(c) 2015-2016 Massimiliano Scarano mscarano@libero.it
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This demo is to welcome my Minimig V1.1 designed by Dennis van Weeren
and commercially manufactured by ACube Systems.
It shows how to make direct programming of the Commodore Amiga hardware using C language.
It consists of the following "old-school" effects:
- 2D stars
- copper gradients
- font text scroller
Compiled with SAS/C 6.58 and Includes release 40.13 (AmigaOS 3.1).
Source code supplied for educational purpose only.
Both .exe and .adf supplied.
It should work on any PAL Amiga, with a Motorola 68000 cpu and OCS chipset,
and whatever OS (Kickstart + Workbench) version.
Tested OK:
- Amiga Forever 2013 (WinUAE)
- Mimimig OCS, 68SEC000 / normal, 512 KB Chip, 512 KB Fast, Kickstart 1.3
- Minimig ECS, 68SEC000 / turbo, 1 MB Chip, 512 KB Fast, Kickstart 1.3
- My Minimig configuration:
Bootloader BYQ100413
FPGA core FYQ100818
ARM Firmware AYQ100818
- No optimizer options used, the demo should run at constant full frame rate (50 Hz).
- Commodore Includes 40.13 were distributed with SAS/C 6.51.