84782 packages online
demo/aga/slachrobot1.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Ready to use karate plugin and script: A living robot. Need narrator and arexx. |
Author: | www.k-fighter.net |
Uploader: | krabob free fr |
Type: | demo/aga |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2005-09-01 |
Distribution: | Aminet |
Download: | demo/aga/slachrobot1.lha - View contents | Readme: | demo/aga/slachrobot1.readme |
Downloads: | 777 |
Don't panic !
What is it ?
It is a first public release (01/09/2005) of the Slach Robot.
The Slach Robot is a plugin to add to the demo script engine karate
( http://www.k-fighter.net ) on amiga computers. It was done
by vic ferry AKA krabob/mankind (www.m4nkind.com)
Fortunately, you got the main engine in this package, including the
Robot.Fx plugin. You also need an amiga with AREXX installed on the system,
and the narrator.device stuffs from workbench 2.0 working.
To run a slach robot:
-1.First click on one of the Blue icons, it throws a robot screen.
A happy robot face will be display. Don't panic ! He is still silent.
-2.then use Amiga+M or click on the upper right of the window, to come
back to workbench. You see the robot has also opened a CLI output.
-3. click on one of the icons below: they are dos script, feeding
the robot with one or another artificial intelligence...(mf...)
-4. go back to the robot screen. you can quit it with esc key.
just watch him telling you absurdities with lips synchronisation.
what an actor !!! Hours of enjoyment !
So did you understand something ? no ? Well, actually, the karate
demo script engine plugin interface appeared to be open enough to
accept some AmigaOS stuff like arexx and the narrator speaking device.
The robot face is drawn by the k3d engine , using a Lightwave object model
to define its face. Karate 's 3D engine also know effects to make face morphs.
The robot's intelligence is managed by an "effect" provided by robot.Fx:
("ProcessRobot"), and a constructor <HRobot> can create a robot brain.
Karate cinematic parameter plugin interface was used to build parameters
that manages the eye movement according to the IA.
the narrator device was used by the IA to make the robot speak. Actually, it
natively allows to redirect lips synchronisation. this was redirected
to karate cinematic parameters (and to face morph, in real time of course).
Arexx was perfect to stand for the robot stimuli that enter the application,
and could be also used as output from the robot. (It was one time
though that through AREXX, the slach robot could be put on a IRC client,
and through it, invade the world.)
rx send english sentence
-> add a sentence to the robot
rx time minimum maximum
I don't remember, but it changes the time lapse possible
between 2 sentences.
The slach robot was build with a real iron body and played live
at the slach party5 in france, August 2004, and at the barcelona party%11,
october 2004.
A "fast contest" about redrawing the robot face was launch at the slach,
resulting all the skins you see here. (some others are in data/ )
Sources of the plugin are included anyway... enjoy all that and have fun !
Karate makes it possible (tm)
________ |m4nkind _ _
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:: ° / |/¯¯ _____ [ Karate Demo-Script Fighter ] ¯¯| /° ::
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Contents of demo/aga/slachrobot1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 359 892 40.2% -lh5- 7b1f Aug 7 2004 SlachRobot/FrenchSaidAtSlach5
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- bda9 Aug 31 23:41 SlachRobot/KraRobot!
[generic] 1176 3603 32.6% -lh5- 414f Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/KraRobot!.info
[generic] 131 254 51.6% -lh5- 60a6 Oct 29 2004 SlachRobot/SaidAtBCN11
[generic] 670 943 71.0% -lh5- 882f Sep 1 00:52 SlachRobot/SaidAtBCN11.info
[generic] 113 141 80.1% -lh5- aa83 Jul 11 2004 SlachRobot/send.rexx
[generic] 114 142 80.3% -lh5- c42a Jul 30 2004 SlachRobot/time.rexx
[generic] 669 943 70.9% -lh5- 9993 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/FrenchSaidAtSlach5.info
[generic] 1178 3603 32.7% -lh5- 6bb1 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/JGKRobot!.info
[generic] 42003 83692 50.2% -lh5- 66ff Aug 26 19:04 SlachRobot/Karate
[generic] 562 1191 47.2% -lh5- 6794 Sep 1 00:50 SlachRobot/TypicalRobotStuff
[generic] 661 943 70.1% -lh5- 1ac6 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/TypicalRobotStuff.info
[generic] 45 45 100.0% -lh0- 14c5 Sep 1 00:09 SlachRobot/wodkRobot!
[generic] 1176 3603 32.6% -lh5- ebee Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/wodkRobot!.info
[generic] 43 43 100.0% -lh0- e7ee Sep 1 00:09 SlachRobot/dpRobot!
