Amiga E modules of many of the amiga.lib functions.
These translations are Copyright (C) 1995, Jason R. Hulance.
The original amiga.lib is Copyright (C) 1985-1992, Commodore-Amiga Inc.
You are free to use these modules in your programs, whether they are freeware
or commercial. However, if you want to distribute any of this archive you
must include it all, unmodified, together with this file.
PROC argArrayInit(str=0)
PROC argArrayDone()
PROC argInt(tt,entry,defaultval)
PROC argString(tt,entry,defaultstring)
PROC callHookA(h,obj,msg)
PROC coerceMethodA(cl,obj,msg)
PROC doMethodA(obj,msg)
PROC doSuperMethodA(cl,obj,msg)
PROC setSuperAttrsA(cl,obj,msg)
PROC freeIEvents(events)
PROC hotKey(description,port,id)
PROC invertString(str,km)
PROC invertStringRev(str,km)
PROC userFilter(tt,action_name,default_descr)
PROC addTOF(i,p,a)
PROC remTOF(i)
PROC waitbeam(pos)
PROC beginIO(ioreq)
PROC createExtIO(port,ioSize)
PROC deleteExtIO(ioReq)
PROC createStdIO(port)
PROC deleteStdIO(ioReq)
PROC newList(mlh)
PROC createPort(name,pri)
PROC deletePort(port)
PROC fastRand(num)
PROC rangeRand(num)
PROC createTask(name,pri,initPC,stackSize)
PROC deleteTask(tc)
PROC timeDelay(unit,seconds,micros)
There are also a number of test programs, which show how to use many of
the functions.
The documentation on amiga.lib serves as adequate documentation of these
functions, with the following observations:
o argArrayInit() takes only an optional string. This can be a string
of arguments like the E global "arg" (which is the default). This
string is only used if "wbmessage" is NIL, and is *altered* if used
(i.e., the result is a manipulation of the string, and so by default
"arg" will be affected). If you don't like this, pass this function
a copy of your arguments string (and be careful not to free it until
you've finished with the result of this function).
o callHookA() is like CallHookPkt() from utility.library except it does
not require the utility.library to be open!
o setSuperAttrsA() replaces the stack-based (varargs) function
SetSuperAttrs(). setSuperAttrsA() takes a pointer to a Boopsi message
as its third argument (so you would usually use a typed list).
o invertStringRev() is like InvertString() except it does not require
you to reverse the string to be inverted. See testcx.e.
o userFilter(tt, action_name, default_descr) creates a CxFilter object
with a description string taken from the tooltype defined by
"action_name" in the tooltypes array "tt" (which is usually the result
of a call to argArrayInit()). If the tooltype is not found then the
"default_descr" is used instead.
o waitbeam(pos) waits until the VBeam position is at least "pos".
o createTask() can has slightly enhanced error checking if you are
running V37+.
The main reason for the creation of these modules was my translations of the
RKRM examples. These should provide even more useful documentation.