SVX 20 ---rwed Today 23:37:07
comment: sound data
RAM:type.AMOS AMOS 20 ---rwed Today 23:37:51
amos program
RAM:type.exe OS EXE 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.ILBM ILBM 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.info OS INFO 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.lha LHA LH5 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.mod PT-ST 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.PP20 PP DATA 20 ---rwed Today 22:38:59
RAM:type.xpk XPK NUKE 20 ---rwed Today 23:36:27
RAM:type.epu2 EPU 850 ---rwed Tomorrow 00:37:07
RAM:env/sys/printer.prefs PREF 98 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/input.prefs PREF 78 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/icontrol.prefs PREF 62 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/keyboard UNKNOWN 2 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/wbconfig.prefs PREF 54 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/printergfx.prefs PREF 72 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
16 files - 1396 bytes listed - 0 bytes free
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
RAM:type.epu2 EPU 850 ---rwed Tomorrow 00:37:07
RAM:env/sys/printer.prefs PREF 98 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/input.prefs PREF 78 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/icontrol.prefs PREF 62 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/wbconfig.prefs PREF 54 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
RAM:env/sys/printergfx.prefs PREF 72 ---rwed Today 22:32:02
6 files - 1214 bytes listed - 0 bytes free
1> All DF0:#? RAM:s/#?
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
DF0:DirectoryOpus.CLA UNKNOWN 2513 ---rw-d 01-Jul-94 16:59:28
DF0:installer UNKNOWN 265 s--rw-d 05-Mar-97 22:36:29
DF0:sauver UNKNOWN 43 s--rw-d 05-Mar-97 23:35:29
3 files - 2821 bytes listed - 7680 bytes free
RAM:s/move UNKNOWN 143 s--rwed Today 01:01:13
RAM:s/mount UNKNOWN 54 s--rwed Today 01:01:13
2 files - 197 bytes listed - 0 bytes free
1> all ram: all com "file: %a - date: %d %t - size: %s - blocks: %b - comment: %c - protection: %r - type: %y - key: %k"
file: ram:env/All.prefs - date: 16-Nov-97 17:31:15 - size: 1111 - blocks: 2 - comment: All prefs file - protection: rwed - type: PREF - key: 226828
file: ram:env/AllXPK.prefs - date: 16-Nov-97 17:31:14 - size: 2169 - blocks: 3 - comment: - protection: rwed - type: PREF - key: 219140
file: ram:c/text - date: Today 00:02:26 - size: 4016 - blocks: 4 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 230676
file: ram:c/ed - date: 16-Nov-97 17:31:23 - size: 15680 - blocks: 16 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 196620
file: ram:c/makedir - date: 11-May-95 23:23:33 - size: 464 - blocks: 1 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213748
file: ram:c/filenote - date: 11-May-95 23:23:33 - size: 784 - blocks: 1 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213628
file: ram:c/protect - date: 11-May-95 23:23:32 - size: 1064 - blocks: 2 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213508
file: ram:c/delete - date: 11-May-95 23:23:32 - size: 1440 - blocks: 2 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213388
file: ram:c/rename - date: 11-May-95 23:23:31 - size: 904 - blocks: 1 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213268
file: ram:c/copy - date: 11-May-95 23:23:31 - size: 3348 - blocks: 4 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 213148
file: ram:c/all - date: 11-May-95 23:23:30 - size: 3292 - blocks: 4 - comment: - protection: rwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 198892
file: ram:c/xpke - date: 11-May-95 23:23:29 - size: 2868 - blocks: 3 - comment: - protection: rwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 198772
file: ram:c/execute - date: 23-Mar-92 10:43:13 - size: 2780 - blocks: 3 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 199044
file: ram:c/assign - date: 23-Mar-92 10:43:11 - size: 2388 - blocks: 3 - comment: - protection: prwed - type: XPK NUKE - key: 193620
1> all t: all
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
t:type.8SVX XPK NUKE 1200 ---rwed Today 23:37:07
1 files - 1200 bytes listed - 0 bytes free
1> all t: all typesfile env:allxpk.prefs
All 1.4 (28-9-97) © Frédéric Rodrigues - Registered
Give wildcards and multiple arguments to commands + Listing utility
t:type.8SVX XPK 8SVX 2000 ---rwed Today 23:37:07
1 files - 2000 bytes listed - 0 bytes free
U have all these types !
All works with a preferences file where to place the type recognition. I
made this because I would give the possibility to add your own types or the
new types you'll discover. You do this with the AllAddType command but just
the registered users have it. So register if you want to have all options.
At the moment you have the following types :
- XPK Data (the others)
- PowerPacked DATA
- AMOS program
- AMOS bank
- AMOS sprite
- AmigaOS Executable
- AmigaOS info file
- AmigaOS font file
- AmigaOS compugraphic font file
- AmigaOS postscript font file
- AmigaOS .metric file
- AmigaOS 1.2 .info file
- epu
- ProTracker-SoundTracker
- Octamed0
- Octamed1
- Bootblock.brainfile
- PC Executable
- Amigaguide
- 8SVX (sampled sound)
- ILBM (picture format)
- ARC file
- Unix GZIP
- Pagestream document
- PCX (picture format)
- Sonix song
- Prowrite document
- Imagine object
- Imagine picture
- GPFax file
- Flow outline
- FinalCopy document
- Cando variable
- Cando deck
- FORM (the others)
- LZ
- Maxiplan document
- Page Setter document
- E modules
But you can have more (the unregistered user) : if you mail me 3 files by
type I will add it in the prefs file on a new version for free !
CTRL-C break handling
You can stop All by pressing CTRL-C. If the command in the command string
(see COMMAND option) accept a CTRL-C to break, you break this first. Another
CTRL-C will break All. So be prepared to press several times the CTRL-C to
stop the whole.
All and AddBuffers
You can speed up the listing by using :
1> Addbuffers df0: 50 (for example)
You can have a lot more speed if you don't use type recognition.
1> All DF0: ALL COM "%a"
What you have on the registered version
- the registered version is much faster
- you have AllAddType command : to add new types on the prefs file
- you have the TYPEPATTERN option working
- you have all % parts working
Legal stuff
You're a lucky guy. All is now registered free for everybody and is fully
enabled for your convenience.
It's my small contribution for the Amiga comunity.
Do Whatever u want with this.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
How to reach me ?
There was 2 years I made these proggies and never take the time to spread
it. So here it is for your convenience. Hope you will use it.
You may reach me by email if u want.
Contents of dev/e/FR-All.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3125 9876 31.6% -lh5- 9fab Nov 16 1997 All.e
[generic] 3960 11948 33.1% -lh5- c363 Jun 23 2000 All.guide
[generic] 12 12 100.0% -lh0- 89a4 Sep 26 1997 All.prefs
[generic] 1703 2804 60.7% -lh5- 5486 Jun 23 2000 AllAddType
[generic] 1078 2319 46.5% -lh5- e914 Oct 4 1997 AllAddType.e
[generic] 682 1462 46.6% -lh5- 2bdf Dec 2 1997 AllAddType.guide
[generic] 253 478 52.9% -lh5- a40c Sep 26 1997 AllGetType.e
[generic] 149 200 74.5% -lh5- bfa7 Sep 26 1997 AllInstall
[generic] 912 4637 19.7% -lh5- 2095 Oct 4 1997 AllMakePrefs
[generic] 3096 6324 49.0% -lh5- 3d89 Oct 4 1997 All
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 14970 40060 37.4% Jun 26 2000
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