[generic] 1175 3603 32.6% -lh5- 7506 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/dpRobot!.info
[generic] 45 45 100.0% -lh0- 0e1e Sep 1 00:10 SlachRobot/GwenRobot!
[generic] 45 45 100.0% -lh0- b577 Sep 1 00:09 SlachRobot/lunaRobot!
[generic] 1177 3603 32.7% -lh5- d0e9 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/lunaRobot!.info
[generic] 50 50 100.0% -lh0- 0027 Sep 1 00:09 SlachRobot/missBlackRobot!
[generic] 1178 3603 32.7% -lh5- 1bbc Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/missBlackRobot!.info
[generic] 1177 3603 32.7% -lh5- 7f5e Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/GwenRobot!.info
[generic] 3881 6790 57.2% -lh5- ca6a Dec 23 2001 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/Fx_robot.c.info
[generic] 3486 12389 28.1% -lh5- d37c Jul 8 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/simplerexx.c
[generic] 1206 3012 40.0% -lh5- 7133 Sep 1 1992 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/SimpleRexx.h
[generic] 1819 4815 37.8% -lh5- faed Sep 1 1992 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/SimpleRexxExample.c
[generic] 820 3595 22.8% -lh5- b34e Jul 8 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/robot.¶
[generic] 1478 1960 75.4% -lh5- bc9e Jul 8 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/robot.¶.info
[generic] 113 141 80.1% -lh5- aa83 Jul 11 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/send.rexx
[generic] 132 170 77.6% -lh5- 3a80 Jul 11 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/test.rexx
[generic] 114 142 80.3% -lh5- c42a Jul 30 2004 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/time.rexx
[generic] 674 2908 23.2% -lh5- 54ef Sep 1 00:13 SlachRobot/data/JGKrobot.txt
[generic] 22377 29426 76.0% -lh5- 5064 Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/wodk.iff
[generic] 13688 26428 51.8% -lh5- 821e Feb 17 2005 SlachRobot/Fx/Interact.Fx
[generic] 40075 83652 47.9% -lh5- 0a59 Aug 27 22:11 SlachRobot/Fx/k3d.Fx
[generic] 14932 28824 51.8% -lh5- 16b8 Aug 31 23:36 SlachRobot/Fx/robot.Fx
[generic] 44 44 100.0% -lh0- 577e Sep 1 00:09 SlachRobot/JGKRobot!
[generic] 6138 25324 24.2% -lh5- be81 Aug 31 23:35 SlachRobot/src/robot_Fx_dev/Fx_robot.c
[generic] 8065 21782 37.0% -lh5- df81 Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/DAVID.IFF
[generic] 673 2909 23.1% -lh5- 4f1e Sep 1 00:14 SlachRobot/data/lunarobot.txt
[generic] 675 2905 23.2% -lh5- 31a6 Sep 1 00:14 SlachRobot/data/missblackrobot.txt
[generic] 15863 24182 65.6% -lh5- 1ffc Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot by jgk.iff
[generic] 17585 27536 63.9% -lh5- 9431 Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot by luna.iff
[generic] 671 2900 23.1% -lh5- 8757 Sep 1 00:14 SlachRobot/data/wodkrobot.txt
[generic] 677 2914 23.2% -lh5- 63bf Sep 1 00:13 SlachRobot/data/dprobot.txt
[generic] 674 2909 23.2% -lh5- d001 Sep 1 00:15 SlachRobot/data/Gwenrobot.txt
[generic] 24119 30494 79.1% -lh5- a36f Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/rbots by 3xe.iff
[generic] 15375 24420 63.0% -lh5- 4361 Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot by boub.iff
[generic] 23293 30304 76.9% -lh5- 2fbd Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot by deepnight.iff
[generic] 22253 29666 75.0% -lh5- 866d Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot by gwen.iff
[generic] 6940 20556 33.8% -lh5- 1a7a Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/brainbug.iff
[generic] 8488 20644 41.1% -lh5- f2ff Aug 6 2004 SlachRobot/data/missblack.iff
[generic] 671 2908 23.1% -lh5- 70ef Aug 4 2004 SlachRobot/data/robot.txt
[generic] 1119 6882 16.3% -lh5- ad94 Jul 14 2004 SlachRobot/data/robotface.lwo
[generic] 9089 27798 32.7% -lh5- 9a7c Jul 14 2004 SlachRobot/data/robotfacegfx.iff
[generic] 1902 4528 42.0% -lh5- 37f2 Sep 1 00:45 SlachRobot/README.txt
[generic] 1835 2773 66.2% -lh5- 6ceb Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot/README.txt.info
[generic] 8732 13373 65.3% -lh5- 01b9 Sep 1 00:46 SlachRobot.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 58 files 333464 646634 51.6% Sep 1 15:22
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